This page consists of MCQ-Based Questions for CUET Class 12 Geography: Fundamentals of Human Geography Chapter 5 Primary Activities with a detailed explanation of all the questions. All important questions for CUET Geography Fundamentals of Human Geography Chapter 5 Primary Activities are covered. Check out all chapters of CUET Geography prepared by experts.
Class XII
Q.1. Which one of the following is not a plantation Crop?
a. Coffee b. Sugarcane
c. Wheat d. Rubber
c. Wheat.
Q.2. In which one of the following countries co-operative farming was the most successful experiment?
a. Russia b. Denmark
c. India d. Netherlands
b. Denmark.
Q.3. Growing of flowers is called:
a. Truck farming b. Factory farming
c. Mixed farming d. Floriculture
d. Floriculture.
Q.4. Which one of the following types of cultivation was developed by the European colonists?
a. Kolkoz b. Viticulture
c. Mixed farming d. Plantation
d. Plantation.
Q.5. In which of the following regions the extensive commercial grain cultivation is not practised?
a. American and Canadian Prairies
b. European Step
c. Pampas of Argentina
d. Amazon basin
d. Amazon basin.
Q.6. In which of the following types of agriculture the farming of citrus fruit is very important?
a. Market gardening
b. Plantation agriculture
c. Mediterranean agriculture
d. Co-operative farming
c. Mediterranean agriculture
Q.7. Which one type of agriculture amongst the following is also called slashes and burn agriculture?
a. Extensive subsistence agriculture
b. Primitive subsistence agriculture
c. Extensive subsistence grain cultivation
d. Jhumbing Cultivation
d. Jhumbing Cultivation
Q.8. Which one of the following does not follow monoculture?
a. Dairy farming
b. Mixed farming
c. Plantation agriculture
d. Commercial grain farming
c. Plantation agriculture.
Q.9. Which one of the following countries is famous for tulip cultivation?
a. Denmark
b. France
c. Netherlands
d. Spain
c. Netherlands
Q.10. This type of agriculture developed best in Eurasian Steppes, Canadian and American Prairies, Pampas in Argentina and Velds in South Africa:
a. Extensive Commercial grain farming
b. Intensive Commercial grain farming
c. Plantation Agriculture
d. Subsistence Agriculture
a. Extensive Commercial grain farming.
Q.11. How many proportion of world population consumes rice?
a. 40 %
b. 50 %
c. 55 %
d. 45 %
50 %
Q.12. Rice is a crop of:
a. Tropical lands.
b. Temperate Lands.
c. Equatorial Lands.
d. None of the above.
Tropical lands.
Q.13. Cassava is a crop of:
a. Temperate regions.
b. Sub-Tropical regions.
c. Tropical regions.
d. None of the above.
b. tropical regions
Explanation: cassava is a tuber, which poured to make flour.
Q.14. Forging refers to:
a. An economic activity.
b. Subsistence of people based on hunting, gathering and fishing.
c. A type of cultivation.
d. None of the above.
b. Subsistence of people based on hunting, gathering, and fishing.
Q.15. Commercial farming means:
a. Grain farming.
b. Production of crops for sale.
c. Growing of many crops in the same field.
d. None of the above.
b. Production of crops for sale.
Q.16. Dairy industry is highly developed in which country
a. Australia
b. Denmark
c. New Zealand.
d. Iceland
New Zealand.
Explanation : Dairy industry is highly developed here because of cold climate and high degree of advancement of storage and packaging .
Q.17.Which one of the following is not a type of coal:
a. Anthracite
b. Hematite
c. Bituminous
d. Peat
Explanation: Hematite is a type of iron ore.
Q.18. Transhumance means:
a. Seasonal migrations of humans with their animals.
b. Migration of people of hilly areas.
c. Rural – Urban migration.
d. None of the above.
Seasonal migrations of humans with their animals.
Explanation: This is a common practice in the Himalayan region that nomads in search of pastures move with their animals.
Q.19. Bauxite is an ore of:
a. Lead
b. Magnesium
c. Aluminium
d. Bromium
Q.20. Jhuming means:
a. Subsistence agriculture
b. Collective farming
c. Shifting agriculture
d. Sedentry agriculture
b. Shifting cultivation.
Explanation: It is practiced in North –East India by the tribes
Q.21.Cotton is a:
a. Grain
b. vegetable
c. Fibre
d. fruit
c) fibre
Q.22. Largest producer of coffee in the world is:
a. Sri Lanka
b. India
c. Brazil
d. Argentina
c) Brazil
Q.23. World agricultural regions has been classified by:
a. Peterson
b. Jean Brunches
c. D.Wittlessey
d. Hagget
c) D.Wittlessey.
Q.24. The land of plantations is:
a. Africa
b. South America
c. Asia
d. India
Explanation: Asia has a tropical climate in its southern part and this is the place where Europeans started the plantation agriculture.
Q.25. Main cause of hunger and starvation in the world are:
a. Crop failures or destruction of crops.
b. Political and social processes
c. Environmental hazard.
d. All the above
d. All the above.
Geography - MCQ on Primary Activities (additional questions)
Q.1. What is foraging :
a. Gathering of food
b. Fishing
c. Hunting
d. Fishing, gathering and hunting without the domestication of plants.
d. Fishing, gathering and hunting without the domestication of plants.
Exp. This activity was carried on by the early man.
Q.2 The first sign of agricultural revolution was seen in the
a. Mountain valleys
b. River valleys
c. Plateaus
d. Mountainous areas
b. River Valleys
Exp. Due to availability of flat and fertile land and plenty of water
Q.3 What is the basis of judging the quality of Coal
a. Sulpher content
b. Carbon content
c. Iron content
d. None
b. Carbon content
Q.4 The largest region of Nomadic herding in the world is:
a. Southern border of Tundra
b. Sahel and Sahara
c. South – West Africa
d. West Medagascar
b. Sahel and Sahara
Exp. It extends from Africa to Mongolia
Q.5 Which of the following is the area of commercial live-stock rearing.
a. Prairies ( N. America)
b. Pampas ( S. America)
c. Downs ( Australia)
d. All the above
d. All the above
Q.6 Which age of human civilization do we belong to :
a. Stone age
b. Neo- little age
c. Iron age
d. Nuclear age
d. Nuclear age
Exp. Because we have developed Nuclear weapons.
Q.7. Mining of Iron began in :
a. 1500 B.C.
b. 1400 B.C.
c. 1600 B.C.
d. 1800 B.C.
b. 1400 B.C.
Q.8. Which metallic mineral has contributed most in the development of civilization.
a. Bronze
b. Iron
c. Copper
d. None
b. Iron
Exp. Iron is the backbone of all the industrial developments.
Q.8. Primary activities accounts for ______ in the developed countries
a. 10%
b. Less than 20%
c. Less than 10%
d. More than 20%
b. Less than 20%
Exp. Because in these countries secondary and other activities are more important.
Q.9. Paliyans are found in
a. North India
b. Australia
c. South India
d. Africa
(c) South India
Exp. Paliyans are the foragers.
Q.10. Total estimated reserves of Bauxite in the world are:
a. 21,559 metric tones
b. 30,556 metric tones
c. 61,569 metric tones
d. 22,646 metric tones
(a) 21,559 metric tones
Q.11. Total estimated reserves of iron ore in the world are :
a. 64,648000 metric tones
b. 64,547,000 metric tones
c. 54,548,000 metric tones
d. 51,423,000 metric tones
(a) 64,648000 metric tones
Q.12. Total estimated reserves of gold in the world are:
a. 46 MT
b. 52 MT
c. 42 MT
d. 40 MT
c) 42 MT
Exp. MT stands for metric tones
Q.13. White pigment in paints is found due to presence of:
a. Zinc
b. Tin
c. Titanium
d. Lead
(c) Titanium
Exp. It is an alloy.
Q.14. Electroplating is done by :
a. Zinc
b. Silver
c. Chromium
d. Throium
(c) Chromium
Ex. It is a mineral
Q.15. Which of the following is perhaps the first mineral used by the man :
a. Bronze
b. Iron
c. Zinc
d. Copper
d. Copper
Exp. Its use started in 5000 B.C.
Q.16. Primary activities are a source of :
a. Food
b. Food & Raw material
c. Development of transportation
d. None
b. Food & Raw Material
Exp. They produce food stuffs and raw materials such as cotton for cotton textile industries.
Q.17. Primary activities sustained human beings for more than ______ of their existence on the earth.
a. 80%
b. 90%
c. 95%
d. 85%
Q.1. Agriculture started about :
a. 13,000 years ago
b. 12000 years ago
c. 10,000 years ago
d. 5,000 years ago
b. 12000 years ago
Exp. Agriculture started with the domestication of plants and animals.
Q.2 How many food crops are grown all over the world.
a. 30 crops
b. 20 crops
c. 40 crops
d. 100 crops
b. 20 crops
Q.3 Chengin is a name given to
a. Plautatinis
b. Shifting callivation
c. Sedentary agriculture
d. Subsistance agriculture
b. Shifting Callivation
Exp. This name is given in Phillippines
Q.4 Ladang is carried on in :
a. Indonesia
b. Malaysia
c. Brazil
d. Congo
b. Mlaysia
Exp. Ladang is the name given to shifting cultivation in Malaysia.
Q.5 Coffee Fazenda is widely grown in :
a. Argentina
b. Karnataka
c. Brazil
d. Chilli
Q.6 Potato is a native of :
a. Rockies
b. Himalayas
c. Andes
d. Alps
(c) Andes
Q.7. Sunflower is a :
a. Tropical Crop
b. Temperate Crop
c. Aretic Crop
d. None
b. Temperate Crope
Q.8. which of the following is a temperate crop:
a. rye
b. oats
c. barley
d. all the above
Q.9. Total arable land avail in the world is :
a. 20%
b. 10%
c. 15%
d. 5%
Exp. Remaining is occupied by forests, pastures and other user.
Q.10. area under permanent crops all over the world is :
a. 5%
b. 2%
c. 1%
d. 3%
(c) 1%
Q.11. Floating rice can be grown upto:
a. 6 meters deep waters
b. 2 meters deep waters
c. 5 meters deep waters
d. 4 meters deep waters
(c) 5 meters deep waters
Q.12. About _______ varieties of rice are grown all over the world
a. 6500
b. 5,000
c. 65,000
d. 4,000
(c) 65,000
Q.13. About 90% of the world’s rice area and production is in the:
a. Monsoon Asia
b. East Asia
c. South Asia
d. Africa
Exp. Monsoon Asia include South Eastern part of Asia where monsoon winds are prevalent.
Q.14. Rice is also known as :
a. Viticulture
b. Hoe-culture
c. Pisiculture
d. None
b. Hoe- culture
Exp. Because it is a labour intensive crop.
Q.15. Maize has its origin in :
a. North America
b. Europe
c. Central America
d. India
(c) Central America
Q.16. About half of the world maize is grown in
a. United State
b. U.K.
c. Brazil
d. India
(a) United State
Exp. 80% of total production is use to feed animals.
Q.17. Cassava is a :
a. Food Crop
b. Fodder Crop
c. Oil seed
d. None
(a) Food Crop
Exp. It is a tuber which can be converted into flour.
Q.18. The annual world production of cotton is :
a. 140 lakh metric tones
b. 150 lakh metric tones
c. 125 lakh metric tones
d. 160 lakh metric tones
b. 150 Lakh metric tones
Q.19. About half of the world’s population is supported by :
a. Agriculture
b. Subsistence agriculture
c. Plantation agriculture
d. Intensive subsistence agriculture
b. Subsistence agriculture
Exp. About 2.9 billion people are depend on it.
Q.20 Subsistence farming is mainly carried on for :
a. Cash
b. Food
c. Trade
d. None
b. Food
Exp. This is mainly practiced for food production.
Q.21 It is estimated that over ______ people all over the world suffers from chronic hunger and malnutrition.
a. One billion
b. Two billion
c. five million
d. six million
(a) One billion
Exp. i.e. one out of every six persons suffers from chronic hunger.
Q.22 Which one of the following is an indicator used for estimating hunger:
a. Starvation
b. Undernutrition
c. Nutrient depleting diseases
d. all the above.
d. All the above
Q.23 Growing of trees in the agricultural fields to nutrient recycling system is called.
a. agro- forestry
b. forestry
c. Fertilization
d. None
(a) Agro forestry
Exp. It is carried on in the Sahel and other arid regions.
Q.24 Which of staple food crops has the highest average yield:
a. Rice
b. Wheat
c. Cassava
d. Potato
d. Potato
Q.25 Tea plantations are grown on hill slopes because
a. Low temperature of hills
b. Gravely soils of hill
c. High latitude
d. Stagnant water is harmful for the roots of tea bushes
d. Stagnant water is harmful for the roots of tea bushes