Questions & answers for Chapter 16 Garbage in garbage out

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ChapterQuestions & answers for Chapter 16 Garbage in garbage out
Chapter NameChapter 16 Garbage In Garbage Out

Chapter 16 Garbage in garbage out Questions and Answers for class 6 Science

Find below Important MCQ-based objective questions for Chapter 16 Garbage in garbage out prepared for CBSE students. All the syllabus of Class 6 Science Chapter 16 Garbage in garbage out is covered with questions and answers. Each question is explained with a detailed solution. The entire syllabus of Chapter 16 Garbage in garbage out is covered in the following worksheet for class 6 science. For more worksheets for class 6 science click on the link and do check out NCERT solutions for class 6 science

Find below Class 6 Science Chapter 16 Garbage in garbage out Questions & Answer

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Class 6 Science Chapter 16 Garbage in garbage out Questions & Answer Set-1

Science - MCQ on Garbage In And Garbage Out

Class VI

Q.1. Which of the following substances rot easily?

(a) Vegetable waste

(b) Plastic

(c) Glass

(d) Polythene


(a) Vegetable, animal wastes rot easily and change into simpler substances after decaying. While plastic, glass and polythene do not rot and cannot be changed to less harmful substances.

Q.2. The rotting and conversion of some materials into manure is called ________.

(a) Manuring

(b) Composing

(c) Composting

(d) Decaying


(c) Composting is the process of converting some materials like plant and vegetable matter into manure on rotting and decaying.

Q.3. ___________ are called farmers friend.

(a) Rat

(b) Earthworm

(c) Leech

(d) Grasshopper


(b) Earthworms are called farmers friend as they make the soil fertile by preparing compost from matter which decays.

Q.4. What is that method of preparing compost called, which is done with the help of redworms.

(a) Composting

(b) Decaying

(c) Manuring

(d) Vemicomposting


(d) Vermicomposting is done by the redworms which prepare the compost.

Q.5. Name the structure used by the redworm for grinding the food.

(a) Gizzard

(b) Teeth

(c) Tongue

(d) Tusk


(a) Redworms do not have teeth to grind the food. They have special structures called gizzard which are used to grind the food.

Q.6. Paper-mache is the paste made of _________ and paper.

(a) Clay

(b) Sand

(c) Cream

(d) None of these


(a) Paper-mache is the paste of clay and paper. It also has some rice husk mixed in it and is used put on baskets etc. to provide them strength.

Q.7. Where does the Safai Karamcharis take the garbage which they collect in their trucks?

(a) Land pits

(b) Garbage bin

(c) Landfills

(d) Dustbins


(c) Safai Karamcharis dump the garbage in the landfills which is a low lying area where the garbage is separated in useful and non useful components. When the landfill is completely filled it is covered with a layer of soil and converted into a park.

Q.8. Blue Bin is used for collecting materials that

(a) Rot easily

(b) Can be used again

(c) Do not rot completely

(d) Poison


(b) Blue bin is used to collect waste that can be used again after recycling. This kind of waste includes glass, metals, etc.

Q.9. When the plastics are burnt they give out harmful gases and causes dangerous diseases to humans like _________.

(a) Asthma

(b) Cancer

(c) Arthritis

(d) None of these


(b) Plastics are the kind of substances that do not rot and cannot be changed to less harmful substances. When it burns it gives out harmful gases which can cause fatal diseases like cancer.

Class 6 Science Chapter 16 Garbage in garbage out Questions & Answer Set-2

Q.10. Converting plant and animal waste including that from kitchen, into manure is called _______.

(a) Vermicomposting

(b) Landfill

(c) Composting

(d) Recycling


(c) Composting is the method of converting plant and animal waste into manure when it rots and decays.

Q.11. Why plastic packaging should be reduced?

(a) They can easily rot

(b) They can be easily recycled

(c) They cannot be recycled

(d) They give foul smells


(c) Plastic is not possible to convert it into less harmful substances and when it burnt gives out harmful gases which can cause fatal diseases like cancer.

Q.12. Green Bin is used for collecting waste

(a) Which cannot be used again

(b) Which rot completely when buried in the soil

(c) Which cannot rot

(d) To collect waste of green colour


(b) Green bin is used to collect waste like plant or animal waste or wastes from the kitchen. Such wastes rot completely when buried in the soil.

Q.13. How much food can Red Worm eat in a day

(a) Equal to its weight

(b) Half of its weight

(c) Twice its weight

(d) Do not eat anything


(a) Redworms eat food equal to its own weight in a day. So they should be provided with enough quantity of vegetable waste so their number increases rapidly.

Q.14. Redworms need moderate temperature and__________ for survival.

(a) Sunlight

(b) Moisture

(c) Oxygen

(d) None of these


(b) Redworms cannot survive in very hot or very cold surroundings. They need moderate temperature and moisture for living and under these conditions their number can increase at a great speed.