ICSE Board Class 9 Syllabus for Geography

The ICSE Board syllabus for Class 9 Geography is designed to help students understand the physical and human aspects of geography, focusing on the physical features of the Earth, climatic conditions, and human activities that shape the environment. The syllabus also includes map reading and interpretation skills. Below is an overview of the topics typically covered in the ICSE Class 9 Geography syllabus:

1. Our World

  • Earth as a Planet:
    • Shape and size of the Earth.
    • Earth's movements: Rotation and revolution and their effects.
  • Geographical Grid:
    • Latitude and longitude: Concept and significance.
    • Important lines: Equator, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Arctic Circle, Antarctic Circle, Prime Meridian.
    • Time calculation: Local time, standard time, time zones, and International Date Line.
  • Earth’s Structure:
    • Layers of the Earth: Crust, mantle, core.
    • Types of rocks: Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.

2. Structure of the Earth

  • Internal Structure of the Earth:
    • Crust, mantle, and core: Composition and characteristics.
  • Rocks and Minerals:
    • Types of rocks: Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks.
    • Rock cycle and processes of rock formation.
  • Earth’s Movements:
    • Types of forces: Endogenic and exogenic.
    • Plate tectonics and its impact on landforms.
  • Volcanoes and Earthquakes:
    • Causes, types, and effects of volcanoes and earthquakes.
    • Distribution of volcanoes and earthquake-prone areas.

3. Hydrosphere

  • Hydrological Cycle:
    • The water cycle: Processes of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, infiltration, and runoff.
  • Oceanography:
    • Composition of ocean water: Salinity, temperature, and density.
    • Ocean currents: Types, causes, and effects.
    • Tides and waves: Causes and impact on coastal areas.
  • Oceans and Seas:
    • Major oceans and seas of the world.
    • Significance of oceans in global climate regulation.

4. Atmosphere

  • Composition and Structure of the Atmosphere:
    • Layers of the atmosphere: Troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere.
  • Weather and Climate:
    • Difference between weather and climate.
    • Factors affecting climate: Latitude, altitude, distance from the sea, ocean currents, and winds.
  • Atmospheric Pressure and Winds:
    • Pressure belts and wind systems: Trade winds, westerlies, and polar winds.
    • Cyclones and anticyclones: Formation and impact.
  • Humidity and Precipitation:
    • Concept of humidity, types of humidity: Absolute and relative humidity.
    • Types of rainfall: Convectional, orographic, and cyclonic.
  • Types of Climates:
    • Classification of climates: Tropical, temperate, polar, etc.
    • Distribution and characteristics of different climate types.

5. Lithosphere

  • Landforms:
    • Types of landforms: Mountains, plateaus, plains, valleys.
    • Processes of landform formation: Weathering, erosion, and deposition.
  • Soils:
    • Soil formation: Factors affecting soil formation.
    • Types of soil: Alluvial, black, red, laterite, desert, mountain soil.
    • Soil conservation methods: Contour plowing, terrace farming, afforestation, etc.
  • Natural Hazards and Disasters:
    • Causes, effects, and preventive measures for natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, landslides, and tsunamis.

6. Biosphere

  • Ecosystems:
    • Concept of ecosystem: Biotic and abiotic components.
    • Types of ecosystems: Terrestrial and aquatic.
  • Biodiversity:
    • Importance of biodiversity: Flora and fauna.
    • Conservation of biodiversity: National parks, wildlife sanctuaries, biosphere reserves.
  • Human Impact on the Environment:
    • Deforestation, pollution, and global warming.
    • Sustainable development and environmental conservation.

7. Map Work

  • Topographical Maps:
    • Understanding topographical maps: Scale, symbols, contour lines.
    • Interpretation of topographical maps: Identification of landforms, drainage patterns, settlements, and vegetation.
  • World Maps:
    • Location of continents, oceans, seas, major countries, and important cities.
    • Climatic regions of the world.
  • India Maps:
    • Location of physical features: Mountains, plateaus, rivers, plains, and coastal areas.
    • Political divisions: States and Union Territories.

8. Natural Regions of the World

  • Major Natural Regions:
    • Equatorial, tropical, temperate, desert, tundra, and Mediterranean regions.
    • Characteristics of each region: Climate, vegetation, and human activities.
  • Human Adaptation to Natural Regions:
    • How humans adapt to living conditions in different natural regions.
    • Agriculture, industry, and lifestyle variations according to the region.

9. India: Geographical Features and Climate

  • Physical Features of India:
    • The Northern Mountains, Northern Plains, Peninsular Plateau, Coastal Plains, and Islands.
    • Rivers of India: The Ganges, Yamuna, Brahmaputra, Indus, Godavari, Krishna, Cauvery, etc.
  • Climate of India:
    • Factors influencing India’s climate: Monsoons, Western disturbances, and local winds.
    • Seasons of India: Summer, monsoon, retreating monsoon, and winter.
  • Natural Vegetation of India:
    • Types of vegetation: Tropical evergreen, deciduous, thorn, and mangrove forests.
    • Conservation of forests: Afforestation and reforestation.

10. Natural Resources

  • Resources of the Earth:
    • Types of resources: Renewable and non-renewable resources.
    • Importance of conserving natural resources.
  • Water Resources:
    • Major river systems and water resources of the world.
    • Water conservation techniques: Rainwater harvesting, dams, and irrigation.
  • Mineral Resources:
    • Major minerals: Coal, petroleum, iron ore, bauxite.
    • Extraction and use of minerals.
  • Energy Resources:
    • Conventional energy resources: Coal, petroleum, natural gas.
    • Non-conventional energy resources: Solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, nuclear energy.

11. Economic Activities

  • Primary Activities:
    • Agriculture, mining, fishing, forestry.
  • Secondary Activities:
    • Manufacturing industries: Types of industries, factors influencing the location of industries.
  • Tertiary Activities:
    • Services: Transport, communication, trade, banking, and insurance.
  • Impact of Economic Activities:
    • Environmental impact of different economic activities.
    • Sustainable economic practices.

12. Internal Assessment

  • Fieldwork and Practical Work:
    • Conducting field studies to understand geographical phenomena.
    • Practical exercises in map reading, data collection, and interpretation.
  • Project Work:
    • Preparing detailed projects on specific geographical topics such as a study of a local physical feature, a river basin, or an environmental issue.
  • Presentations and Reports:
    • Writing reports and giving presentations on field visits, surveys, or geographical topics.

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ICSE Board Class 9 Syllabus for Geography
ICSE Board Class 9 Syllabus for Geography
ICSE Board Class 9 Syllabus for Geography
ICSE Board Class 9 Syllabus for Geography
ICSE Board Class 9 Syllabus for Geography
ICSE Board Class 9 Syllabus for Geography
ICSE Board Class 9 Syllabus for Geography
ICSE Board Class 9 Syllabus for Geography