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Entrepreneurship - MCQ on Mobilising Resources
Class XII
Q.1. SISI is a state level source for
a. infrastructure facilities.
b. selection of a project.
c. technical assistance.
d. financial support.
Exp: SISI stands for Small Industries Service Institute. It is a state level organisation introduced to help and encourage potential entrepreneurs. It helps in the selection of a project as well as in providing required training.
Q.2. A state level organisation providing financial assistance to the entrepreneur is
a. IIC.
b. DDCA.
c. IEB.
Exp: Indian Investment Centre (IIC) is a state level organisation providing financial assistance to the entrepreneurs for acquiring machinery, land, building etc. Besides this, there are various banks and financial institutions for providing funds to the promising entrepreneurs.
Q.3. A national level source for financial assistance to the entrepreneurs is
a. SBI.
b. SFC.
c. IIC.
d. IDC.
Exp: State bank of India is a national bank providing loans to the entrepreneurs, who are in need of finance to start as well as run their enterprise. IIC, IDC and SFC are the state level sources.
Q.4. Payment of Minimum Wages Act is related to
a. human resources.
b. material resources.
c. financial resources.
d. natural resources.
Exp: There are various Acts for the welfare of human resources such as Factories Act, Provident Fund Act, Payment of Minimum Wages Act etc. As the name suggests, this act is related to the remuneration to the employees of an enterprise to prevent their exploitation by the employers.
Q.5. To develop a good human resource for the organisation, there should be
a. investment on machineries.
b. recruitment from external sources.
c. training of the personnel.
d. recruitment from internal sources.
Exp: In order to develop a good human resource, an enterprise should take steps like recruitment of competent personnel, training of the personnel, scope for development, retraining etc. It should also provide ample scope for the development.
Q.6. A source for technical assistance to the entrepreneur is
a. IPB.
b. ISI.
d. MMTC.
Exp: The Central Institute of Plastic & Engineering Tools (CIPET) provides technical support to the enterprises by helping in testing equipments, maintaining quality standards, purchase of machinery, equipments etc.
Q.7. The functions performed by trained manpower include
a. marketing of product.
b. installation of machinery.
c. typing.
d. communication.
Exp: The functions performed by trained manpower include technological tasks, selection of the machinery, installation and supervision of machinery etc. Other functions are performed by administrative staff.
Q.8. A state level source for assistance in the area of plant and machinery for the entrepreneur is
a. SFC.
b. IEB.
d. SBI.
Exp: A state level coordinating agency, Industrial Extension Bureau (IEB) provides assistance to the entrepreneurs by providing information regarding types of machinery, brand suppliers, price etc. SBI, SFC and ICICI are the national level sources for providing financial assistance.
Q.9. IIFT stands for
a. Institute of International foreign Trade.
b. Indian Institute of Foreign Technology.
c. Institute of Indian Foreign Trade.
d. Indian Institute of Foreign Trade.
Exp: Indian institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) is a national level source for providing technical and marketing assistance to the promising entrepreneurs. It was set up in 1963 by the Government of India as an autonomous organisation to help the country's foreign trade management and to increase exports by developing human resources, generating, analysing and disseminating data and conducting research.
Q.10. The administrative staff performs
a. communication function.
b. machinery selection.
c. machinery installation.
d. marketing.
Exp: The administrative staff performs the various tasks such book keeping, communication, office support, filing the documents, keeping the record of the tasks done, typing, computer work etc.
Q.11. A source for providing assistance in the area of raw materials is
a. MMTC.
b. SISI.
c. NSIC.
d. OCIE.
Exp: The Mineral and Metal Trading Corporation (MMTC) provides information regarding types of materials available, its sources of supply etc. It was established in 1963. With its comprehensive infrastructural expertise to handle minerals, the Corporation provides full logistic support from procurement and quality control to guaranteed timely delivery of minerals from different ports through a wide network of regional and port offices in India.
Q.12. Provident Fund Act is related to
a. human resources.
b. material resources.
c. financial resources.
d. natural resources.
Exp: There are various Acts related to human resources such as Factories Acts, Provident Fund Act and Payment of Minimum Wages Act etc. The Provident Fund Act focuses on the financial assistance to the retired employees.
Q.13. A state level source for providing assistance to the entrepreneurs in registration and licensing procedures is
a. CECD.
b. CCIE.
c. ISI.
d. SIC.
Exp: CCIE, CECD and ISI are the national level sources for providing assistance to the entrepreneurs in the registration as well as licensing activities. Small Industries Corporation (SIC) is the state level organisation providing assistance to the entrepreneurs in this area.
Q.14. The pair of institutions involved in the provision of financial assistance is
a. EB & CSIR.
c. STC & DDCA.
d. SBI & SFC.
Exp: SFC and SBI are the sources for provision of financial assistance to the entrepreneurs. State Bank of India is a national level source, while the State Financial Corporation is the state level institution.
Q.15. In a labour intensive industry, the investment is more on
a. human resources.
b. material resources.
c. financial resources.
d. natural resources.
Exp: A manufacturing unit is a labour intensive unit; thus, the investment on the human resources is higher in such an enterprise in comparison to other resources.
Q.16. The size of a unit is affected by the factors like
a. communication pattern.
b. land availability.
c. marketing status.
d. sales technique.
Exp: The size of a unit refers to its installed capacity, which means the size of production it is capable of. Availability of land is crucial for the size of the unit.
Q.17. Factors like land, building, finance etc. determine the
a. success of the unit.
b. size of the unit.
c. location of the unit.
d. profit of the unit.
Exp: The factors like land, building, finance etc. determine the size of the unit. These factors are crucial for an enterprise as they play a decisive role while determining the size of the start up unit.
Q.18. A source for assistance in getting market information is
a. National Institute Development Corporation.
b. National Small Industries Corporation.
c. Rural Industries & Marketing Corporation.
d. Technology Transfer Corporation.
Exp: The institutions like the Rural Industries & Marketing Corporation help the entrepreneurs in establishing market linkages. Such linkage ensures the complete information about the market to the entrepreneurs.
Q.19. DDCA is a state level institutional source for provision of assistance in the area of
a. training.
b. project selection.
c. technology.
d. finance.
Exp: Directorate for Drug Control Administration (DDCA) is a state level institution for providing technological assistance, raw materials, machinery, equipments etc.
Q.20. GMD stands for
a. Geographical Mining Department.
b. Gems and Minerals Division.
c. Geology and Mining Department.
d. General Material Designation.
Exp: GMD stands for Geology and Mining Department, which is a state level organisation involved in provision of assistance in registration and licensing activities as well as for technical support to the entrepreneurs.
Q.21. IFCI stands for
a. International Financial Corporation of Industries.
b. Industrial Financial Corporation of India.
c. Industrial Finance Corporation of India.
d. Indian Financial Corporation of Industries.
Exp: IFCI is a financial institution for industries. The government established the Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI) on July 1, 1948, as the first Development Financial Institution in the country to cater to the long-term finance needs of the industrial sector.
Q.22. NISIET, NIESBUD, EDI help an entrepreneur by providing
a. training.
b. technical assistance.
c. finance.
d. raw materials.
Exp: The National Institute of Small Industry Extension Training (NISIET), National Institute of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD), Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDI) etc. help the entrepreneurs by providing training and information related to it. It informs the entrepreneurs regarding types of training as well as sources of training.
Q.23. IPB stands for
a. Invention Power Board
b. International Personal Banking
c. Invention Promotion Board.
d. International Promotion Board.
Exp: Invention Promotion Board (IPB) is a national level organisation for product standardisation, inventions, quality marks etc. It encourages research and development among entrepreneurs.
Q.24. The Electricity Board, Local Authorities-Municipal etc. help an entrepreneur in obtaining
a. raw materials.
b. procedural information.
c. machineries.
d. infra-structural facilities.
Exp: These organisations help an entrepreneur in obtaining infra-structural facilities, which are needed to set up an enterprise. This includes facilities such as land or building on rent, required electricity/power/fuel, required transport and communication etc.
Q.25. An example of technical resource is
a. quality control system.
b. reserve fund.
c. market linkage.
d. infra-structural facility.
Exp: Design, layout, training, skills development, technical know-how, quality control systems etc. are various technical resources. An entrepreneur should be conscious of the quality control systems, so that, he is able to ensure the quality of the product.
Q.26. An example of financial resource is
a. technical training.
b. grants.
c. technical equipments.
d. machinery.
Exp: Capital, funds, money required, loans, grant etc. are the examples of financial resources. Financial resources are required for creation and sustenance of the enterprise.
Q.27. An example of marketing resource is
a. loans.
b. technical know-how.
c. dealers.
d. designs.
Exp: Dealers and agents are the important part of an entrepreneur’s marketing resources. They are a crucial market link, important for the proper distribution as well as marketing of the product.
Q.28. An important component of human resource of an enterprise is
a. dealer.
b. skilled manpower.
c. distributor.
d. retailer.
Exp: Human resource of an enterprise consists of managerial and the non-managerial, skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled labour force, marketing and other field personnel.
Q.29. Banks provide secured loans to entrepreneurs as against
a. margin money.
b. entrepreneur’s goodwill.
c. entrepreneur’s creditworthiness.
d. collateral.
Exp: Collateral security refers to the fixed assets such as building, land etc. that is accepted in the name of the entrepreneur to release the loan. Bank release secured loans to the entrepreneurs against a collateral security, which can be forfeited by bank if the entrepreneur is unable to pay back.
Q.30. A government organisation set up for providing assistance in plant & machinery, raw material, registration and license is
a. Electricity Board.
b. Small Industries Development Bank of India.
c. State Trading Corporation.
d. District Industries Centre.
Exp: District Industries Centre is a government body set up to promote and encourage entrepreneurship at regional levels. It provides the required assistance to the budding entrepreneurs at different stages of setting up of an enterprise.
Q.31. In order to maintain quality of the products, an enterprise needs
a. technological expertise.
b. higher production levels.
c. fixed assets.
d. administrative capabilities.
Exp: It is crucial for an enterprise to maintain the quality of its products as it helps in sustaining growth in the long run. To achieve this objective, enterprise needs to possess technological expertise.
Q.32. The strength of trained manpower is determined on the basis of
a. market strength.
b. production levels.
c. type of product produced.
d. sales technique.
Exp: Trained manpower ensures higher production. As the name suggests, they are equipped with required techniques. In an enterprise, the trained manpower constitutes the technological expertise and are often engaged in selecting required machinery, its installation, commissioning and supervision.
Q.33. SIDBI stands for
a. Small Industrial Departmental Board of India.
b. Small Industries and Dual Banking System.
c. Small Industries Development Bank of India.
d. State Industries Development Bank of India.
Exp: Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) was established in April 1990 under an Act of Indian Parliament as the principal financial institution for promotion, financing, development of industry in the small scale sector and coordinating the functions of other institutions engaged in similar activities.
Q.34. The National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBD) was setup in
a. 1980.
b. 1981.
c. 1982.
d. 1983.
Exp: The National Institute for Entrepreneurship and small Business Development(NIESBD) was established in the year 1983 as an apex body established by Govt. of India for coordinating, training and overseeing the activities of various institutions/ agencies engaged in entrepreneurship development particularly in the area of small industry and small business.
Q.35. The National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBD) was set up by
a. Ministry of Finance.
b. Entrepreneurship Development of India.
c. Ministry of Small Scale industries.
d. A group of financial institutions.
Exp: The National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development(NIESBD) was established in the year 1983 as an apex body established by the Ministry of small scale industries for the promotion and development of small scale industries in the country.
Q.36. A national level source for provision of assistance in the area of market information is
a. DIC.
b. SEC.
c. DGSD.
d. SIC.
Exp: DGSD, The Director General of Supplies & Disposal is a national level institution set up for providing the necessary market related information to the entrepreneurs.
Q.37. CECD helps the entrepreneurs by providing assistance in the area of
a. selection of project.
b. finance.
c. registration and licenses.
d. product standardisation.
Exp: CECD, the Central Excise and Customs Department is a national level institution providing assistance to the entrepreneurs in the area of registration and licenses. It helps them by providing the procedural information as well as required application forms.
Q.38. IIC stands for
a. Indian Investment Centre.
b. Investment Institute of Calcutta.
c. Indian Institute for Chemicals.
d. Institute for Industrial Circle.
Exp: Indian Investment Centre is a national level institution for providing technical support to the entrepreneurs as well as helping them in the process of selection of project.
Q.39. IC stands for
a. Investment Commissioner.
b. Industries Commissioner.
c. Invention Council.
d. Investment Centre.
Exp: IC stands for Industries Commissioner, who is a state level source for providing assistance to entrepreneurs in various activities such as procurement of plant and machinery, product standardisation, inventions, quality marks, registration and licensing, project selection etc.
Q.40. A state level source for proving training facilities to the entrepreneurs is
a. CB.
c. EDPs.
d. SBI.
Exp: SBI, CB and CIPET are the national level sources for the provision of training facilities to the entrepreneurs while the EDPs, i.e., the Entrepreneurship Development Programmes are organised at the state level and form an important source for the provision of different types of training as well as related information.
Q.41. ICICI is a
a. financial institution.
b. training institute.
c. technical institution.
d. government organisation.
Exp: ICICI stands for Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Ltd. It is a financial institution providing financial support to the entrepreneurs to purchase machinery, land, building etc. as well as for working capital requirements etc.
Q.42. CSIR is a
a. bank.
b. marketing institution.
c. financial institution.
d. research institute.
Exp: CSIR stands for Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. It is a research institute and a national source for assisting entrepreneurs in the process of selection of appropriate project as well as in technological issues.
Q.43. IIFT is a
a. state level source for raw material assistance.
b. national level source for raw material assistance.
c. state level source for technical assistance.
d. national level source for technical assistance.
Exp: IIFT stands for Indian Institute of Foreign Trade. It is a national level source for providing technical support to the entrepreneurs. It helps them by providing information regarding machinery and equipments, testing equipments and quality standards.
Q.44. Companies issue shares when they raise funds through
a. loans.
b. grants.
c. equity.
d. debt.
Exp: Companies issue equity shares to raise funds required for business through equity source. These equity funds are obtained by selling a part of the business and allowing investors to hold shares in proportion to their funds.
Q.45. An item covered under short term costs of an enterprise is
a. machinery price.
b. interest on loan.
c. cost of raw materials.
d. cost of land.
Exp: Cost on machinery, interest on loan and cost of land are the items covered under long-term costs of an enterprise as these are borne by the enterprise for a much longer duration, while the cost of raw materials are considered short term because they are incurred from time to time.
Q.46. For the purpose of installation of machinery, an enterprise requires
a. labour.
b. trained manpower.
c. administrative staff.
d. unskilled manpower.
Exp: The functions performed by trained manpower include technological tasks, selection of the machinery, installation and supervision of machinery.
Q.47. An item covered under long term costs of an enterprise is its
a. cost of raw material.
b. cost of power.
c. wages.
d. cost of land.
Exp: Cost of raw material, cost of power and the wages are the items covered under short-term costs.
Q.48. Physical resources such as machinery, tools and raw materials help in the determination of
a. sales.
b. quantity.
c. production process.
d. availability of man power.
Exp: Physical resources include land, building, raw materials, tools and equipment. These resources help in determination of short term cost, long term cost, quantity, utility, durability etc.
Q.49. The land and premises where the enterprise is going to be established determines
a. utility.
b. short term cost.
c. human resource.
d. capital costs.
Exp: The land and premises where the enterprise is going to be established is an important concern for the entrepreneur. They determine issues like capital costs, access, communicability, transportation etc.
Q.50. In order to mobilise resources, an entrepreneur should
a. invest on plant and machinery.
b. avoid quality concerns.
c. be able to sense resource requirement.
d. delegate the work to hired professionals.
Exp: The success of any enterprise depends on the capacity of the entrepreneur to mobilise the resources for the enterprise and managing them successfully. Thus, he should be able to sense the need for the resources, identify the type of resources, be able to locate the resources etc.
Q.51. Wages of labours are a part of
a. fixed assets.
b. long term cost.
c. capital costs.
d. short term cost.
Exp: Wages, cost of raw materials and cost of power fall under short-term cost of an enterprise. They are termed as short term because investments done on these items are for shorter duration and are repeated intermittently.
Q.52. Functions performed by administrative staff includes
a. machinery installation.
b. machinery selection.
c. typing and computer work.
d. marketing.
Exp: The administrative staff performs the various tasks such book keeping, communication, office support, filing the documents, keeping the record of the tasks to be done, typing, computer work etc.
Q.53. An entrepreneur obtains financial resources from
a. District Industries Centre.
b. Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India.
c. Export Promotion Council.
d. Industries Commissioner.
Exp: An entrepreneur obtains financial resources from institutions such as Industrial Development Bank of India, Industrial Credit & Investment Corporation of India etc. There are various state level institutions providing finance such as banks, SIC, District Industries Centre etc.
Q.54. An example of collateral security is
a. bank balance.
b. goodwill.
c. credit worthiness.
d. land.
Exp: Collateral security refers to the fixed assets such as building, land etc against which the bank releases the loan. Collateral is the property or asset of the borrower, which he forfeits, if he defaults on the loan.
Q.55. Expense that are a part of fluctuating cost include
a. commission.
b. rent.
c. depreciation.
d. insurance.
Exp: Insurance, depreciation, rent etc. fall under fixed cost.
Q.56. Bank depends on the creditworthiness of the entrepreneur while providing
a. secured loans.
b. unsecured loans.
c. shares.
d. debentures.
Exp: The creditworthiness of an entrepreneur plays an important role in obtaining the unsecured loans as these loans are not given against any collateral.
Q.57. An example of financial resource of an enterprise is
a. technique.
b. land and building.
c. grant.
d. design.
Exp: Design, layout, training, skills development, know-how and techniques are various technical resources while land and building are physical resources of an enterprise. The financial resources include loans, grants, equity funds etc.
Q.58. The common sources of long term financing are
a. factoring.
b. trade credit.
c. loans from financial institutions.
d. cash credit.
Exp: The long term finance is raised by an entrepreneur to purchase fixed assets such as land, building, vehicles etc. The common sources of long term finance are issue of debentures, loans from banks, retained earnings, loans from financial institutions etc.
Q.59. The common sources of short term financing are
a. issue of shares.
b. trade credit.
c. loans from financial institutions.
d. retained earnings.
Exp: An entrepreneur generally raises short term loans for buying current assets, i.e., inventory, raw materials, payments of wages, salaries etc. The common sources of short term financing are trade credit, factoring etc.
Q.60. Item constituting the fixed costs of an enterprise is
a. rent.
b. travel expenses.
c. commission.
d. brokerage.
Exp: Insurance, depreciation, rent etc. fall under fixed cost of an enterprise. These are the costs that an enterprise has to bear in order to run the enterprise. These are the costs that remain static or constant irrespective of the changes in the output.
Q.61. The long term loans are needed for
a. working capital requirement.
b. purchasing current assets.
c. purchase of land, machines etc.
d. meeting operating expenses.
Exp: An entrepreneur usually borrows long term funds for procuring land, machines etc. Long term loans have a longer duration of repayment. They are usually repaid only after the commencement of production.
Q.62. Production process is mainly an outcome of
a. physical resources.
b. technical resources.
c. human resources.
d. financial resources.
Exp: Technical resources are important to ensure quality of products and to increase the productivity. An enterprise’s technical resources include technical know how, prototypes, designs, production process etc.
Q.63. A state level institution for providing product standardisation support is
a. SEC
b. SFC
c. IEB
d. DIC
Exp: The District Industries Centre or DIC is a state level institution set up to help the entrepreneurs in the area of product standardisation, inventions, quality marks etc.
Q.64. The functions performed by administrative staff include
a. marketing.
b. machinery selection.
c. machinery installation.
d. book keeping.
Exp: The administrative staff performs the various tasks such book keeping, communication, office support, filing the documents, keeping the record of the tasks to be done, typing, computer work etc.
Q.65. WPCB stands for
a. Wages Permission Control Board.
b. Water Procurement Control Board.
c. Water Pollution Control Board.
d. Wages Procurement Control Board.
Exp: WPCB stands for Water Pollution Control Board, which is a state level organisation and authority to assist entrepreneurs in the process of obtaining registration and licenses required for running the enterprise.
Q.66. To maximise production as well as achieve growth, an entrepreneur should
a. avoid expenditure on latest techniques.
b. focus more on quantity than quality.
c. avoid buying outdated machines.
d. borrow more from banks.
Exp: To maximise production and to grow and expand an entrepreneur shall never buy outdated machines and should always go for current and latest input, so that, quality products can be manufactured, which helps in increasing sales.
Q.67. In an enterprise, placement and orientation are important activities to have efficient
a. material resources.
b. physical resources.
c. human resources.
d. financial resources.
Exp: An entrepreneur should focus on activities like man power planning, recruitment and selection of competent persons, placement and orientations etc. in order to maintain efficient human resource in an enterprise.
Q.68. A function performed by administrative staff is
a. office support activities.
b. selection of techniques.
c. selection of manufacturing process.
d. marketing.
Exp: The administrative staff performs the various tasks such book keeping, communication, office support, filing the documents, keeping the record of the tasks to be done, typing, computer work etc.
Q.69. Minimum Wages Act is related to an enterprise’s
a. material resources.
b. human resources.
c. financial resources.
d. natural resources.
Exp: There are various Acts related to human resources such as Factories Acts, Provident Fund Act, and Payment of Minimum Wages Act etc. This act aims at protecting the employees of an enterprise against any exploitation by their employers such as payment of low wages or salaries, irregularity in wages or salary payments etc.
Q.70. The efficient utilisation of an enterprise’s resources depends upon the efficiency of its
a. financial resources.
b. natural resources.
c. physical resources.
d. human resources.
Exp: The human resources are the most important resources of an organisation because the efficient use of all other resources of an enterprise completely depends upon the efficiency of its human resources as they manage and utilise these resources.
Q.71. The bank requires collateral securities from the borrowers if the loan is a/an
a. unsecured loan.
b. trade credit.
c. short term loan.
d. secured loan.
Exp: Collateral security refers to the fixed assets such as building, land etc., which a bank takes from the borrowers while releasing a secured loan. These secured loans are issued against some collateral security only.
Q.72. The collateral security is related to
a. equity shares.
b. secured loan.
c. debentures.
d. factoring.
Exp: Secured loans are the loans that are given against collateral only. Collateral security is the asset of the borrower; in case the borrower fails to repay the loan, then the asset is forfeited or ceased by the bank in their favour.
Q.73. NRDC stands for
a. New Research & Development Co-operative.
b. New Research & Development Corporation.
c. National Research & Development Cooperative.
d. National Research & Development Corporation.
Exp: NRDC stands for National Research & Development Corporation. It is a national level institution for providing technical assistance such as raw materials and quality information, machinery and equipments etc. to the entrepreneurs.
Q.74. While setting up a new enterprise, an entrepreneur should
a. assess profit margin.
b. estimate quantity of sales.
c. assess future demand.
d. estimate the resource requirement.
Exp: While setting up an enterprise, an entrepreneur should most importantly estimate the required amount of resources needed to start as well as run the enterprise. Assessment of profit margin, sales figure or future demand levels are secondary and are done while selecting an appropriate project and conducting the feasibility study.
Q.75. Making the products available at the right time and their efficient management is termed as
a. procurement of resources.
b. utilisation of resources.
c. mobilisation of resources.
d. management of resources.
Exp: Mobilisation of resources means making the products available at the right time and then managing them in the most efficient manner. It refers to the availability of resources at the right time and making their right use.
Q.76. The estimation of quality and quantity of resources is required in an organisation to
a. manage technical resources.
b. mobilise resources.
c. manage human resource.
d. apply for loan from bank.
Exp: In an enterprise, an entrepreneur should estimate the quality and quantity of resources, which are required in the organisation in order to mobilise the resources.
Q.77. Issue of debentures is a source of
a. short term finance.
b. medium term finance.
c. long term finance.
d. working capital.
Exp: An enterprise raises long term finance to buy fixed assets such as land, building, vehicles etc. The common sources of long term finances includes issue of equity shares, preference shares, issue of debentures etc.
Q.78. For providing technical assistance to entrepreneurs NISIET, the National Institute of Small Industry Extension Training is a
a. state level source.
b. district level source.
c. regional level source.
d. national level source.
Exp: The National Institute of Small Industry Extension Training is a national level source for providing training assistance to entrepreneurs. It provides information regarding types of training available for entrepreneurs as well as regarding institutions providing it.
Q.79. Trade credit is a source of
a. long term finance.
b. unsecured loan.
c. short term finance.
d. medium term finance.
Exp: Trade credit is a source of short term finance. An enterprise is required to raise short term finance in order to buy current assets, i.e., inventory, raw materials, payments of wages etc.
Q.80. To arrange the technical resources of the enterprise, the entrepreneur must
a. change them frequently.
b. update them regularly.
c. assess their market availability.
d. rely on old techniques.
Exp: Technical resources are important to ensure quality of products and to increase the productivity. One of the actions which the entrepreneur must undertake in order to arrange the available technical resources of the enterprise is to update these resources at regular intervals.