S.no. | Chapter-Wise UPSC Exam Pattern 2024 |
UPSC Exam Pattern 2024 Overview
UPSC CSE Notification 2024 | 14 February 2024 |
UPSC CSE 2024 date of filling out the application | 14 February 2024 |
Last date to fill out the application | 5 March 2024 |
UPSC Prelims 2024 | 16 June 2024 |
UPSC CSE Mains 2024 | 20 September 2024 |
Interview Date | To be announced |
Final Results for UPSC 2024 | To be announced |
The UPSC exam pattern involves multiple stages that lead to the selection of candidates for various civil service positions. This process includes the Preliminary Exam, Main Exam, and Interview. Each phase is designed to assess different skills, knowledge areas, and abilities, ensuring that selected candidates are well-prepared for public service roles.
The UPSC CSE Exam Pattern is divided into two main stages, as outlined in the official notification:
Stage I - Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination
Stage II - Civil Services (Mains) Examination
Stage 1: UPSC Exam Pattern for Prelims 2024
The Preliminary Exam consists of two papers: General Studies Paper 1 and the Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT), also known as General Studies Paper 2. General Studies Paper 1 covers a wide range of topics such as History, Geography, and Polity, while the CSAT evaluates candidates' logical reasoning and analytical skills. The Prelims act as a screening test, with only a limited number of candidates advancing to the Main Examination.
Stage 2: UPSC Exam Pattern for Mains 2024
The Main Exam is the core assessment stage, comprising both compulsory and optional papers. These include language papers, essay writing, general studies papers, and optional subject papers. This stage evaluates a candidate's depth of understanding, ability to express ideas, and analytical skills.
The written exam includes nine papers, two of which are qualifying in nature. The marks obtained in the other seven papers, along with the interview, are considered for the final merit list.
Paper Name | Time Duration | Total Marks | Nature of Paper |
Paper A – Compulsory Indian Language Paper | 3 hours | 300 | Qualifying |
Paper B – English Language Paper | 3 hours | 300 | Qualifying |
Paper I – Essay | 3 hours | 250 | Counted for Merit |
Paper II – General Studies I | 3 hours | 250 | Counted for Merit |
Paper III – General Studies II | 3 hours | 250 | Counted for Merit |
Paper IV – General Studies III | 3 hours | 250 | Counted for Merit |
Paper V – General Studies IV | 3 hours | 250 | Counted for Merit |
Paper VI – Optional Paper I | 3 hours | 250 | Counted for Merit |
Paper VII – Optional Paper II | 3 hours | 250 | Counted for Merit |
Total | - | 1750 | - |
Interview/Personality Test | - | 275 | - |
Grand Total | - | 2025 | - |
Stage 3: UPSC Exam Pattern 2024 for Interview Round
The final phase is the Interview or Personality Test, where candidates' personal attributes are assessed. A panel of experts evaluates qualities like mental alertness, logical reasoning, leadership, social cohesion, and moral integrity. About twice the number of available vacancies will be invited to the interview stage, aiming to gauge the candidate's readiness for the diverse challenges of civil service roles. The interview generally follows this pattern:
- Duration: Typically lasts for 20-30 minutes.
- Panel: Conducted by a group of experts, including seasoned bureaucrats, academics, and specialists.
- Location: Usually held at the UPSC office in New Delhi.
Negative Marking in UPSC Exams
Negative marking is a crucial aspect of the UPSC Prelims, while it does not apply to the Mains exam since the latter involves subjective, descriptive answers.
In the Prelims, both GS Paper 1 and CSAT consist of objective-type questions, with the following negative marking rules:
- Penalty for Incorrect Answers: For every incorrect answer, 1/3rd of the assigned marks will be deducted.
- Multiple Answers: If multiple answers are provided for a single question, it will be considered incorrect even if one of the answers is correct, and the same penalty applies.
- Unattempted Questions: No penalty is imposed for questions left unanswered.
UPSC CSE 2024 Exam Day Instructions
The admit card gives clear instructions for the UPSC exam day. It's very important for candidates to read and understand these instructions to avoid any issues on the day of the exam. Below are some general guidelines candidates should follow during the examination:
There are a few small changes in the application process for the IAS exam, and the format of the UPSC CSE Prelims admit card has been updated. The admit card now includes the identity card number, and candidates must bring a matching government ID to the exam center.
Candidates should reach the UPSC exam centers at least 30 minutes before the UPSC CSE prelims exam starts. There will also be a security check, which might take some time.
Electronic or communication devices are not allowed at the exam center. Candidates cannot bring their mobile phones, even if they are switched off. If a candidate is caught with such a device, strict action will be taken, which could include a ban from future exams.
Candidates must use only a black ballpoint pen to fill in their answers on the OMR sheet. Answers marked with any other color will not be accepted.
Candidates should also be careful when filling in details on the OMR sheet, especially their Roll Number and Test Booklet Series Code. Any mistakes in these details could result in the rejection of their answer sheet. However, corrections can be made at the exam center if allowed by the invigilator."
Frequently Asked Questions
The UPSC Prelims exam pattern for 2024 consists of two objective-type papers: General Studies I and General Studies II (CSAT), with a total of 400 marks. Each paper is conducted in two separate sessions, lasting two hours each. The General Studies I paper includes 100 questions, while the CSAT paper contains 80 questions. There is negative marking for incorrect answers, with a deduction of one-third of the marks for each wrong response. The exam is scheduled for June 16, 2024, after being postponed from its original date of May 26, 2024, due to the general elections.
For candidates preparing for the UPSC 2024 exam, it is advisable to start their preparation as early as possible. The official notification for the UPSC Civil Services Examination will be released on February 14, 2024, and the application process will close on March 5, 2024. Early preparation allows candidates to cover the extensive syllabus effectively and stay updated with current affairs, which are crucial for success in the examination.
The number of vacancies for the UPSC Civil Services Examination 2024 is projected to be around 1,105, similar to previous years. However, the exact number of seats will be confirmed in the official notification released by UPSC.
The passing marks for the UPSC Prelims vary each year, as the cut-off is determined based on the overall performance of candidates. For the CSAT paper, candidates need to score a minimum of 33% (66 marks) to qualify for the next stage, while the marks from the General Studies paper contribute to the merit list.
Regarding the pass rate for the prelims, typically, only about 10-15% of candidates who take the exam manage to qualify for the Mains stage. This statistic reflects the competitive nature of the examination, where a large number of aspirants compete for a limited number of positions in the civil services.