MCQ on On the Trail of the Earliest People

MCQ Questions on On the Trail of the Earliest People

Q.1. The place where tools were made was called

a. work site.

b. rest site.

c. factory site.

d. archaeological site.



Exp: The people used the tools of stone in daily use for hunting animals and for other purposes. The people tried to shift to those places, where good quality stone were easily available. The availability of finished and semi finished tools led to conclude that these were the factory sites.

Q.2. Trains in India started around

a. 100 years ago.

b. 120 years ago.

c. 135 years ago.

d. 150 years ago.



Exp: Railways in India was introduced in the year 1853 during the Governor general ship of Lord Dalhousie. First railway line connected Bombay with Thane.

Q.3. “Bhimbetka rock shelters” is in the state of

a. Uttat Pradesh.

b Madhya Pradesh.

c. Tamil Nadu.

d. Karnataka.



Exp: The “Bhimbetka rock shelters” exhibit the earliest traces of human life in India. Its Stoneage rock paintings are approximately 9,000 years old. The name “Bhimbetika” comes from the mythological association of the place with Bhima, one of the Pandavas.

Q.4. Besides “Vindhyas” the natural caves are also found in

a. Chhota Nagpur plateau.

b. Shillong plateau.

c. Malwa plateau.

d. Deccan plateau.



Exp: These rock shelters are close to the Narmada valley. The people were dependent upon good quality of stones for making tools which was facilitated by the plateaus.

Q.7. The colours used in the cave paintings were obtained from

a. iron ore.

b. wax.

c. flowers.

d. soil.



Exp: Iron ore and charcoal were the source of colours that were used in cave paintings. Iron ore chemically reacts with water and thus colour was obtained.

Q.8. The word “Palaeolithic” had been derived from the two words one is “palaeo” another is

a. Lithios.

b. Lithos.

c. Leethos.

d. Lithic.



Exp: “Palaeolithic” word had been derived from the Greek language. “Palaeo” means old and “Lithos” means stone.

Q.9. The age, which covers the maximum time of the human history, was

a. Mesolithic age.

b. Paleolithic age.

c. Iron age.

d. Neolithic age.



Exp: Palaeolithic age covers the maximum span of time. This age covers 99% of the human history.

Q.10. A age, which was divided into lower, upper and middle, was

a. Mesolithic age.

b. Neolithic age.

c. Iron age.

d. Paleolithic age.



Exp: Paleolithic age extends from 2 million years ago to about 12,000 years ago. In this period stones were widely used and thhis is the reason why this age is also called as stone age.

Q.11. The environmental changes were witnessed during

a. Nesolithic age.

b. Mesolithic age.

c. Paleolithic age.

d. Iron age.



Exp. The environmental changes took place in Mesolithic age. Due to this change peoples started to look for warmer areas and as a result they began to migrate.

Q.12. Mesolithic age is also known as

a. lower stone age

b. upper stone age

c. middle stone age

d. medium stone age



Exp: Middle stone age started from12,000 years ago and continued upto 10,000 years ago.This period witnessed great environmental changes and migration of people to warm regions.

Q.13. The world witnessed a major environmental change in and around

a. 12,000 years ago.

b. 11,000 years ago.

c. 10,000 yeas ago.

d. 90000 years ago.



Exp: This great environmental change in many place led to the development of grasslands. This in turn led to the increase in the population of cattle’s like deer, sheep, etc.

Q.14. Microliths were

a. bones.

b. stone tools.

c. age in human history.

d. type of rock.



Exp: Microliths were the tiny stone tools. They were found during the Mesolithic age.

Q.15. The stage that witnessed environmental changes was

a. Paleolithic age.

b. Mesolithic age.

c. Neolithic age.

d. Iron age.



Exp: Environmental changes began about 12,000 years ago till about 10,000 years ago is called the Mesolithic (middle stone). Stone tools found during this period are generally tiny, and are called microliths.

Q.16. A large number of early Paleolithic sites were discovered at

a. Hunsgi.

b. Bhimbetka.

c. Rakhigarh.

d. Mehrgarh.



Exp. Paleolithic site was found in the Hungsi valley. At present this site is in the state of Karnataka. In this place more than 200 sites had been discovered, which is largest in the world.

Q.17. Tools found in the Hunsgi valley were predominantly made from

a. Sand stone.

b. Charcoal.

c. Feldspar.

d. Limestone.



Exp: At Hunsgi valley a number of Paleolithic sites have been found, which shows that limestone was locally available.

Q.18. A cave painting that was discovered by the four children, is in

a. England.

b. Germany.

c. Spain.

d. France.



Exp: Paintings like this were made between 20,000 and 10,000 years ago. This site represents paintings of the animals like bison, woolly rhinoceros and were painted in bright colours.

Q.19. A Neolithic site that is located in Jammu and Kashmir region is

a. Chirand.

b. Burzahom.

c. Hunsgi.

d. Mehrgarh.



Exp: The site of Burzahom is a Neolithic settlement and cemetery in the Kashmir state of India, occupied between about 3000-1500 BC. The houses built here are kind of pit houses that were probably built due to the cold climatic conditions of the place.

Q.21. India lies in

a. tropical climatic zone.

b. equatorial climatic zone.

c. Mediterranean climatic zone.

d. tundra type.



Exp: Latitudanally India is located between 8.4ºN – 37.6º N and tropical zone extends between 23.5º North and South of the equator (0º).

Q.22. Hunters-gatherers moved from place to place in search of

a. stone.

b. bones.

c. food.

d. hides.



Exp: They did so because during that time fire was not discovered and hunting was the main source for collecting food

Q.23. The Hunter-gatherers follow the animals to

a. learn about their food habits.

b. learn about their habitat.

c. learn about their activities.

d. learn about their skills.



Exp: The Hunter gatherers had started thinking about herding and rearing the animals. So they followed the animals instead of hunting them.

Q.24. People moved to different parts in search of different kinds of

a. animals.

b. plants.

c. rocks.

d. tools.



Exp. Plants and trees bear fruits in different seasons. People may have moved from place to place in search of different fruit bearing plants.

Q.25. The river, which contains water throughtout the year, is called

a. seasonal river.

b. monsonal river.

c. perennial river.

d. rainfed river.



Exp: The perennial river are those rivers, which flows throughout the year. The rivers of Northern India are Perinnial in nature. Examples: Ganga, Yamuna, Indus, etc. This is so because they originate from the glaciers in the Himalayas.

Q.26. Most of the rivers in South India are mainly

a. glacier fed.

b. rainfed.

c. lakefed.

d. perennial.



Exp. The rivers of the Southern India are rainfed thus they are seasonal in nature. Examples: Godavri, Krishna, Kaveri, etc.

Q.27. The Paleolithic sites located in the Vindhyas lie in the

a. Ganga Valley.

b. Chambal Valley.

c. Mahanadi Valley.

d. Narmada Valley



Exp. The hunter gatherers chose to live in the Narmada valley because many natural caves and rock shelters were found in the Vindhyas. Moreover the people were dependent upon good quality of stones for making tools which was facilitated by the Vindhyas.

Q.28. The hunters- gatherers used to scrape the bark from

a. animals.

b. trees.

c. plants.

d. bushes.



Exp: The hunters gatherers used bark for making tools, and huts to live in.

Q.29. The hunter-gatherers used to get hides from

a. plants.

b. trees.

c. animal.

d. seed.



Exp: Hunter- gatherer used to wear animal skins (hides) to protect themselves from severe weather conditions.

Q.30. To cut meat and bone the hunter-gatherers used weapons made of

a. iron.

b. stone.

c. wood.

d. bone.



Exp: Hunters-gatherers were not aware of any other thing other than stone, so they made weapons of stones.

Q.31. Some weapons of the hunter-gatherers have been attached to bone and other have been attached to

a. wood.

b. stone.

c. iron.

d. lime.



Exp: Wood was only next in importance than stone. This was also used to make spears and arrows, which were used for hunting.

Q.32. A technique used by the Hunter-gatherers to make stone tool was

a. rolling.

b. sliding.

c. stone polishing.

d. Stone on stone.



Exp. In this technique a pebble from which a tool was to be made was held in one hand. Another stone was used in the form of Hammer was held in another hand. The second stone was struck on the first to remove flakes and to shape the tool.

Q.33. Pressure flaking was a technique used by

a. Harappans.

b. Aryans.

c. Hunter-gatherers.

d. Dravidians.



Exp: In this technique a piece of bone or stone was placed on the core to remove flakes that could be shaped into tools.

Q.34. The evidence of ash have been found from the caves of

a. Kurnool.

b. Ajanta.

c .Ellora.

d. Bhoja.



Exp:TheKurnool Caves” found near “Betamcherla” in the state of Andhra Pradesh are significant for the traces of ash which suggests that people were familiar with the use of fire.

Q.35. Natural caves that were found in Madhya Pradesh are in

a. Mehrgarh.

b. Mahagara.

c. Bhimbetka.

d. Inamgaon.



Exp: Sites in Bhimbetka are known as habitation sites. These include caves and rock shelters that provided protection to the early man from rain, heat and wind.

Q.36. Huts of wood were made in the

a. Paleolithic age.

d. Mesolithic age.

c. Neolithic age.

d. Iron age.



Exp: These huts were built with big bones and wood. They used bright colours to paint wood. These evidences show that the early people had started living a settled life.

Q.37. People made rock wall painting in

a. Neolithic age.

c. Chalcolithic age.

c. Paleolithic age.

d. Mesolithic age.



Exp: The purpose of thePaleolithic cavepaintings is not known. These rock painting are found in the caves located all over the Deccan Plateau.

Q.38. Bones and wood were used as the handles of spears and

a. hammer.

b. arrows.

c. plough.

d. spade.



Exp. Bones and wood were the most common material available to the early man. These were used in hunting and hence it indirectly helped the hunter- gatherers to obtain their food.

Q.39. The period, which falls in between 2 million years and 12,000, is called

a. Neolithic age.

b. Paleolithic age.

c. Mesolithic age.

d. Iron age.



Exp. The word Paleolithic comes from two Greek words, ‘paleo’ meaning old and “lithos” meaning stone. During this period we find use of stone tools to a large extent.

Q.40. The cave, which shows the evidence of the use of fire, is

a. Kurnool cave.

b. Bhimbetka cave.

c. Ajanta cave.

d. Ellora cave.



Exp: Kurnool cave belongs to the period of hunters and food gatherers. It is supposed that they were admirers of nature and worshipped the Sun, Fire and Water.

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