What are the Factors of 215?
The factors of 215 are numbers that divide 215 without leaving a remainder. Since 215 is a composite number, it has more than two factors. The factors of 215 are: 1, 5, 43, and 215.
Pair Factors of 215
Pair factors are pairs of numbers that multiply together to give 215. The pairs of factors for 215 are (1, 215) and (5, 43).
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Prime Factors of 215
Prime factors are factors that are prime numbers. For 215, the prime factors are 5 and 43.
How to Find Factors of 215?
There are two methods to find the factors of 215:
Division Method:
- Divide 215 by different integers.
- Factors are numbers that divide 215 evenly without remainder.
- Example:
Divisor | Quotient | Remainder |
1 | 215 | 0 |
5 | 43 | 0 |
43 | 5 | 0 |
215 | 1 | 0 |
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Prime Factorization Method:
- Express 215 as a product of prime numbers.
- Prime factors of 215 are 5 and 43.
- Example:
- 215 = 5 × 43
Understanding the factors of 215 helps in various mathematical calculations and prime factorization exercises. By applying methods like division and prime factorization, one can accurately determine the factors and prime factors of any number.
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Frequently Asked Questions
The factors of 215 include 1, 5, 43, and 215.
The prime factorization of 215 is 5 × 43 or 51 × 431.
The sum of all factors of 215 is 264 (1 + 5 + 43 + 215 = 264).
The positive pair factors of 215 are (1, 215) and (5, 43). The negative pair factors of 215 are (-1, -215) and (-5, -43), as the multiplication of two negative numbers results in a positive number.
The prime factors of 215 are 5 and 43.
No, 12 is not a factor of 215. If 12 divides 215, it leaves a remainder, so 12 cannot be a factor of 215.