Find below Important MCQ-based objective questions for Chapter 1 The Earth in the Solar system prepared for CBSE students. All the syllabus of Grade 6 Social Science (Geography) Chapter 1 The Earth in the Solar system is covered with questions and answers. Each question is explained with a detailed solution. The entire syllabus of Chapter 1 The Earth in the Solar system is covered in the following worksheet for Grade 6 Social Science (Geography). For NCERT solutions for class 6 Geography check the HT page and do solve more worksheets for class 6.
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Geography - MCQ on The Earth In The Solar System
Class VI
Q.1 Who was the first man to step on the surface of the moon?
a. Rakesh Sharma
b. Neil Armstrong
c. Yuri Gagrain
d. Kalpana Chawla
Explanation: Neil Alden Armstrong was born on August 5, 1930. He was the first man to step on the surface of the moon.
Q.2 When did Neil Armstrong step on the surface of the moon?
a. 29 July 1909
b. 29 July 1939
c. 29 July 1969
d. 29 July 1979
Explanation: On July 29, 1969 aboard on Gemini VIII, Neil Armstrong and his fellow astronaut Edwin Aldrin successfully touched down on the lunar surface. As Armstrong became the first person to touch the Moon's surface, he spoke the unforgettable phrase, "That's one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind". He and Aldrin explored the Moon's surface for 2.5 hours.
Q.3 ____________ was the first Indian to go to space?
a. Kalpana Chawla
b. Kiran Bedi
c. Rakesh Sharma
d. Major Dhyanchand
Explanation: Rakesh Sharma was the first Indian to fly into space. He was born on January 13, 1949 in Patiala, Punjab. He was a squadron leader with the Indian Air Force, when he flew into space in 1984 as part of a joint programme between the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and the Soviet Intercosmos space program. He spent eight days in space on board the Salyut 7 space station.
Q.4 Light travels at the speed of about _________ km per second.
a. 300,00
b. 300,000
c. 300,0000
d. 300,00000
Explanation: In empty space this speed is approximately 300,000 kilometers per second.
Q.5 Light of the sun takes about ________minutes to reach the earth.
a. 6
b. 8
c. 10
d. 25
Explanation: The Sun provides Earth with vast amounts of energy every day. The oceans and seas store this energy and help keep the temperature of Earth at a level that allows a wide variety of life to exist. Light of the sun takes about eight minutes to reach the earth.
Q.6 Human-made Satellite is an ----------.
a. Natural object
b. Man made planet
c. A part of the solar system
d. Artificial body
Explanation: Human-made Satellite is an artificial body. It helps in gathering information about the universe and in communication.
Q.7 What carries Human-made Satellite in the orbit around the earth?
a. Human beings
b. Rocket
c. Natural satellite
d. Airplane
Explanation: Human-made Satellite is carried by a rocket and placed in the particular orbit around the earth. On October 4, 1957, the first human-made satellite, Sputnik 1 was launched by the Soviet Union. Sputnik 1 was launched on top of an R-7 rocket.
Q.8 _________ is one of the Indian satellites in space.
Explanation: Some of the Indian satellites in space are INSAT, Aryabhatta, IRS, EDUSAT, etc.
Q.9 Where is the Human-made satellite placed?
a. Along the earth’s axis
b. On the earth’s surface
c. In orbit around the earth
d. Out of the solar system
Explanation: Human-made Satellite is carried by a rocket and placed in the orbit around the earth.
Q.10 What causes shadows on the moon’s surface?
a. Mountains and depressions
b. Human-made satellites
c. Earth’s closeness
d. Less light from sun
Explanation: Mountains, plains and depressions causes shadows on the moon’s surface. These shadows can be observed on a full moon’s day.
Q.11 Which is the largest asteroid?
a. Ursa major
b. Ceres
c. Pole Star
d. Sun
Explanation: Ursa major is a constellation, Pole star and Sun are stars.
Q.12 Why do the meteoroids burn?
a. Due to collision with the earth
b. Due to sun’s heat
c. Due to moon’s gravitational pull
d. Due to friction with the air
Explanation: When the meteoroids enter the earth’s atmosphere, it comes into contact with the air particles. The heat caused by the friction causes the meteoroids to burn.
Q.13 What do the meteor do, when it falls on the earth?
a. Creates valleys
b. Creates vast plains
c. Creates craters
d. Creates mountains
Explanation: Sometimes, a meteor without being completely burnt falls on the earth and creates craters.
Q.14 Why doesn’t the moon has favourable conditions for life?
a. It has no light
b. It has no water
c. It has no flora
d. It has no fauna
Explanation: The moon does not have conditions favourable for life as it neither have water nor air.
Q.15. 300,000 km per second is the speed of ___________ .
a. Earth’s revolution
b. Earth’s rotation
c. Sound
d. Light
Explanation: 300,000 km per second is the speed of light in vacuum.
Q.16 Those who study the celestial bodies and their movements are called ________.
a. Scientists
b. Astrologers
c. Astronomers
d. Geologists
Explanation: Those who study the celestial bodies and their movements are called astronomers. They explore the universe.
Q.17 Who was a famous astronomer of ancient India?
a. Aryabhatta
b. Galileo
c. Copernicus
d. Ptolemy
Explanation: Aryabhatta was a famous astronomer of ancient India. Rest of them did not belong to India.
Q.18 What is the distance between Earth and the moon?
a. 84,400 km
b. 1,84,400 km
c. 2,84,400 km
d. 3,84,400 km
Explanation: Moon is the earth’s natural satellite. It appears big because it is closest to earth than any other celestial body. Moon is about 3,84,400 km away from earth.
Q.19 Earth is the _______ largest planet in size.
a. Third
b. Fifth
c. Sixth
d. Ninth
Explanation: Earth is the fifth largest planet in size and is third planet from the Sun.
Q.20 Earth is slightly _________ at the poles.
a. Rounded
b. Deep
c. Raised
d. Flattened
Explanation: The shape of the earth is Geoid. Earth is slightly flattened at the poles and bulges in the centre.
Q.21 2003 UB313 is bigger than _______.
a. Pluto
b. Jupiter
c. Saturn
d. Earth
Explanation: 2003 UB313 is bigger than Pluto. Both of these are dwarf planets.
Q.22 Which planet is farthest from the Sun?
a. Pluto
b. 2003 UB313
c. Saturn
d. Earth
Explanation: 2003 UB313 is farthest from the Sun. Earth is 3rd, Saturn is 6th and Pluto is at the 9th position.
Q.23 Which celestial body is closest to the earth?
a. Mercury
b. Jupiter
c. Moon
d. Neptune
Explanation: Moon is closest celestial body to the earth. So it appears big.
Q.24 Which planet is considered as ‘Earth’s-twin’?
a. Pluto
b. Venus
c. Mercury
d. Mars
Explanation: Venus is considered as ‘Earth’s-twin’ because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the earth.
Q.25 The word ‘Sol’ comes from ________ mythology.
a. Indian
b. Chinese
c. Roman
d. Greek
Explanation: ‘Sol’ in Roman mythology is the ‘Sungod’.
Q.26 How many faces of the moon is visible to us on the earth?
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
Explanation: Only one side of the moon is visible to us on the earth because the moon takes exactly the same time as the earth to complete one spin.
Q.27 What are the rings around Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus made up of?
a. Small debris
b. Light
c. Water particles
d. Air pollution
Explanation: ‘Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus have rings around them. These are belts of small debris.
Q.28 Ursa Major is also known as ___________.
a. Little Bear
b. Big Bear
c. Small Bear
d. Great Bear
Explanation: Ursa Major is also known as Big Bear. It is a constellation.
Q.29 Which is the natural satellite of the Earth?
a. Mars
b. Mercury
c. Moon
d. Pluto
(c) Our earth has only one natural satellite, that is, the moon.
Q.30 What is moon’s diameter in comparison to earth?
a. One Quarter
b. Half
c. Three Fourth
d. Same
Explanation: Moon’s diameter is only one-quarter that of the earth. It appears so big because it is near to the earth.
Q.31 Inner planets are made up of ___________.
a. Gases
b. Rocks
c. Liquids
d. Ice
Explanation: Inner planets are made up of rocks and the outer planets are made up of gases and liquids.
Q.32 Earth is called a _________________.
a. Red Planet
b. Blue Planet
c. Green Planet
d. White Planet
Explanation: From the outer space, the earth appears blue because its two-thirds surface is covered by water. It is, therefore, called a blue planet.
Q.33 How far is the sun from the earth?
a. 50 million km
b. 100 million km
c. 125 million km
d. 150 million km
Explanation: The sun is about 150 million km away from the earth. Its light takes about 8 minutes to reach the earth.
Q.34 How many days does Mercury take to complete one round along its orbit?
a. 87 days
b. 88 days
c. 89 days
d. 90 days
Explanation: Mercury is the nearest planet to the Sun. It takes only about 88 days to complete one round along its orbit.
Q.35 Sun is made up of ___________.
a. Hot gases
b. Hot stones
c. Hot water
d. Hot debris
Explanation: Sun is made up of extremely hot gases. Mainly these gases are hydrogen and helium.
Q.36 Which is the life supporting gas in the air on the earth?
a. Hydrogen
b. Nitrogen
c. Oxygen
d. Carbon dioxide
Explanation: Oxygen is the life supporting gas in the air on the earth. It constitutes only 21% of the gases in the atmosphere.
Q.37 Uranus has about ___________ moons.
a. Sixteen
b. Seventeen
c. Eighteen
d. Nineteen
Explanation: Uranus has about Seventeen Moons whereas earth has only one.
Q.38 Saturn revolves the sun in ___________.
a. 26 Years, 5 months
b. 27 Years, 5 months
c. 28 Years, 5 months
d. 29 Years, 5 months
Explanation: As Saturn is far away from sun, it takes 29 years, 5 months to make one revolution around sun.
Q.39 Which planet has maximum number of moons?
a. Jupiter
b. Saturn
c. Uranus
d. Neptune
Explanation: Saturn has maximum number of moons. i.e. 18.
Q.40 Outer planets are made up of_____________.
a. Gases and liquids
b. Gases and solids
c. Gases
d. Solids
Explanation: Outer planets are made up of gases and liquids and inner planets are made up of rocks.
Q.41 Which planet other than the earth takes one day to complete one spin on its axis?
a. Mercury
b. Venus
c. Mars
d. Uranus
Explanation: Mars takes one day to complete one spin on its axis.
Q.42 On new moon night_______________ is visible.
a. No moon
b. Quarter moon
c. Half moon
d. Full moon
Explanation: One cannot see the moon at all on the new moon night. It is also called “Amavasya”.
Q.43 After how many days of Poornima does the Amavasya comes.
a. After a week
b. After ten days
c. After a fortnight
d. After a month
Explanation: Amavasya comes after a fortnight of Poornima. On the Amavasya, night is dark whereas on the Poornima the night is bright.
Q.44 Where is the Asteroid belt found?
a. Between Earth and Mars
b. Between Mars and Jupiter
c. Between Jupiter and Saturn
d. Between Sun and Mercury
Explanation: Asteroid belt is found between Mars and Jupiter. This demarcates between the inner and the outer planet.
Q.45 ____________is used to see the celestial bodies.
a. Periscope
b. Stethoscope
c. Microscope
d. Telescope
Explanation: Telescope is used to see the celestial bodies, which are far away in the sky.
Q.46 Sapta Rishi is also known as ___________.
a. Little Bear
b. Big Bear
c. Small Bear
d. Great Bear
Explanation: The constellation SaptaRishi is also known as Small Bear.
Q.47 Akash Ganga is also known as ___________.
a. Milky way
b. Heavenly way
c. Water way
d. Path way
Explanation: The other name of Akash Ganga is Milky way. The solar system is part of this Milky way.
Q.48 Milky way is a ___________.
a. Orbit
b. Universe
c. Solar system
d. Galaxy
Explanation: The Milky way is a galaxy and the solar system is its part.
Q.49 When was Pluto placed in the category of ‘Dwarf’ planet?
a. August 2004
b. August 2005
c. August 2006
d. August 2007
Explanation: In August 2006, in a meeting of International Astronomical Union, Pluto was placed in the category of ‘Dwarf’ planet.
Q.50 ___________is an outer planet.
a. Venus
b. Jupiter
c. Earth
d. Mars
Explanation: Jupiter is an outer planet and is made up of gases and liquid.
Q.51 ___________is an inner planet.
a. Jupiter
b. Saturn
c. Uranus
d. Mercury
Explanation: Mercury is an inner planet and is made up of rocks.
Q.52 Ursa major is a ___________.
a. Constellation
b. Universe
c. Solar system
d. Galaxy
Explanation: Ursa major is alarge constellation.
Q.53 How far is Neptune, the farthest planet from the sun?
a. 496 million km
b. 449 million km
c. 4496 million km
d. 44960 million km
Explanation: Neptune, the eighth and the farthest planet, is 4496 million km from the sun.
Q.54 Which planet takes minimum days to revolve around the sun?
a. Venus
b. Earth
c. Mars
d. Mercury
Explanation: As mercury is nearest to the Sun it takes88 days to revolve around the sun.
Q.55 What demarcates the inner from the outer planets?
a. Milky way
b. Asteroid belt
c. Meteoroids
d. Galaxy
Explanation: Asteroid belt is found between Mars and the Jupiter. The planets inside this belt and closest to the Sun are the inner planets whereas the planets outside the belt are the outer planets.