Questions & answers for Chapter 14 Water

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ChapterQuestions & answers for Chapter 14 Water
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Chapter 14 Water Questions and Answers for class 6 Science

Find below Important MCQ-based objective questions for Chapter 14 Water prepared for CBSE students. All the syllabus of Class 6 Science Chapter 14 Water is covered with questions and answers. Each question is explained with a detailed solution. The entire syllabus of Chapter 14 Water is covered in the following worksheet for class 6 science. For more worksheets for class 6 science click on the link and do check out NCERT solutions for class 6 science

Find below Class 6 Science Chapter 14 Water Questions & Answer

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Class 6 Science Chapter 14 Water Questions & Answer Set-1

Science - MCQ on Water

Class VI

Q.1. The area of the earth covered with water is ___________.

(a) Two third

(b) One third

(c) One- fourth (d) half


(a) About two third of the Earth is covered with water while only one-third is dry land. Most of this water is in the form of seas and oceans.

Q.2. The sea water is not fit for drinking because it is _____________.

(a) Sweet

(b) Polluted

(c) Saline

(d) None of the above


(c) The sea water contains lots of dissolved salts and minerals in it. This makes the sea water salty in taste, so it is also called saline water (salty water). This saline water is unfit for drinking or any other purpose like in agriculture, industry etc.

Q.3. Evaporation occurs only when water is

(a) Cooled

(b) Heated

(c) Freezed

(d) All of the above


(b) Evaporation is the process in which water changes into water vapours on heating. As the water is heated it changes into its vapours. This occurs at all times by the heat of the sun as the water on the roads, wet clothes, etc. dry up.

Q.4. A mixture of salt and water can be separated by

(a) Condensation

(b) Filtration

(c) Evaporation

(d) Sieving


(c) Salt is mixed in water it dissolves in water. This mixture can be separated by the method of evaporation. When the mixture is heated water changes into water vapours and evaporates while salt is left behind in the container.

Q.5. Select the correct alternative

(i) Evaporation is a slow process

(ii) The air surrounding us gets heated due to heat of the sun

(iii) On a hot summer day clothes dry faster

(iv) During evaporation water changes to water vapours.

(a) (i) & (ii)

(b) (i) & (iii)

(c) (iii) only

(d) All of these


(d) Evaporation is the process in which water changes into water vapours due to heat. It is a slow process as we do not find too much change in the level of bucket full of water. The heat of the sun heats up the air around us and the hot air is also responsible for causing evaporation where direct heat of the sun is unable to reach. On a hot summer day, the sun shines very brightly and due to much heat evaporation takes place faster. So the clothes dry faster on a hot summer day.

Q.6. Loss of water from plants in the form of vapours is called

(a) Transpiration

(b) Photosynthesis

(c) Evaporation

(d) Condensation


(a) Transpiration is the process by which the plants lose water in the form of water vapours. It is a way by which plants get rid of excess water present in them after carrying out the process of photosynthesis.

Q.7. When some ice is kept in a dry glass what do you observe after a few minutes?

(i) Ice starts melting

(ii) Water droplets are seen on the outside of the glass

(iii) Water starts boiling

(iv) Nothing happens

(a) (i) & (iii)

(b) (i) & (ii)

(c) (i) only

(d) (iv) only


(b) When ice is kept in a glass it starts melting due to heat of the surrounding air. There appears on the outside of the glass tiny drops of water. These drops are the water vapours present in air which condense when they come in contact with cooler surface of the glass.

Q.8. From where does the water droplets seen on the outside of a glass containing ice come?

(a) By evaporation of water from inside the glass

(b) These water drops were already present

(c) From surrounding air

(d) None of these


(c) These drops of water are the water vapours present in the surrounding air which condense on coming in contact with the cooler surface of the glass due to ice present in it.

Q.9. The clouds are actually

(a) Tiny droplets of water

(b) water vapours in the air

(c) Smoke fro vehicles

(d) both a& b


(a) Clouds are the tiny drops of water. These drops of water are formed when the water vapours present in the air move to a higher altitude, where the air is cooler. So these water vapours condense at higher altitudes and form drops of water which collect together and forms clouds.

Class 6 Science Chapter 14 Water Questions & Answer Set-2

Q.10. The water which seeps into ground is available to us as

(a) Ground water

(b) Sea water

(c) Rain water

(d) All of these


(a) Ground water is the water present inside the ground. This water reaches there by seeping of the rain water through the soil. It is obtained by hand pumps and tube wells and ground water also acts as a source to many lakes.

Q.11. What happens to the ground water if there are too many hand pumps and tube wells in an area?

(i) The ground has to be dug deeper

(ii) the ground water increases

(iii) The level of ground water falls

(iv) Nothing happens

(a) (i) & (ii)

(b) (iii) only

(c) (iv) only

(d) (i) & (iii)


(d) When there are too many hand pumps and tube wells in an area, the ground water is used more. This results in loss of ground water and the level of water falls. Then the ground has to be dug much deeper to reach the level of ground water, which falls much lower due to overuse of ground water.


Q.12. The circulation of water from oceans is the form of water vapours and returning back in the form of rain or snow is called___________.

(a) Evaporation

(b) Water cycle

(c) Condensation

(d) None of these

12. (b) Water cycle is the complete flow of water being evaporated from lakes, rivers, seas and all water bodies and changing into water vapours. These water vapours move higher up in the air at higher altitude where the air is much cooler. Due to low temperature the water vapours condense and change into water drops which form clouds and then fall on earth in the form of rain, snow or hail.

Q.13. Appearance of fog in the morning is due to

(a) Evaporation

(b) Condensation

(c) Both (a) & (b)

(d) None of these


(b) Fog appears when the water vapours present in the air condense. It happens usually in winters where the temperature is very low and due to cold the water vapours condense and fog is seen.

Q.14. The process of collecting rainwater for later use is

(a) Rain water collection

(b) Groundwater collection

(c) Rain water harvesting

(d) both (a) & (c)


(c) Rain water harvesting is the process by which the rain water is collected and made to seep through the ground to increase the level of ground water which falls low due to overuse of ground water. If the rain water is not harvested it gets washed off in the drains and does not seep through the ground as most of the land is covered with concrete. Thus this ground water can be later used as and when required.

Q.15. What is the use of rain water harvesting?

(a) It increases the level of ground water

(b) It decreases the level of ground water

(c) It increases the level of water in oceans

(d) There is no use.


(a) When the rain water is harvested and made to seep through the ground, the level of ground water increases. As a result the hand pumps and tube wells will have more water and they will have to be dug less deep as water level increases.

Q.16. When the rain water falling on the rooftop is collected to a storage tank it is known as

(a) Water storage system

(b) Rain water harvesting

(c) Roof top rain water harvesting

(d) None of these


(c) Roof top rain water harvesting is the method where the rain water falling on the roofs is collected in a storage tank through pipes. It is then filtered as it contains dirt and mud before use. The water can directly be sent to a pit in the ground which will increase the level of ground water.

Q.17. Match the following

1. Flood A. The water which seeps into the ground

2. Water cycle B. When a region does not receive any rains over a long period of time.

3. Draught C. Carries away top soil

4. Ground water D. Circulation of water in the atmosphere

(a) 1-D, 2-A, 3-B, 4-C

(b) 1-B, 2-D, 3-A, 4-C

(c) 1-C, 2-A, 3-D, 4-B

(d) 1-C, 2-D, 3-B, 4-A


(d) Excessive rains cause floods which wash away the top soil along with it. Water cycle is responsible for the circulation of water in the atmosphere. In this way no water is lost from the earth, it evaporates and then condenses and falls back on the earth. Draught is the condition of no rain fall in an area for over a long period of time. Ground water is the water present inside the earth which can be obtained through wells, hand pumps and tube wells.