CUET Entrepreneurship-Chapter-General Management Basic Functions

ClassClass 12
ChapterCUET Entrepreneurship-Chapter-General Management Basic Functions
Chapter NameGeneral Management Basic Functions
CategoryCUET (Common University Entrance Test) UG

Important MCQ Questions on CUET Entrepreneurship-Chapter-General Management Basic Functions with Detailed explanation

HT has an expert teacher who who who who ho the ho with ho the repathe red the most important MCQ Questions on CUET Entrepreneurship-Chapter-General Management Basic Functions with Detailed explanationsssssss. All the concepts of Entrepreneurship in the syllabus of CUET are covered with coverage of the entire syllabus. This page is prepared for Entrepreneurship-Chapter-General Management Basic Functions and covers all important topics of the competitive exam CUET for domain subject test. Check out MCQ Based questions for CUET Entrepreneurship uploaded by the HT experts. 

MCQ Questions for CUET Entrepreneurship-Chapter-General Management Basic Functions Set-1

Entrepreneurship - MCQ on General Management Basic Functions

Class XII

Q.1. The characteristic of management that affirms the management is a science is

a. innovation.

b. interaction.

c. creativity.

d. based on specific principles.



Exp: Management is a distinct process based on specific principles and functions, hence management is said to be science.

Q.2. Communication is the means of sharing ideas and information. It is a/an

a. economical activity.

b. social activity.

c. financial activity.

d. entrepreneurial activity.



Exp: Communication is a social activity it refers to interaction between two or more people.

Q.3. The item falling under organizing is

a. implementation.

b. creativity.

c. division of work.

d. decision making.



Exp: Organising involves

a. Division of work.

b. Grouping jobs and departmentation.

c. Establishing authority relationships.

Q.4. Controlling helps an entrepreneur to check


a. creative process.

b. innovation process.

c. worker’s performance.

d. commercial application.



Exp: Controlling helps an entrepreneur to check the following things:

a. appropriate utilisation of resources.

b. quality of the production.

c. financial situation.

d. various processes.

e) workers’ performance.

Q.5. The stage of innovation process that involves the marketing strategies is

a. analytical planning.

b. organising resources.

c. implementation.

d. application.



Exp: Analytical planning is the first step of the innovation process. In this step there is identification of the enterprise. It involves finance and the marketing strategies.

Q.6. An enterprise provides intranet facility for communication to its

a. suppliers.

b. customers.

c. shareholders.

d. employees.



Exp: Intranet is used to communicate with the employees.

Q.7. Assessing the work- in- progress is a function of

a. creative process.

b. controlling.

c. innovation.

d. planning.



Exp: A manager performs the following controlling functions:

1. establishing the standards of responsibility or accountability.

2. assessing the work in progress.

3. construing the results.

4. taking remedial measures.

Q.8. Incubation is a step of

a. planning process.

b. innovation process.

c. creative process.

d. controlling process.



Exp: Incubation is a stage of creative process that is related to the product or the services. There is focus on a particular problem at this stage. This stage also involves the resolution of the problems.

Q.9. Controlling helps an entrepreneur to check


a. implementation.

b. creative process.

c. quality of production.

d. commercial application.



Exp: Controlling helps an entrepreneur to check the following things:

a. Appropriate Utilisation of resources.

b. Quality of the production.

c. Financial situation.

d. Various processes.

e) Worker’s performance.

Q.10. Planning is a part of

a. creative process.

b. decision making.

c. controlling process.

d. management process.



Exp: Planning, organising, executing, communicating and controlling are the parts of management process.

Q.11 A stage of organizing process is

a. implementation.

b. incubation.

c. decision making.

d. departmentation.



Exp: Organising process involves

a. Division of work.

b. Grouping jobs and departmentation.

c. Establishing authority relationships.

Q.12. Analytical Planning is a stage of

a. planning process.

b. innovation process.

c. creative process.

d. controlling process.



Exp: Analytical planningis the first step of the innovation process. In this step there is identification of the enterprise. It also involves the need of finance and the marketing strategies to be followed.

Q.13. Taking Remedial measures is a function of

a. creative process.

b. innovation.

c. controlling.

d. planning.



Exp: A manager performs the following controlling functions:

1. Establishing the standards of responsibility or accountability.

1. Assessing the work in progress.

2. Construing the results.

3. Taking remedial measures.

Q.14. The feature, which shows that management is an art

a. systematic study.

b. specific principles.

c. specific functions.

d. creativity.



Exp: The practical application of knowledge is an art. The process of management is characterized by innovation, interaction, creativity etc. thus we can say that management is an art.

Q.15. Organising is a function of

a. management process.

b. decision making.

c. controlling process.

d. creative process.



Exp: Planning, organising, executing, communicating and controlling are the parts of management process.

MCQ Questions for CUET Entrepreneurship-Chapter-General Management Basic Functions Set-2

Q.16. A written mode of communication is

a. interview.

b. conversation.

c. letter.

d. group discussion.



Exp: Interview, conversation and group discussion are oral form of communication.

Q.17. A function under controlling process is

a. decision making.

b. interpreting results.

c. creativity.

d. innovation.



Exp: A manager performs the following controlling functions:

1. Establishing the standards of responsibility or accountability.

2. Assessing the work in progress.

3. Construing the results.

4. Taking remedial measures.

Q.18. A process that involves organizing is

a. management process.

b. decision making.

c. controlling process.

d. creative process.



Exp: Planning, organising, executing, communicating and controlling are the parts of management process.

Q.19. Primary level of planning deals with

a. selection of objectives.

b. formulating the programs.

c. specific programs.

d. project Report.



Exp: Project Level is the first level of planning. Planning at this level takes place before the operation starts. It is also known as project report.

Q.20. A stage of creativity process is

a. idea generation.

b. preparation.

c. incubation.

d. illumination.



Exp: At this stage the idea gets a realistic form. This stage is characterised by creativity.

Q.21. The mode of communication that takes maximum time is

a. interview.

b. internet.

c. intranet.

d. memorandum.



Exp: Memorandum is a written from of communication. Interview, Conversation, face-to-face interaction and group discussion are oral mode of communication.

Q.22. Controlling helps an entrepreneur to check


a. financial situation of the enterprise.

b. creative process.

c. implementation.

d. commercial application.



Exp: Controlling helps an entrepreneur to check the following things:

a. Appropriate utilisation of resources.

b. Quality of the production.

c. Financial situation.

d. Various processes.

e) Worker’s performance.

Q.23. A process that involves Planning is

a. creative process.

b. decision making.

c. controlling process.

d. management process.



Exp: Planning is a part of management process.

Q.24. Executive level of planning deals with

a. selection of objectives.

b. specifying the objectives.

c. specific programs.

d. project Report.



Exp: Executive level of planning deals with the selection of objectives and formulating the programs to achieve these objectives.

Q.25. A step of organizing function is

a. establishing authority relationship.

b. incubation.

c. decision making.

d. illumination.



Exp: Organising involves:

1. Division of work.

2. Grouping jobs and departmentation.

3. Establishing authority relationships.

Q.26. The written modes of communication are

a. interview & group discussion.

b. telephonic conversation & Interview.

c. face to face interaction.

d. Memorandums & reports.



Exp: Interview, conversation, face-to-face interaction and group discussion are oral form of communication.

Q.27. Planning process involves

a. 2 levels.

b. 3 levels.

c. 4 levels.

d. 5 levels.



Exp: The various levels of planning are:

1. Project Level – It is the first level of planning.

2. Executive level.

3. Operation Level.

Q.28. The stage of innovation process which involves production process is

a. analytical planning.

b. organising resources.

c. implementation.

d. application.



Exp: Implementation ensures the most suitable system to be undertaken for the production. This stage is important for production process.

Q.29. Executive level of planning deals with

a. project report.

b. specifying the objectives.

c. specific programs.

d. formulating the programs.



Exp: Executive level of planning deals with the selection of objectives and formulating the programs to achieve these objectives.

Q.30. A function under controlling process is

a. assessing the work in progress.

b. decision making.

c. creativity.

d. innovation.



Exp: A manager performs the following controlling functions:

a. Establishing the standards of responsibility or Accountability.

b. Assessing the work in progress.

c. Construing the results.

d. Taking remedial measures.


Q.31. The slowest process of communication is

a. interview.

b. conversation.

c. letter.

d. group discussion.



Exp: The slowest mode of communication is through letters.

Q.32. The stage characterized by the utilisation of resources is

a. pre start up stage.

b. start up stage.

c. early growth stage.

d. later growth stage.



Exp: Early growth stage is characterized by the development. It signifies the utilisation of resources.

Q.33. Primary or the first level of planning deals with

a. market size and production.

b. specifying the objectives.

c. specific programs.

d. formulating the programs.



Exp: At primary level or project level of planning involves specifying the objectives and the information regarding administration, financial and legal structure.


Q.34. The first step of creative process is

a. idea generation.

b. preparation.

c. incubation.

d. illumination.



Exp: Idea generation is the first step of the creative process.

Q.35. The recent mode of communication is

a. interview.

b. letter.

c. fax.

d. memorandum.



Exp: Telex and Fax are the recent mode of communication.

Q.36. One of the stages of growth model is

a. idea generation Stage.

b. preparation Stage.

c. start up Stage.

d. illumination Stage.



Exp: A four-stage growth model involves the following stages:

- pre start up stage.

- start up stage.

- early growth stage.

- later growth stage.

Q.37. Primary level of planning deals with

a. project report & market size.

b. project report and specifying the objectives.

c. project report and specific programs.

d. project report and formulating the programs.



Exp: Primary level or project level of planning involves specifying the objectives and the information regarding administration, financial and legal structure.


Q.38. The written form of communication is

a. interview.

b. conversation.

c. group discussion.

d. annual reports.



Exp: Interview, conversation and group discussion are oral mode of communication while annual report is a written mode of communication.

Q.39. A function under controlling process is

a. decision making.

b. creativity.

c. taking corrective or remedial measures.

d. innovation.



Exp: A manager performs the following controlling functions:

1. Establishing the standards of responsibility or accountability.

2. Assessing the work in progress.

3. Construing the results.

4. Taking remedial measures.

Q.40. The example of audiovisual mode of communication is

a. interview.

b. computer.

c. fax.

d. memorandum.



Exp: Computer and TV are the examples of audiovisual mode of communication.

Q.41. The stage of innovation process that involves consumers need is

a. analytical planning.

b. organising resources.

c. implementation.

d. application.



Exp: Commercial application stage involves the consumer need and availability of the products to the consumers.

Q.42. A creative process follows

a. 4 Stages.

b. 5 Stages.

c. 7 Stages.

d. 8 Stages.



Exp: The creative process consists of 5 stages: Idea generation, preparation, incubation, illumination and verification.

Q.43. Executive level of planning involves

a. selection of objectives and formulating the programs.

b. project report and formulating the programs.

c. selection of objectives and specific programs.

d. specific programs and formulating the programs.



Exp: Executive level of planning deals with the selection of objectives and formulating the programs to achieve these objectives.

Q.44. A growth model consists of

a. 2 stages.

b. 3 stages.

c. 4 stages.

d. 5 stages.



Exp: Four stage growth model involves following stages:

1. Pre start up stage.

2. Start up stage.

3. Early growth stage.

4. Later growth stage.

Q.45. The term associated with communication is

a. blue pages.

b. white pages.

c. red pages.

d. yellow pages.



Exp: Yellow page is a written form of communication between the entrepreneurs and the customers.

Q.46. A feature of management that reveals that management is a science is


a. innovation.

b. interaction.

c. specific principles.

d. personalized skills.




Exp: Management is a distinct process based on specific principles and functions, hence management is said to be science.

Q.47. Rating the risk is a stage of

a. planning.

b. incubation.

c. decision making.

d. organising.



Exp: The process of decision-making involves the following steps:

1. Defining a problem.

2. Analysis and identification of Situation.

3. Gathering information.

4. Development of the alternatives.

5. Evaluating alternatives.

6. Rate the risk.

7. Selecting the best alternative.

8. Implementation.

Q.48. Operation Level of planning involves

a. formulating the programs.

b. project report.

c. selection of objectives.

d. specific programs.



Exp: Operation level of planning involves some specific programs.

Q.49. The means used by a company for internal communication among the employees is

a. intranet.

b. internet.

c. fax.

d. letter.



Exp: Intranet refers to the organization's internal website to share any part of an organization's information or operational systems with its employees.

Q.50. Idea germination is a stage of

a. planning process.

b. innovation process.

c. creative process.

d. controlling process.



Exp: The creative process consists of 5 stages:

- Idea generation.

- Preparation.

- Incubation.

- Illumination.

- Verification.

MCQ Questions for CUET Entrepreneurship-Chapter-General Management Basic Functions Set-3

Q.51. The oral mode of communication is

a. interview.

b. reports.

c. letters.

d. memorandum.



Exp: Interview, conversation, face-to-face interaction and group discussion are oral mode of communication.

Q.52. A function under controlling process is

a. standardization of responsibility.

b. decision making.

c. creativity.

d. innovation.



Exp: A manager performs the following controlling functions:

1. Establishing the standards of responsibility or accountability.

2. Assessing the work in progress.

3. Construing the results.

4. Taking remedial measures.

Q.53. The stage of innovation process that involves availability of the products to the consumers is

a. analytical planning.

b. organising resources.

c. implementation.

d. application.



Exp: Commercial application stage involves the consumer need and availability of the products to the consumers.

Q.54. Setting the objectives relates to

a. pre start up stage.

b. start up stage.

c. early growth stage.

d. later growth stage.



Exp: Setting of the various objectives relates to start up stage.

Q.55. A term associated with oral mode of communication is

a. yellow pages.

b. official publications.

c. letters.

d. group discussion.



Exp: Group discussion is an oral mode of communication.

Q.56. Establishing the standard of responsibility or accountability is a function of

a. controlling.

b. creative process.

c. innovation.

d. planning.



Exp: Establishing the standard of responsibility or accountability is a function of controlling.

Q.57. Implementation is a stage of

a. planning process.

b. innovation process.

c. creative process.

d. controlling process.



Exp: Implementation is a stage of innovation process. This stage ensures the most suitable system for the production to be undertaken. This stage is important for production process.

Q.58. A decision-making process involve

a. 4 Stages.

b. 5 Stages.

c. 7 Stages.

d. 8 Stages.



Exp: Decision-making process follows 8 steps

Q.59. Analysis and identification of situation is a stage of

a. planning.

b. incubation.

c. decision making.

d. organising.



Exp: The process of decision-making involves the following steps:

1. Defining a problem.

2. Analysis and identification of Situation.

3. Gathering Information.

4. Development of the alternatives.

5. Evaluating alternatives.

6. Rate the risk.

7. Selecting the best alternative.

8. Implementation.

Q.60. Yellow Pages mean

a. an announcement on a yellow page.

b. an official publications for employees.

c. letters written on yellow papers.

d. a book enabling interaction between entrepreneurs and customers.



Exp: Yellow Pages refer to the written form of communication between the entrepreneurs and the customers.

Q.61. The two-fold management responsibility of an entrepreneur means

a. decision making and self management.

b. decision-making and enterprise management.

c. decision making and planning.

d. self management and enterprise management.



Exp: An entrepreneur has to manage the enterprise as well as him-self or her-self. Thus the two-fold management responsibility of an entrepreneur is:

1. Self-Management.

2. Management of enterprise.

Q.62. The least time taking channel of communication is

a. interview.

b. reports.

c. letters.

d. memorandum.



Exp: Interview takes less time as compared to reports, letter & memorandum.

Q.63. Dual role of an entrepreneur signifies the role of an entrepreneur as

a. a manager and an innovator.

b. a manager and an organiser.

c. a manager and an entrepreneur.

d. an entrepreneur and an innovator.



Exp: An entrepreneur plays a dual role. One of the roles is the role of an entrepreneur and the other one is of a successful manager.


Q.64. Defining a problem is a stage of

a. decision-making.

b. planning.

c. creative process.

d. organizing.



Exp: The process of decision-making involves the following steps:

1. Defining a problem.

2. Analysis and identification of situation.

3. Gathering information.

4. Development of the alternatives.

5. Evaluating alternatives.

6. Rate the risk.

7. Selecting the best alternative.

8. Implementation.

Q.65. Illumination is a stage of

a. planning process.

b. innovation process.

c. controlling process.

d. creative process.



Exp: The creative process consists of 5 stages: Idea generation, preparation, incubation, illumination and verification.


Q.66. Regular monitoring and evaluation relate

a. pre start up stage.

b. start up stage.

c. early growth stage.

d. later growth stage.



Exp: Regular monitoring and evaluation of the tasks is a part of start up stage.

Q.67. The information is circulated in the offices freely through

a. an announcement.

b. an official publications.

c. letters.

d. memoranda.



Exp: Memoranda are a written mode of communication. Whenever some instructions or the information is to be circulated internally in an office, a memorandum is used.

Q.68. One different means of communication is

a. letters.

b. reports.

c. conversation.

d. memorandum.



Exp: Report, letter & memoranda are the written mode of communication while conversation is the oral mode of communication.

Q.69. Incubation is a stage of a specific process. The name of this process is

a. planning process.

b. innovation process.

c. controlling process.

d. creative process.



Exp: Incubation is a part of creative process.

Q.70. Decision-making process involves

a. rate the risk.

b. creative process.

c. start up stage.

d. commercial application.



Exp: The process of decision-making involves the following steps:

1. Defining a problem.

2. Analysis and identification of Situation.

3. Gathering Information.

4. Development of the alternatives.

5. Evaluating alternatives.

6. Rate the risk.

7. Selecting the best alternative.

8. Implementation.

Q.71. Organising resources is a stage of

a. planning process.

b. innovation process.

c. controlling process.

d. creative process.



Exp: Organising resources is a stage of innovation process.

Q.72. A stage of innovation process is

a. analytical planning.

b. idea germination.

c. start up stage.

d. setting up objectives.



Exp: The innovation process means to turn an idea into an application. It involves the following stages: Analytical planning, organising resources, implementation and application.

Q.73. The stage that is characterized by the development is

a. pre start up stage.

b. start up stage.

c. early growth stage.

d. later growth stage.



Exp: Early Growth Stage is characterized by the development. It signifies the utilisation of resources and the venture also witnesses various changes for rapid development.

Q.74. The most expensive means of communication is

a. TV.

b. Radio.

c. Newspaper.

d. Magazine.



Exp: Television is the mot expensive mode of communication.

Q.75. The process to turn an idea into an application is

a. planning process.

b. innovation process.

c. controlling process.

d. creative process.



Exp: The innovation process means to turn an idea into an application.

Q.76. The stage of decision-making process is

a. appropriate utilisation of resources.

b. creative process.

c. defining a problem.

d. commercial application



Exp: The process of decision-making involves the following steps:

1. Defining a problem.

2. Analysis and identification of Situation.

3. Gathering Information.

4. Development of the alternatives.

5. Evaluating alternatives.

6. Rate the risk.

7. Selecting the best alternative.

8. Implementation.

Q.77. To continue working even when there are difficulties and hurdles on the way is a quality called

a. creativity.

b. innovation.

c. risk taking.

d. persistence.



Exp: Persistence means to continue working even when there are difficulties and hurdles on the way. Persistence is an important quality of an entrepreneur.

Q.78. Planning and preliminary tasks relate to

a. pre start up stage.

b. start up stage.

c. early growth stage.

d. later growth stage.



Exp: Pre start up stage is the first stage, which involves the planning and preliminary tasks. It also deals with organising the human resources and financial resources in order to utilize them.

Q.79. The stage of innovation process that involves identification of the enterprise is

a. analytical planning.

b. organising resources.

c. implementation.

d. application.



Exp: Analytical planning is the first step of the innovation process. In this step there is identification of the enterprise.

Q.80. With the help of Controlling, an entrepreneur can check

a. appropriate utilisation of resources.

b. creative process.

c. implementation.

d. commercial application.



Exp: Controlling helps an entrepreneur to check the following things:

1. Appropriate utilisation of resources.

2. Quality of the production.

3. Financial situation.

4. Various processes.

5. Workers’ performance.

Q.81. A stage of decision-making process is

a. appropriate utilisation of resources.

b. creative process.

c. commercial application.

d. analysis and identification of situation.



Exp: The process of decision-making involves the following steps:

1. Defining a problem.

2. Analysis and identification of Situation.

3. Gathering Information.

4. Development of the alternatives.

5. Evaluating alternatives.

6. Rate the risk.

7. Selecting the best alternative.

8. Implementation.

Q.82. A company provides information to its shareholders through

a. letters.

b. annual report.

c. yellow pages.

d. telex.



Exp: An annual report is mode of communication. It provides information to the shareholders.

Q.83. The main advantage of written communication is

a. speed.

b. less formal.

c. suitable for emergency.

d. permanent Records.



Exp: Written communication can be kept for future in the form of records. Hence written communication has the advantage of being kept as permanent records.

Q.84. The benefit of oral communication is

a. speedy.

b. formal.

c. wider access.

d. permanent records.



Exp: Oral communication is speedy.

Q.85 The disadvantage of written communication is

a. wider access.

b. time consuming process.

c. easier to understand.

d. permanent records.



Exp: Written communication is a time consuming process.

Q.86. The fastest means of communication is

a. letter.

b. memoranda.

c. report.

d. fax.



Exp: Fax is the fastest mean of communication.

Q.87. The most interactive means of communication is

a. letter.

b. memoranda.

c. TV.

d. fax.



Exp: TV as being an audiovisual mean of communication is most interactive mode of communication.

Q.88. The mode of presentation which provides information to share holders is

a. letter.

b. memoranda.

c. annual report.

d. fax.



Exp: Annual Report is prepared to provide the information to the shareholders, customers etc.

Q.89. An individual wants some information about a particular company. The best means to refer is

a. letter.

b. memoranda.

c. TV.

d. yellow pages.



Exp: The best means to refer about a particular company is Yellow Pages.

Q.90. A company has its offices in different cities. The company wants to discuss a new advertising plan with the directors positioned at different cities. The most appropriate mode of communication would be

a. telephone.

b. e-mail.

c. online chatting.

d. video-conferencing.



Exp: Video-conferencing enables the user to interact more efficiently.

Q.91. Anita is a CEO of Huda Engineering Ltd. The company is planning to launch a new product. There are various alternatives. Anita is trying to find the most appropriate alternatives. She is involved in the process of

a. creativity.

b. thinking.

c. decision making.

d. growth model.



Exp: Comparing alternatives is one of the steps of decision-making process.

Q.92. Rajan is working on a project. He is busy in creative process. He is about to translate all his ideas into realistic form. The stage of creative process referred here is

a. idea germination.

b. preparation.

c. incubation.

d. verification.



Exp: Verification is the last stage of creative process in which a plan is translated into realistic application.

Q.93. Sajid is an entrepreneur. He is an efficient person but he hesitates with the obstacles and difficulties during any process. The trait of an entrepreneur he lacks is

a. persistence.

b. creativity.

c. innovation.

d. taking initiative.



Exp: Persistence means to continue working even when there are difficulties and hurdles on the way.

Q.94. Latika is selecting objectives and policies for the enterprise. She is working at

a. primary level.

b. operation level.

c. executive level.

d. mid level.



Exp: Planning at executive level involves formulation of objectives and policies.

Q.95. Simmy is engaged in project formulation related to budget of the company. She is working at

a. primary level.

b. operation level.

c. executive level.

d. mid level.



Exp: Planning at operation level involves project formulation related to budget of the company.

Q.96. The first level of planning is

a. primary level.

b. initial level.

c. pre level.

d. project level.



Exp: There are three level of planning: first is Project Level, second is Executive Level & third is Operation Level.

Q.97. The function of management which involves assignment of responsibility is

a. planning.

b. executing.

c. organising.

d. controlling.



Exp: Organising involves assigning the responsibility.

98. Long term trend in income level is important matter of concern. The level of planning which deals with this is

a. primary level.

b. operation level.

c. executive level.

d. mid level.



Exp: Planning at executive level involves formulation of objectives and policies related to various important concerns like long-term income level.

Q.99. Strategic thinker are those who

a. see opportunities everywhere.

b. see opportunities nowhere.

c. see opportunities where others don’t.

d. see opportunities in the offices.



Exp: Strategic thinkers are those who see opportunities where others don’t.

Q.100. If there is no plan, an entrepreneur is a captain of a ship without

a. sailor.

b. resources.

c. fuel.

d. compass.



Exp: As compass helps a captain of a ship to find out the directions to move, a plan is important for guiding an entrepreneur.