This page consists of MCQ-Based Questions for CUET Class 12 Geography: India People and Economy Chapter 9 Planning and Sustainable Development in the Indian Context with a detailed explanation of all the questions. All important questions for CUET Geography India People and Economy Chapter 9 Planning and Sustainable Development in the Indian Context are covered. For chapter-wise MCQ-based questions on CUET Geography check out the main page.
Geography - MCQ on Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Context
Class XII
Q.1. Regional planning relates to:
a. Development of various sectors of economy.
b. Area specific approach of development
c. Area differences in transportation
d. Development of rural areas
a) Development of various sectors of economy.
Exp. Regional planning is a part of Planned development.
Q.2. ITDP refers to which one of the following?
a. Integrated Tourism Development Programme
b. Integrated Travel Development Programme
c. Integrated Tribal Development Programme
d. Integrated Transport Development Programme
c) Integrated Tribal Development Programme.
Exp .This Programme was introduced for the upliftment of tribal population.
Q.3. Which one of the following is the most crucial factor for sustainable development in Indira Gandhi Canal Command Area?
a. Agricultural Development
b. Eco-development
c. Transport Development
d. Colonisation of Land
d. Colonisation of Land
Q.4.The five year plan during which the states took up the preparation of district plan and integrated plan for local areas ; a)First
b. Third
c. Fourth
d. Fifth
c) Fourth (1969-74)
Q.5. The Five Year plan recorded the highest growth rate till date :
a. Eighth ( 1992-97 )
b. Sixth
c. Nine
d. Seventh
a) Eighth
Q.6. Five year plans are formed by the :
a. Planning commission
b. Prime minister
c. Town planners
d. Regional planners.
a) Planning commission.
Q.7. .The administrative unit with highest per capita income in India :
a. Chandigarh
b. Delhi
c. Pondicherry
d. Mumbai
b. Delhi
Q.8. .The state with lowest population below poverty line :
a. Bihar
b. Kerala
c. Orissa
d. Jammu and Kashmir
d. Jammu and Kashmir
Q.9. .In which year new industrial policy was announced :
a. 1992
b. 1990
c. 1991
d. 1998
c) 1991
Q.10. In 1950 the first master plan was prepared for :
a. Chandigarh
b. Baglore
c. Mysore
d. Delhi
d. Delhi.
Q.11.A set of actions to achieve some goal is called :
a. Task
b. Planning
c. Action
d. None
b. Planning.
Exp.Planning is a result of identified goals.
Q.12.Planning in India is carried out through :
a. development programmes
b. Resource allocations
c. Five year plans
d. One year plans
c) Five year plans.
Exp .Planning era in India was opened in 1950 when first five year plan was executed.
Q.13.Poverty eradication Programme was the aim of
Which five year plan :
a. First
b. Second
c. Fourth
d. Third
a. First .
Exp. First five year plan was aimed at reconstruction and setting in equilibrium in the partitioned affected economy.
Q.14.Which five year plan is considered as the turning point in the history of planning :
a. Sixth five year plan
b. Seventh Five year plan
c. Eight five year plan.
d. None
c) Eight five year plan.
Exp .Re-orientation of planning has done and beginning of the liberalization era .
Q.15.The planning process in India is :
a. Regional
b. Sectoral
c. Intra-regional
d. None
Q.16.In which five year plan Hill Area Development programme was introduced
a. Third five year plan
b. Fifth five year plan
c. Sixth Five year plan
d. Seventh five year plan.
b. Fifth five year plan.
Exp. This programme covered 231201sq.Km.area and spread over 15 districts.
Q.17.During fourth five year plan which of the following programme was initiated :
a. Tourism development programme
b. Tribal Development programme.
c. Transport Development Programme.
d. Area Development Programme.
Tribal Development programme.
Exp.The progamme has been initiated for all sided development of tribal areas.
Q.18.Sustainable development means :
a. The use of resource for development
b. Development at any cost.
c. The use of resources in such away that future generations can also use them.
d. none
c) The use of resources in such a way that future generations can also use them.
Exp .This concept was evolved in the second half of the century.
Q.19.An economic region is that :
a. Over which resources are evenly distributed.
b. It is segment of territory representing the level of development
c. Is a segment of territory representing the national economy.
d. none.
c) a segment of territory representing the national economy.
Exp.Economic regions are delineated on the basis of homogeneity of resources and their utilization.
Q.20.Intensive Agriculture Programme was adopted in :
a. 1960
b. 1966
c. 1967
d. 1957
b. 1966.
Exp.This plan was adopted for the planned development of agricultural sector.
Q.21.Economic planning in India is based on which region:
a. Macro
b. Meso
c. Micro
d. All the above
d. all the above .
Exp.Economic planning has done at all the macro,maso, and micro levels.
Q.22. Integrated Area Approach and local Planning Programme was initiated for the;
a. development of rural areas.
b. development of remote areas.
c. reduction in regional disparities
d. none
c)reduction in regional disparities.
Exp. As regional disparities are the major hurdle in the way of development of any region.
Q.23. In how many development blocks India have been divided?
a. 487
b. 500
c. 505
d. 512
b. 500
Q.24. Each block covers:
a. 189
b. 200
c. 195
d. 198
b. 200
Exp. Each village has 60 – 70 thousand population.
Q.25. What are the main achievements of the five year plans in India:
a. Growth in Agricultural Sector
b. Industrial Sector
c. Tertiary Sector
d. All the above
d. All the above
Geography - MCQ on Planning & Sustainable Development
Q.1. Planning in India was before independence:
a. yes
b. no
c. don’t know
d. none
a) yes
Q.2. Mr. Vivesvarayya published a ten year plan for in India in which year?
a. 1932
b. 1936
c. 1940
d. 1941
b. 1936
Q.3. National planning committee was appointed in which year?
a. 1937
b. 1942
c. 1938
d. 1940
c) 1938
Q.4. National planning committee was appointed by whom?
a. British government
b. National Congress
c. Queen Victoria
d. None
b. National Congress
Exp. To formulate certain policies and perspectives.
Q.5. Bombay plan was prepared by who?
a. Tata and Birla
b. Birla only
c. Le Corbusier
d. None
a) Tata and Birla
Exp. It was prepared by them in 1944.
Q.6. In first five year plan how much of the total outlay in public sector was allocated for agriculture including irrigation and power projects:
a. 44.8%
b. 42.3%
c. 41.7%
d. 44.6%
d. 44.6%
Q.7. Bhakra-Nangal, Kosi, Damodar valley projects were planned during:
a. First five year plan
b. Second five year plan
c. Fourth five year plan
d. Sixth five year plan
First five year plan
Exp. For flood controls, irrigation, generate power and regulate soil erosion.
Q.8. The emphasis on sixth five year was laid on the:
a. Removal of poverty
b. Agriculture
c. Industrial development
d. Ensuring food and nutrition
a) Removal of poverty.
Exp.To make India developed.
Q.9. In ninth five year plan the foremost objective was:
a. Development
b. Sustainable development
c. Providing gainful employment
d. None
b. sustainable development.
Exp.A development with out any harm.
Q.10. The largest of 10th five year plan is:
a. Education for all
b. Reduction of poverty by 5%
c. Providing gainful employment
d. All the above
All the above.
Q.11. The of people living below poverty line has declined from 54.9(1973-74) how much:
a. 26.1% millions
b. 30.4% millions
c. 28% millions
d. 40.2% millions
a) 26.1% millions
Exp. As a result of success of planning.
Q.12. Per capita income in Bihar is how much:
a. Rs. 6,328
b. Rs. 6,156
c. Rs. 7, 578
d. Rs. 5, 346
a) Rs. 6,328.
Exp. It is lowest in the country.
Q.13. Per capita income in Delhi is how much:
a. Rs. 34,987
b. Rs. 35,705
c. Rs. 31,647
d. Rs. 33,654
b. Rs. 35,705
Q.14. When was the intensive agricultural development programme adopted:
a. During 2nd five year plan
b. During 3rd five year plan
c. During 5th five year plan
d. During 7th five year plan
a) during 2nd five year plan
Q.15. for Delhi master plan was developed in which year:
a. 1956
b. 1960
c. 1955
d. 1948
c) 1955
Q.16. Industrial location and regional development programmes aimed at which of the following:
a. Decentralisation of industries
b. Remove regional imbalances
c. Help the backward areas
d. All the above
All the above.
Q.17. A multi level planning is required for attaining:
a. Development of the country
b. Sustainable development
c. For the reduction of poverty
d. None
b. sustainable development
Q.18. The new economic policy (1991) attracting development in more advantageous areas and thereby increasing what?
a. National income
b. Gross Domestic Product
c. Regional disparities
d. None
c) regional disparities
Q.19. Annual growth rate of employment declined drastically in 2000 when it was:
a. 1.23%
b. -1.03%
c. -0.17%
d. 2.14%
c) -0.17%
Exp. It was mainly due to public sector.
Q.20. The main thrust of annual Plans (1990-02) was:
a. Poverty removal
b. Maximisation of employment
c. Social transformation
d. Both b & c
d. both b & c
Q.21. The great role in India’s economy is played by:
a. private sector
b. public sector
c. Joint sector
d. All the above
a) private sector
Q.22. In Orissa about how much of the population is living below poverty line:
a. 45%
b. 47%
c. 50%
d. 48%
b. 47%
Q.23. Drought prone area programmes are designed to provide:
a. employment to the rural poor in drought prone areas
b. land development programmes
c. infrastructural development
d. All the above
All the above.
Q.24. Jawahar Rozgar Yojna Programme was launched during which plan:
a. Third plan
b. Seventh plan
c. Sixth plan
d. Fifth plan
Seventh plan
Q.25. The most outstanding feature of fifth five year plan is:
a. preparation of sub plans for tribal areas
b. hill areas
c. drought prone areas
d. All the above
All the above.