Difference Between Relation And Function

Relationships and functions are basic ideas in math. They are very important in math and how we use it. A relationship is a group of ordered pairs that link elements from one set with elements from another set.

A function is a special kind of relationship where each element in the domain is linked to exactly one element in the co-domain.

In this article, we will explore the concepts of relationships and functions, and by the end, we will understand why they are important in math and their uses.

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Relations in mathematics are like connections between sets. Imagine you have two sets of things, like set A and set B. A relation between them is a way to pair up elements from set A with elements from set B. This pairing is often shown as ordered pairs, like (a, b), where 'a' is from set A and 'b' is from set B.

Relations can be shown in different ways: through equations, tables, or graphs. A special type of relation ensures that every element from set A matches with exactly one element from set B.

For example, let's say set A is (1, 2) and set B is (x, y). The relation could be ((1, x), (2, y)), where each element from A pairs up with one element from B.

There are different types of relations:

  1. One-to-One (Injective) Relation: Each element in set A pairs with a unique element in set B. For instance, if you have a function like f(x) = x^2, it pairs each natural number with a unique positive number.

  2. Onto (Surjective) Relation: Every element in set B has at least one element from set A that pairs with it. For example, the function f(x) = x + 1 pairs every real number with another real number.

  3. Bijective (One-to-One Correspondence) Relation: This type is both one-to-one and onto. It means every element in set A pairs uniquely with an element in set B, and vice versa. For instance, f(x) = x^3 pairs each real number uniquely with another real number.

  4. Reflexive Relation: An element is related to itself. For example, (x, x) is a reflexive relation for any element x in a set.

  5. Symmetric Relation: If (a, b) is a relation, then (b, a) must also be a relation. For instance, (x, y) is symmetric if x + y = y + x for all x and y in a set.

  6. Transitive Relation: If (a, b) and (b, c) are relations, then (a, c) must also be a relation. For example, (x, y) is transitive if x + y = y + z implies x + z = y + z for all x, y, and z in a set.

These types of relations help mathematicians understand how different elements or sets are connected or related to each other.

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In math, a function is like a rule that matches each input with a unique output. It works kind of like a machine: you give it something (an input), and it gives you back something else (an output). The input comes from a set called the domain, and the output is determined only by that input.

Ways to Show a Function

A function can be shown in different ways:

  • Table: Lists inputs and their corresponding outputs.
  • Graph: Shows inputs on the x-axis and outputs on the y-axis.
  • Equation: Uses symbols and numbers to describe the relationship between inputs and outputs.

Types of Functions

There are different types of functions:

  • Linear Function: Follows a straight line on a graph, like y=mx+cy = mx + cy=mx+c.
  • Quadratic Function: Forms a curved line, like ax2+bx+cax^2 + bx + cax2+bx+c.
  • Polynomial Function: Can have many terms
  • Exponential Function: Grows rapidly, like axaxax where aaa is a positive number.
  • Logarithmic Function: The opposite of an exponential function.
  • Trigonometric Function: Involves angles.

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Functions are used in math, science, and engineering to model real-world situations. They help us understand relationships between different quantities or variables.

Diffrence Between Relations and Functions

Differentiating Parameter



Multiple Outputs Per inputs




Not necessary

Often Continuous


Not restricted 

Algebraic, Graphical or Tabular

Number of ordered Pairs 


Limited by domain


Can be reflexive, symmetric or transitive

Not necessarily restricted to these properties. 



Set of ordered pairs which shows the relation between two values. 

A relation where each input has a unique output. 

One input can have one or more outputs. 

One input has exactly one output. 

Relationships are not limited to specific types of mathematical expression. 

It’s represented by graphs, tables or in an algebra. 

It doesn’t have to be continuous. 

Function has to be continuous.

It can be either one to one or many to one. 

It is many to one. 

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Frequently Asked Questions on Difference Between Relation And Function

In simple terms, a relation consists of pairs of items placed in a specific order. For example, (1, 5), (1, 6), (3, -8), (3, -7), (3, -8) are examples of relations. Functions are a type of relation where each input from one set corresponds to exactly one output from another set.

To determine if a relation is a function, just see if any x-values are repeated. If each x-value appears only once, then it's a function.

Marriage is a great example of a relationship where faithfulness is key. It's like a function where each person has a unique partner, ensuring it's a one-to-one connection

If every item in set A connects uniquely with an item in another set, it's called a function. A function is a type of connection where each pair has a distinct starting item. When we write f→Y, it means f is a function from set X to set Y.