History Section syllabus
The History section syllabus focuses on the rise of the modern world, particularly events and movements that shaped the 18th and 19th centuries, as well as key developments in Indian history.
1. The Harappan Civilization
- Origin and Extent: Geographical extent and major sites of the Harappan civilization.
- Town Planning and Features: Urban planning, drainage system, citadel, and granaries.
- Economic Life: Agriculture, trade, and crafts.
- Decline: Theories related to the decline of the Harappan civilization.
2. The Vedic Period
- Early and Later Vedic Periods: Sources of information and geographical area.
- Society and Economy: Varna system, family structure, and economy.
- Religion and Philosophy: Religious practices and philosophy in the Vedic period.
3. Jainism and Buddhism
- Causes for the Rise: Socio-economic and religious factors leading to the rise of Jainism and Buddhism.
- Teachings of Mahavira and Gautama Buddha: Principles and doctrines.
- Spread of Buddhism and Jainism: Patronage, spread across India and beyond, and decline.
4. The Mauryan Empire
- Chandragupta Maurya and Ashoka: Contributions and achievements.
- Administration: Central, provincial, and local administration under the Mauryas.
- Ashoka’s Dhamma: Principles and propagation.
5. The Sangam Age
- Sources: Literary sources like Sangam literature and archaeological findings.
- Polity and Society: Structure of governance and social structure.
- Cultural Contributions: Art, architecture, and literature.
6. The Age of the Guptas
- Political History: The rise and expansion of the Gupta Empire.
- Administration and Economy: Centralized administration and trade.
- Cultural Contributions: Development in literature, art, science, and education.
7. Medieval India (C. 8th to 12th Century)
- Sources: Archaeological and literary sources for the study of medieval India.
- Rajputs: Origin and major dynasties.
- Society and Culture: Society, economy, religion, and culture during the period.
8. The Delhi Sultanate
- The Slave Dynasty: Qutub-ud-din Aibak and Iltutmish.
- Khilji and Tughlaq Dynasties: Alauddin Khilji and Muhammad bin Tughlaq.
- Administration: Structure and policies under the Delhi Sultanate.
9. The Mughal Empire
- Babur and Humayun: Establishment of the Mughal Empire.
- Akbar, Jahangir, and Shah Jahan: Administration, policies, and cultural contributions.
- Aurangzeb: Expansion, policies, and decline of the Mughal Empire.
10. The Modern Age in Europe
- The Renaissance: Causes, features, and impact on Europe.
- The Reformation: Causes, Martin Luther, and the Protestant movement.
- The Industrial Revolution: Causes, features, and impact on society and economy.
Civics Section
The Civics section covers the functioning of political and civic structures in India, focusing on the Constitution, the judiciary, and the legislative process.
1. Our Constitution
- Need for a Constitution: Why India needs a Constitution.
- Salient Features of the Constitution: Preamble, fundamental rights, directive principles of state policy.
- Fundamental Rights and Duties: Detailed study of fundamental rights and duties of Indian citizens.
2. The Union Legislature
- The Parliament: Structure, composition, and functions of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.
- Law-Making Process: How laws are made in the Parliament.
- Powers and Functions: Role of the Parliament in the Indian democratic system.
3. The Union Executive
- The President: Election, powers, and functions of the President of India.
- The Prime Minister and Council of Ministers: Appointment, powers, and responsibilities.
- The Vice-President: Election, powers, and duties.
4. The Judiciary
- The Supreme Court: Structure, powers, and jurisdiction.
- High Courts: Structure and jurisdiction.
- Subordinate Courts: Role and functioning of lower courts.
Internal Assessment
1. Project Work
- Students are expected to conduct research and present projects on topics related to History or Civics.
- Projects may include historical timelines, biographies of significant personalities, analysis of political structures, or current events related to governance.
2. Field Visits
- Visits to historical sites, museums, or government institutions may be part of the curriculum.
- Students may be asked to submit reports or presentations based on these visits.
Download PDF of the ICSE Board Syllabus For Class 9 History-Civics