Questions for Chapter 3 Motions of the Earth

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Chapter 3 Motions of the Earth Questions and Answers for Grade 6 Social Science (Geography)

Find below Important MCQ-based objective questions for Chapter 3 Motions of the Earth prepared for CBSE students. All the syllabus of Grade 6 Social Science (Geography) Chapter 3 Motions of the Earth is covered with questions and answers. Each question is explained with a detailed solution. The entire syllabus of Chapter 3 Motions of the Earth is covered in the following worksheet for Grade 6 Social Science (Geography). For NCERT solutions for class 6 Geography check the HT page and do solve more worksheets for class 6

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Grade 6 Social Science (Geography) Chapter 3 Motions of the Earth Questions & Answer Set-1

Geography - MCQ on Motions Of The Earth

Class VI

Q.1 What is the motion of the earth around the Sun on its orbit is called?

a. Revolution

b. Rotation

c. Illumination

d. Inclination



Explanation: Revolution is the motion of the earth around the Sun on its orbit.

Q.2 What is the motion of the earth on its axis called?

a. Revolution

b. Rotation

c. Illumination

d. Inclination



Explanation: Rotation is the motion of the earth on its axis.

Q.3 Due to the ________ shape of the earth, only half of it gets light from the Sun at a time.

a. Spherical

b. Square

c. Rectangular

d. Triangular



Explanation: Earth is Geoid in shape. Due to the spherical shape of the earth, only half of it gets light from the Sun at a time.

Q.4 The period of rotation of the earth is known as _____.

a. Sun day

b. Planet day

c. Earth day

d. Star day



Explanation: The period of rotation of the earth is known as Earth Day.

Q.5 What would happen if the earth do not rotate?

a. Animals would die.

b. Sun would not give light.

c. Plants would die.

d. Life would not have been possible.



Explanation: Life would not have been possible if the earth would not rotate because day and night would not happen.

Q.6 We consider 365 days to calculate one year, how many hours do we ignore?

a. 3 hours

b. 6 hours

c. 9 hours

d. 12 hours



Explanation: We consider 365 days to calculate one year, but we ignore 6 hours for the sake of convenience.

Q.7 The surplus day of the leap year is added to which month?

a. February

b. March

c. April

d. May



Explanation: The surplus day of the leap year is added to the month of February thus making it of 29 days.

Q.8 Leap year comes every _______ year.

a. 2nd

b. 3rd

c. 4th

d. 5th



Explanation: After adding 6 hours for four years, we get one day extra in the fourth year, so leap year comes after every 4th year.

Q.9 How many days does the month of February has in a Leap year?

a. 28 days

b. 29 days

c. 30 days

d. 31 days



Explanation: The surplus day of the leap year is added to the month of February thus making it of 29 days.

Q.10 Throughout its orbit, the earth is inclined in the _______ direction.

a. Different

b. North

c. South

d. Same



Explanation: Throughout its orbit, the earth is inclined in the same direction. Therefore there is equal distribution of temperature in both the hemisphere.

Q.11 Why is 6 hours ignored while calculating a year?

a. For sake of convenience.

b. To teach the children easily.

c. So that next year comes quickly.

d. For religious purposes.



Explanation: 6 hours ignored while calculating a year for sake of convenience.

Q.12 The imaginary line passing from north to South Pole is called _______.

a. Orbit

b. Plane

c. Axis

d. Path



Explanation: The earth rotates on its axis.

Q.13 Where does the rays of the sun fall directly on 21st June?

a. Tropic of Capricorn.

b. Tropic of Cancer.

c. South Pole.

d. North Pole.



Explanation: The rays of the sun fall directly at Tropic of Cancer on 21st June. It is the longest day.

Q.14 Why do the areas near the poles receive less heat?

a. Rays of the sun are straight.

b. Rays of the sun are curved.

c. Rays of the sun are parabolic.

d. Rays of the sun are slanting.



Explanation: Slanting rays take more time to reach the poles and thus they have less heat.

Q.15 What is it called when it is summer season in Northern Hemisphere and winter season in Southern Hemisphere?

a. Summer solstice.

b. Summer season.

c. Winter solstice.

d. Winter season.



Explanation: When it is summer season in Northern Hemisphere and winter season in Southern Hemisphere, it is called Summer solstice.

Grade 6 Social Science (Geography) Chapter 3 Motions of the Earth Questions & Answer Set-2

Q.16 Where does the rays of the sun fall directly on 22nd December?

a. Tropic of Capricorn.

b. Tropic of Cancer.

c. South Pole.

d. North Pole.



Explanation: The rays of the sun fall directly at Tropic of Capricorn on 22nd December. It is winter solstice.

Q.17 On 22nd December, ________ tilts towards the sun.

a. Tropic of Capricorn.

b. Tropic of Cancer.

c. South Pole.

d. North Pole.



Explanation: On 22nd December, South Pole tilts towards the Sun; therefore it is summers in southern hemisphere.

Q.18 Tropic of Cancer lies at ________.

a. 23 ½ 0 N

b. 26 ½ 0 N

c. 29 ½ 0 N

d. 32 ½ 0 N



Explanation: Tropic of Cancer lies at 23 ½ 0 N in northern hemisphere.

Q.19 In which season is Christmas celebrated in Australia?

a. Autumn season.

b. Spring season.

c. Summer season.

d. Winter season.



Explanation: Christmas is celebrated in Australia in summer season as in December it is summer solstice in southern hemisphere.

Q.20 What is the position of the earth called when it is winter season in Northern Hemisphere and summer season in Southern Hemisphere?

a. Summer Solstice.

b. Summer season.

c. Winter Solstice.

d. Winter season.



Explanation: The position of the earth when it is winter season in Northern Hemisphere and summer season in Southern Hemisphere is called Winter Solstice.

Q.21 On 21st June, ________ tilts towards the Sun.

a. Tropic of Capricorn.

b. Tropic of Cancer.

c. South Pole.

d. North Pole.



Explanation: On 21st June, North Pole tilts towards the Sun. It is the longest day in the northern hemisphere.

Q.22 Tropic of Capricorn lies at ________.

a. 23 ½ 0 S

b. 26 ½ 0 S

c. 29 ½ 0 S

d. 32 ½ 0 S



Explanation: Tropic of Capricorn lies at 23 ½ 0S. It is in the southern hemisphere.

Q.23 Which season is there in northern hemisphere on 21st march?

a. Autumn season.

b. Spring season.

c. Summer season.

d. Winter season.



Explanation: Spring season is in the northern hemisphere on 21st march and autumn is in the southern hemisphere.

Q.24 Which season is there in southern hemisphere on 21st march?

a. Autumn season.

b. Spring season.

c. Summer season.

d. Winter season.



Explanation: Autumn season is in the southern hemisphere on 21st march and it is spring season is in the northern hemisphere.

Q.25 How much time does the earth take to complete one rotation?

a. 4 hours,

b. 16 hours,

c. 24 hours,

d. 32 hours,



Explanation: Earth takes 24 hours to complete one rotation on its axis.

Q.26 Which season is there in northern hemisphere on 23rd September?

a. Autumn season.

b. Spring season.

c. Summer season.

d. Winter season.



Explanation: Autumn season is there in the northern hemisphere on 23rd September and spring in southern hemisphere.

Q.27 What is it called when the whole earth experiences equal days and equal nights?

a. Winter Solstice.

b. Summer Solstice.

c. Equinox Solstice.

d. Equinox.



Explanation: Equinox is when the whole earth experiences equal days and equal nights.

Q.28 On 21st march and 23rd September, the sunrays fall directly on _________.

a. Axis

b. Equator

c. North pole

d. South pole



Explanation: On 21st march and 23rd September, the sunrays fall directly on equator.

Q.29 How many hours are saved every year to make one surplus day in leap year?

a. 2 hours

b. 4 hours

c. 6 hours

d. 8 hours



Explanation: Leap year comes every fourth year.

Q.30 Which season is there in southern hemisphere on 23rd September?

a. Autumn season.

b. Spring season.

c. Summer season.

d. Winter season.



Explanation: Spring season is in the southern hemisphere on 23rd September and its autumn in northern hemisphere.

Grade 6 Social Science (Geography) Chapter 3 Motions of the Earth Questions & Answer Set-3

Q.31 What happens to the part of the earth that faces the sun?

a. Its becomes illuminated.

b. Its becomes dark.

c. Its becomes windy.

d. Its becomes cloudy.



Explanation: The part of the earth that faces the sun becomes illuminated and the other side is dark.

Q.32 What is the angle of tilt of the earth called?

a. Angle of illumination.

b. Angle of revolution.

c. Angle of rotation.

d. Angle of inclination.



Explanation: The angle of tilt of the earth called Angle of inclination, which is 23½0 on its axis.

Q.33 Where does the earth receive light from?

a. Moon

b. Stars

c. Sun

d. Satellite



Explanation: Sun gives heat and light.

Q.34 A circle that divides the day from night on the globe is called ______.

a. Circle of illumination.

b. Circle of light.

c. Circle of rays.

d. Circle of darkness.



Explanation: The part of the earth facing the sun is illuminated and the other side is dark.

Q.35 What is the result of rotation?

a. Seasons.

b. Tilting of the earth.

c. Change in sun position.

d. Day and night.



Explanation: The rotation of earth on its own results in day and night.

Q.36 Tropic of Capricorn is ______ the equator.

a. On

b. Below

c. Above

d. Under



Explanation: Tropic of Capricorn is below the equator at 23½0S.

Q.37 The earth’s movement around the sun on a ______ path, is called revolution?

a. Flexible

b. Fixed

c. Straight

d. Curved



Explanation: Sun is in the centre of the solar system and all the planets revolve around it on a fixed orbit.

Q.38 What moves from west to east?

a. Earth

b. Sun

c. Milky Way

d. Satellites



Explanation: The earth moves from west to east. This is proved by the fact that the sun rises in the east.

Q.39 If earth starts rotating from east to west, what will happen?

a. Sun will rise from east.

b. Sun will rise from west.

c. Sun will rise from north.

d. Sun will rise from south.



Explanation: Ifearth starts rotating from east to west, theSun will rise from west.

Q.40 Which of the following statements is correct-

a. Leap year comes every fourth year.

b. Leap year has 365 days.

c. Leap year is a rare phenomenon.

d. February has 29 days in the Leap year.

a. Only a

b. Only a and b

c. Only a and c

d. Only a and d



Explanation: Leap year is not a rare phenomenon because it comes every fourth year and has 366 days. February has 29 days in a leap year.

Q.41 If it is winters in Northern hemisphere, then what season would there be in Southern hemisphere?

a. Autumn season.

b. Winter season.

c. Summer season.

d. Spring season.



Explanation: Seasons are opposite in both the hemispheres.

Q.42 Equinox has ______.

a. Equal days and equal nights.

b. Shorter days and longer nights.

c. Longer days and shorter nights.

d. Shorter days and shorter nights.



Explanation: Equinox has equal days and equal nights when the sunrays fall directly on the equator.

Q.43 On 23rd September, ________ is tilted towards the Sun.

a. Both the poles.

b. Neither of the poles.

c. Both the tropics.

d. Neither of the tropics.



Explanation: On 23rd September, neither of the poles is tilted towards the Sun.

Q.44 Which of the following statements is correct-

a. Earth makes an angle of 66½0 with its axis.

b. Earth makes an angle of 66½0 with its orbital plane.

c. Earth makes an angle of 23½0 with its axis.

d. Earth makes an angle of 23½0 with its orbital plane.

a. Only a and d

b. Only a and b

c. Only a and c

d. Only b and c



Explanation: Earth makes an angle of 66½0 with its orbital plane and an angle of 23½0 with its axis.

Q.45 What happens in the northern hemisphere on 21st June?

a. Longest day and shortest night occur.

b. Longest night and shortest day occur.

c. Equal day and equal night occur.

d. Longest day and longest night occur.



Explanation: Since it is summer season in the northern hemisphere, longest day and shortest night occurs on 21st June.

Q.46 Tropic of Cancer is ______ the equator.

a. On

b. Below

c. Above

d. Under



Explanation: Tropic of Cancer is above the equator at 23½0 N.

Q.47 Seasons change due to the change in the _________ of the earth around the Sun.

a. Orbit

b. Position

c. Axis

d. Plane



Explanation: Seasons change due to the change in the position of the earth during revolution around the sun.

Q.48 What does the earth experience when it faces the sun?

a. Rains

b. Night

c. Day

d. Storms



Explanation: The portion facing the sun experiences day while the other half away from the sun experiences night.

Q.49 Life is not possible in _________ conditions.

a. cold

b. hot

c. moderate

d. extreme



Explanation: Extremely hot and extremely cold conditions do not support life.

Q.50 When is the shortest night in the northern hemisphere?

a. 21st June

b. 23rd March

c. 21st March

d. 23rd September



Explanation: On 21st June, longest day and shortest night occur in the northern hemisphere.

Grade 6 Social Science (Geography) Chapter 3 Motions of the Earth Questions & Answer Set-4

Q.51 When is the spring in the northern hemisphere?

a. 21st June

b. 23rd March

c. 21st March

d. 23rd September



Explanation: On 21st March, spring is in the northern hemisphere and autumn in the southern hemisphere.

Q.52 Days are shorter during ________ season.

a. summer

b. winter

c. autumn

d. spring



Explanation: Days are short and nights are long in winters.

Q.53 What happens to the areas which receive direct sun rays?

a. They get more storms

b. They get more rains

c. They get more heat

d. They get less heat



Explanation: When the sun rays fall directly on an area, then that area receives more heat.

Q.54 Why do the places beyond the Arctic Circle experience continuous daylight for about six months?

a. North Pole is away from the sun

b. North Pole is inclined towards the sun

c. South Pole is inclined towards the sun

d. South Pole is away from the sun



Explanation: The North Pole is inclined towards the sun and the places beyond the Arctic Circle experience continuous daylight for about six months.

Q.55 Why does the Leap year come every fourth year?

a. Because 6 hours are added for 4 years

b. Because it is easy to divide years by 4

c. Because 3 is not a good number

d. Because 4 hours are added for 6 years



Explanation: After adding 6 hours for four years, we get one day extra in the fourth year. Leap year comes every 4th year.

Q.56 How many days does the month of February has in a Leap year?

a. 28 days

b. 29 days

c. 30 days

d. 31 days



Explanation: The surplus day of the leap year is added to the month of February making it of 29 days.

Q.57 Throughout its orbit, the earth is inclined in the _______ direction.

a. different

b. north

c. south

d. same



Explanation: Throughout its orbit, the earth is inclined in the same direction. Therefore there is equal distribution of temperature in both the hemisphere.

Q.58 Why is 6 hours ignored while calculating a year?

a. For sake of convenience

b. To teach the children easily

c. So that next year comes quickly

d. For religious purposes



Explanation: 6 hours ignored while calculating a year for sake of convenience.

Q.59 The imaginary line passing from north to South Pole is called _______.

a. orbit

b. plane

c. axis

d. path



Explanation: The earth rotates on its axis.

Q.60 Where does the rays of the sun fall directly on 21st June?

a. Tropic of Capricorn

b. Tropic of Cancer

c. South Pole

d. North Pole



Explanation: The rays of the sun fall directly at Tropic of Cancer on 21st June. It is the longest day.

Q.61 Why do the areas near the poles receive less heat?

a. Rays of the sun are straight

b. Rays of the sun are curved

c. Rays of the sun are parabolic

d. Rays of the sun are slanting



Explanation: Slanting rays take more time to reach the poles and thus they have less heat.

Q.62 What is it called when it is summer season in Northern Hemisphere and winter season in Southern Hemisphere?

a. Summer Solstice

b. Summer season

c. Winter Solstice

d. Winter season



Explanation: When it is summer season in Northern Hemisphere and winter season in Southern Hemisphere, it is called Summer Solstice.

Q.63 Where does the rays of the sun fall directly on 22nd December?

a. Tropic of Capricorn

b. Tropic of Cancer

c. South Pole

d. North Pole



Explanation: The rays of the sun fall directly at Tropic of Capricorn on 22nd December. It is winter solstice.

Q.64 On 22nd December, ________ tilts towards the sun.

a. Tropic of Capricorn

b. Tropic of Cancer

c. South Pole

d. North Pole



Explanation: On 22nd December, South Pole tilts towards the sun, therefore it is summers in southern hemisphere.

Q.65 Tropic of Cancer lies at ________.

a. 23 ½ 0 N

b. 26 ½ 0 N

c. 29 ½ 0 N

d. 32 ½ 0 N



Explanation: Tropic of Cancer lies at 23 ½ 0 N. It is in northern hemisphere.

Q.66 In which season is Christmas celebrated in Australia?

a. Autumn season

b. Spring season

c. Summer season

d. Winter season



Explanation: Christmas is celebrated in Australia in Summer season as in Dec it is summer solstice in southern hemisphere.

Q.67 What is the position of the earth called when it is winter season in Northern Hemisphere and summer season in Southern Hemisphere?

a. Summer Solstice

b. Summer season

c. Winter Solstice

d. Winter season



Explanation: The position of the earth when it is winter season in Northern Hemisphere and summer season in Southern Hemisphere is called Winter Solstice.

Q.68 On 21st June, ________ tilts towards the sun.

a. Tropic of Capricorn

b. Tropic of Cancer

c. South Pole

d. North Pole



Explanation: On 21st June, North Pole tilts towards the sun. It is the longest day in the northern hemisphere.

Q.69 Tropic of Capricorn lies at ________.

a. 23 ½ 0 S

b. 26 ½ 0 S

c. 29 ½ 0 S

d. 32 ½ 0 S



Explanation: Tropic of Capricorn lies at 23 ½ 0 S. It is in the southern hemisphere.

Q.70 Which season is there in northern hemisphere on 21st march?

a. Autumn season

b. Spring season

c. Summer season

d. Winter season



Explanation: Spring season is in the northern hemisphere on 21st march and autumn is in the southern hemisphere.

Q.71 Which season is there in southern hemisphere on 21st march?

a. Autumn season

b. Spring season

c. Summer season

d. Winter season



Explanation: Autumn season is in the southern hemisphere on 21st march and it is spring season is in the northern hemisphere.

Q.72 How much time does the earth take to complete one rotation?

a. 4 hours

b. 16 hours

c. 24 hours

d. 32 hours



Explanation: Earth takes 24 hours to complete one rotation. It rotates on its axis.