Questions for Chapter 2 Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes

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ChapterQuestions for Chapter 2 Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes
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Chapter 2 Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes Questions and Answers for Grade 6 Social Social Science (Geography)(Geography)

Find below Important MCQ-based objective questions for Chapter 2 Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes prepared for CBSE students. All the syllabus of Grade 6 Social Science (Geography) Chapter 2 Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes is covered with questions and answers. Each question is explained with a detailed solution. The entire syllabus of Chapter 2 Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes is covered in the following worksheet for Grade 6 Social Science (Geography). For NCERT solutions for class 6 Geography check the HT page and do solve more worksheets for class 6

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Grade 6 Social Science (Geography) Chapter 2 Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes Questions & Answer Set-1

Geography - MCQ on Globe-Latitudes and Longitudes

Class VI

Q.1 Globe is a _____________ of the earth.

a. Sketch.

b. True model.

c. Plan.

d. Imaginary model.



Explanation: Globe is the representative of the earth. Therefore it is a true model of the earth.

Q.2 A needle is fixed through a globe in a tilted manner, which is called its _______.

a. Axis

b. Path

c. Way

d. Orbit



Explanation: The two points through which the needle passes are the North Pole and the South Pole. The needle is fixed through the globe in a tilted manner, which is called its Axis.

Q.3 In how many equal parts earth is divided by the equator?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4



Explanation: Earth is divided into 2 equal parts by the equator which passes at 00 latitude. Above the equator is the northern hemisphere and below the equator is the southern hemisphere.

Q.4 Why is the equator important?

a. To locate people.

b. To locate sun.

c. To locate places.

d. To locate planets.



Explanation: The equator is important to locate places. With the help of the latitudes and longitudes, exact location of a place can be found.

Q.5 Equator is a ____________ line.

a. Circular

b. Straight

c. Curved

d. Tilted



Explanation: Equator is an imaginary circular line which divides the earth into 2 equal parts and passes at 00 latitude.

Q.6 How is the latitude measured?

a. In degree centigrade.

b. In degrees.

c. In km.

d. In light years.



Explanation: Latitudes are imaginary lines running parallel to the equator. The latitude is measured in degrees.

Q.7 The distance between the meridians of longitudes is measured in _________.

a. Degree of latitude.

b. Degree of longitude.

c. Centigrade of latitude.

d. Centigrade of longitude.



Explanation: Longitudes are the imaginary lines running from North Pole to South Pole. The distance between the meridians of longitudes is measured in degree of longitude.

Q.8 What is the distance from the equator to either of the poles?

a. One fourth of the circle.

b. Half of the circle.

c. Three fourth of the circle.

d. One tenth of the circle.



Explanation: The distance from the equator to the either of the poles is one fourth of a circle round the earth. 1/4 th of 3600 is 900 that is where the north and the south poles are located.

Q.9 North Pole has a value/degree of ____________.

a. 00 N

b. 900 N

c. 1800 N

d. 3600 N



Explanation: North Pole is in northern hemisphere. It has a value of 900 N.

Q.10 North Pole is in ____________ hemisphere.

a. Southern

b. Eastern

c. Western

d. Northern



Explanation: North Pole is in northern hemisphere at 9O0 N.

Q.11 A true model of the earth is a _____________ .

a. Map

b. Sketch

c. Plan

d. Globe



Explanation: Globe is a true model of the earth. You can see the axis, the tilt, the imaginary lines etc.

Q.12 How is the south direction is denoted?

a. S0

b. St

c. S

d. Sh



Explanation: South is denoted by the letter S.

Q.13 At what latitude does the Tropic of Cancer lie?

a. 00

b. 23½0 N

c. 66½0 N

d. 900 N



Explanation: Tropic of Cancer is in the northern hemisphere. It is above the equator and lies at 23½0N.

Q.14 The Arctic circle lies __________ of the equator.

a. North

b. South

c. East

d. West



Explanation: Arctic circle lies north of equator and is at 66½0 N.

Q.15 North Temperate Zone lies between __________.

a. 00 N - 23½0 N

b. 100 N - 23½0 N

c. 23½0 N - 66½0 N

d. 33½0 N - 66½0 N



Explanation: North Temperate Zone lies between23½0 N - 66½0 N.

Grade 6 Social Science (Geography) Chapter 2 Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes Questions & Answer Set-2

Q.16 When is the mid day sun exactly overhead on all latitudes between Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn?

a. At least once a year.

b. At least twice a year.

c. At least thrice a year.

d. Always.



Explanation: The mid day sun is exactly overhead on all latitudes between Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn at least once a year.

Q.17 At what degree is the equator located?

a. 00

b. 100

c. 200

d. 300



Explanation: The equator is located at 00 and divides the earth into two equal halves.

Q.18 Where is the British Royal Observatory located?

a. Allahabad

b. Greenwich

c. Karachi

d. New York



Explanation: The British Royal Observatory located is located in Greenwich, in England.

Q.19 Where does the Prime Meridian pass through?

a. Allahabad

b. New York

c. Karachi

d. Greenwich



Explanation: The Prime Meridian passes through Greenwich which is at 00 longitude.

Q.20 Longitudes east of Greenwich are followed by which letter?

a. E

b. N

c. S

d. W



Explanation: Longitudes east of Greenwich are followed by letter E for e.g. 1600 E.

Q.21 South Pole has a value of _____.

a. 00 S

b. 900 S

c. 1800 S

d. 3600 S



Explanation: South Pole lies in the southern hemisphere and has a value of 900 S.

Q.22 What is the climate between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole?

a. Very hot and very cold.

b. Very hot.

c. Very cold.

d. Very humid.



Explanation: Area between the Artic Circle and the North Pole is very cold because the sunrays are slanting when they reach there.

Q.23 What is the area between the Tropic of Capricorn and Tropic of Cancer called?

a. Torrid Zone

b. Temperate Zone

c. Frigid Zone

d. Polar Zone



Explanation: Area between the Tropic of Capricorn and Tropic of Cancer is called Torrid Zone. These areas are near the equator hence they are very hot.

Q.24 At what latitude does the Tropic of Capricorn lie?

a. 230S

b. 23½0S

c. 26½0S

d. 26½0S



Explanation: Tropic of Capricorn is in the southern hemisphere and lies at 23½0 S.

Q.25 At what latitude does the Antarctic Circle lie?

a. 560S

b. 56½0S

c. 660S

d. 66½0S



Explanation: Antarctic Circle is in the southern hemisphere and lies at 66½0 S.

Q.26 The Antarctic circle lies __________ of equator?

a. North

b. South

c. East

d. West



Explanation: Antarctic Circle lies south of equator at 66½0 S.

Q.27 South Temperate Zone lies between __________?

a. 00S - 23 ½0S

b. 100S - 23½0S

c. 230S - 660 S

d. 23½0S - 66½0S



Explanation: South Temperate Zone lies between23 ½0 S - 66 ½0 S. This is between Tropic of Capricorn and Antarctic Circle.

Q.28 How do the sun rays fall on the poles?

a. Slanting

b. Straight

c. Curved

d. Parabolic



Explanation: The sunrays fall slanting on the poles, so it receives less heat.

Q.29 What is the best way to measure time?

a. Movement of the earth.

b. Movement of the wind.

c. Movement of the watch.

d. Movement of the hourglass.



Explanation: The best way to measure to measure time is the movement of the earth, moon and stars.

Q.30 Local time can be understood by_______________.

a. Shadows cast by the stars.

b. Shadows cast by the mountains.

c. Shadows cast by the buildings.

d. Shadows cast by the Sun.



Explanation: Length of the shadow is the shortest at noon and longest at sunrise and sunset.

Grade 6 Social Science (Geography) Chapter 2 Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes Questions & Answer Set-3

Q.31 The shadow cast by the sun is __________ at noon.

a. Shortest

b. Thinnest

c. Longest

d. Thickest



Explanation: The shadow cast by the sun is shortest at noon, when the Sun is overhead.

Q.32 The shadow cast by the sun is __________ at sunrise.

a. Shortest

b. Thinnest

c. Longest

d. Thickest



Explanation: The shadow cast by the sun is longest at sunrise because the Sunrays are slanting.

Q.33 Where are the meridians of 1800 E and 1800 W located?

a. Far away from each other.

b. Neighbouring each other.

c. They are the same line.

d. They do not exist.



Explanation: The meridians of 1800 E and 1800 W are the same line starting from 00 longitude.

Q.34 Each degree of longitude is further divided into _____________.

a. Minutes

b. Hours

c. Days

d. Months



Explanation: Each degree of longitude is further divided intominutes.

Q.35 Longitude is _____________lines running from pole to pole.

a. Straight

b. Semi circular

c. Circular

d. Angular



Explanation: Longitude is semi circular lines running from North Pole to South Pole.

Q.36 Where do all the meridians meet?

a. At the equator.

b. They do not meet.

c. In middle of the earth.

d. At the poles.



Explanation: All the meridians are of equal length and they meet at the poles.

Q.37 The distance between the longitudes __________ towards the poles?

a. Decreases

b. Increases

c. Remains the same.

d. Fluctuates



Explanation: It is because of the shape of the earth.

Q.38 All meridians are of equal ___________.

a. Breadth

b. Height

c. Length

d. Depth



Explanation: Unlike parallel of latitudes, all meridians are of equal length.

Q.39 What is the network of longitudes and latitudes called?

a. Zone

b. Grid

c. Web

d. Area



Explanation: The network of longitudes and latitudes is called a Grid. Through the grid we can locate the places.

Q.40 Which longitude is treated as the standard meridian in India?

a. 820 30’E

b. 840 30’E

c. 860 30’E

d. 970 30’E



Explanation: In India 820 30’E is treated as the standard meridian which passes through Mirzapur.

Q.41 What will be the time difference between the eastern most and western most parts of India if standard meridian is not adopted?

a. 45 minutes.

b. 1 hour.

c. 1 hour 30 minutes.

d. 1 hour 45 minutes.



Explanation: There is a distance of 300 between East and West India. For each degree the time calculated is 4 minutes. Therefore, the time difference between the eastern most and western most parts of India will be 1 hour 45 minutes, if standard meridian is not adopted.

Q.42 How much time does the earth take to rotate 3600?

a. 24 hours.

b. 1 week.

c. 1 fortnight.

d. 1 month.



Explanation: The earth rotates 3600 or one complete rotation on its axis in 24 hours.

Q.43 How many degrees does the earth rotate in one hour?

a. 5 degrees.

b. 10 degrees.

c. 15 degrees.

d. 20 degrees.



Explanation: The earth rotates 15 degrees in one hour. (3600 divided by 24 hours)

Q.44 How much time does the earth take to rotate one degree?

a. 4 minutes.

b. 15 minutes.

c. 24 minutes.

d. 60 minutes.



Explanation: The earth takes 4 minutes to rotate 1 degree.

Q.45 What time of the day will be at 1800, when it is 12 Noon at Greenwich?

a. Morning

b. Afternoon

c. Evening

d. Midnight



Explanation: It will be midnight at 1800 when it is 12 noon at Greenwich as they are just opposite to each other.

Q.46 At 150 west of Greenwich, the time will be behind Greenwich time by _________________?

a. One hour.

b. One hour 15 minutes.

c. One hour 30 minutes.

d. Two hours.



Explanation: At 150 west of Greenwich, the time will be behind Greenwich Time by one hour. The 24 time zones of the Earth are of 1 hour each. Each of the time zones of the Earth covers 15° of longitude.

Q.47 India is ahead of GMT by _________________?

a. 3 hour 30 minutes.

b. 4 hour 30 minutes.

c. 5 hour 30 minutes.

d. 6 hour 30 minutes.



Explanation: India is ahead of GMT by5 hour 30 minutes because India is east of GMT.

Q.48 What does GMT stand for?

a. Greenwich Meridian Time.

b. Greenwich Mean Time.

c. Greenwich More Time.

d. Greenwich Many Time.



Explanation: GMT stands for Greenwich Mean Time. The standard time for the world is taken as GMT.

Q.49 India lies between ________________latitudes?

a. 6°4' N and 35°6' N

b. 7°4' N and 36°6' N

c. 8°4' N and 37°6' N

d. 9°4' N and 38°6' N



Explanation: India lies between 8°4' N and 37°6' N latitudes.

Q.50 Which is the eastern most longitude of India?

a. 97°E

b. 98°E

c. 99°E

d. 100°E



Explanation: 97°E is the eastern most longitude of India.

Grade 6 Social Science (Geography) Chapter 2 Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes Questions & Answer Set-4

Q.51 What is the shape of the Earth?

a. Round

b. Circular

c. Oblong

d. Geoid



Explanation: The shape of the Earth is Geoid, flat at the poles and bulging from the centre.

Q.52 The 24 time zones of the Earth are of _________ hours each?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4



Explanation: The 24 time zones of the Earth are of 1 hour each. Each of the time zones of the Earth covers 15° of longitude.

Q.53 Each of the time zones of the Earth covers _________ of longitude?

a. 15°

b. 24°

c. 36°

d. 90°



Explanation: The earth is divided into 24 time zones. Each of the time zones of the Earth covers 15° of longitude.

Q.54 900 S marks the __________.

a. South Pole

b. Tropic of Capricorn

c. Tropic of Cancer

d. North Pole



Explanation: 900 S marks the South Pole.

Q.55 The length of the latitudes __________ towards the poles?

a. Increases

b. Decreases

c. Remains same

d. Fluctuates



Explanation: The length of the latitudes decreases towards the poles due to the shape of the earth.

Q.56 900 N marks the __________.

a. South Pole

b. Tropic of Capricorn

c. Tropic of Cancer

d. North Pole



Explanation: 900 N marks the North Pole.

Q.57 What is climate in the Temperate Zone?

a. Very hot

b. Very cold

c. Moderate

d. Very humid



Explanation: The climate in the Temperate Zone is moderate as it is away from the equator.

Q.58 What time of the day it is when the sun is at highest point in the sky?

a. Morning

b. Mid-day

c. Evening

d. Night



Explanation: At mid-daythe sun is at the highest point in the sky and the sun rays fall directly overhead.

Q.59 South Pole is in the ________ hemisphere.

a. Southern

b. Eastern

c. Western

d. Northern



Explanation: South Pole is in southern hemisphere at 9O0 S.

Q.60 Each minute of longitude is further divided into _____________.

a. Degrees

b. Zones

c. Seconds

d. Planes



Explanation: Each degree is divided into minutes and each minute of longitude is further divided intoseconds.

Q.61 When is globe useful?

a. To study the earth in parts.

b. To study the earth in motion.

c. To study the earth as a whole.

d. To study the earth from space.



Explanation: A globe is useful when we want to study the earth as a whole as we can see the water bodies, the axis, the tilt and the location of the countries on the globe.

Q.62 What can we find out by measuring the angle of the pole star?

a. Distance from the equator

b. Standard time of a place

c. Latitude of a place

d. Length of a place



Explanation: By measuring the angle of the pole star, one can find out the latitude of a place.

Q.63 What is one fourth of 3600?

a. 400

b. 600

c. 800

d. 900



Explanation: 360 divided by 4 is equal to 90.

Q.64 From which meridian do we count 1800 eastwards and 1800 westwards?

a. Prime meridian

b. Indian meridian

c. Tropic of Cancer

d. Tropic of Capricorn



Explanation: Its value is 00.

Q.65 What lies between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole?

a. Torrid zone

b. Temperate zone

c. Frigid zone

d. Equatorial zone



Explanation: It remains cold and has permanent ice cover.

Q.66 Which of the following statements is correct?

i) Torrid zone is near the equator.

ii) Torrid zone is the hottest zone.

iii) Torrid zone is between 23 ½0 N to 66 ½0 N.

iv) Torrid zone receives slanting sun rays through out the year.

a. i and ii

b. i and iii

c. ii and iii

d. ii and iv



Explanation: Torrid zone lies between 00 to 23 ½0 North and South of equator. It receives direct sun rays so it is very hot.

Q.67 Hyderabad in Pakistan and Allahabad in India are situated at which latitude?

a. 15025’N

b. 25025’N

c. 35025’N

d. 45025’N



Explanation: In order to find the exact location, we must find out how far east or west these places are from meridian of longitude.

Q.68 What happens to the angle of the sunrays as it moves towards the poles?

a. It fluctuates

b. It remains same

c. It increases

d. It decreases



Explanation: The angle keeps on decreasing.

Q.69 The places east of Greenwich are _________ Greenwich time.

a. Parallel to

b. Same as

c. Ahead of

d. Behind the



Explanation: It is because the earth rotates from west to east.

Q.70 If it is 12 PM at Greenwich, then what time it will be at 150 E?

a. 11 AM

b. 12 AM

c. 1 PM

d. 2 PM



Explanation: The earth rotates 3600 in 24 hours or 150 in an hour.

Q.71 If it is 12 PM at Greenwich, then what time it will be at 150 W?

a. 11 AM

b. 12 AM

c. 1 PM

d. 2 PM



Explanation: West of Greenwich is behind Greenwich time. For 150 W it will be 1 hour behind.

Q.72 Why doesn’t the mid-day sun never shine overhead on any latitude beyond the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn?

a. The angle of the sunrays keeps increasing.

b. The angle of the sunrays keeps decreasing.

c. The sunrays don’t reach other latitudes.

d. The torrid zone comes in between.



Explanation: The angle of the sunrays keeps decreasing as it moves away from the equator.