Punctuation Examples
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Punctuation Examples and questions set-A
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Q. 1. The correct option is
a. English grammar and composition.
b. English Grammar and composition.
c. English Grammar And Composition.
d. English Grammar and Composition.
Every word in a Heading or Title, except preposition and articles, must begin with a capital letter.
Q. 2. The correct option is
a. Rina said to me, I will come to you in the morning.
b. Rina, said to me, “I will come to you in the morning”.
c. Rina said to me, “I will come to you in the morning”.
d. Rina “said to me I will come to you in the morning”.
Inverted Commas (“ “) are used to mark off the exact words of the speaker.
Q.3. The punctuation mark (-) means
a. full stop.
b. dash.
c. hyphen.
d. brackets.
The Hyphen (-) is much shorter than the Dash (__).
Q. 4. The correct sentence is
a. ram is a boy he is six years old
b. Ram is a boy he is six years old
c. Ram is a boy. he is six years old
d. Ram is a boy. He is six years old.
The Full Stop (.) is used to mark the end of a sentence.
Q. 5. Pray to god for his mercy. The correct punctuation for the sentence is
a. Pray to God for his mercy.
b. Pray to god for his mercy.
c. Pray to God for His mercy.
d. Pray To God For His Mercy.
Capital letters are used when we refer to ‘God ‘ and pronouns used for God.
Q. 6. The correct option is
a. Neil Joshep and Adnan are friends
b. Neil Joshep and Adnan are friends.
c. Neil, Joshep and Adnan are friends.
d. Neil, Joshep, and Adnan, are friends.
The Comma (,) is the shortest pause and is used within a sentence to separate the same parts of speech.
Q. 7. The punctuation mark (“ “ ) means
a. semi-colon.
b. comma.
c. inverted Comma.
d. hyphen.
Inverted Commas are used to mark off the exact words of the speaker.
Q. 8. The correct punctuated sentence is
a. I hope, John, that you will read this.
b. I hope John, that you will read this.
c. I, hope John, that you will read this.
d. I hope, John that you will read this.
Coma is used to mark off the ‘nominative of address’.
Q. 9. "My Old Kentucky Home a tune by Stephen Foster, is Kentucky's state song. The correct punctuation is
a. My Old Kentucky Home” a tune by Stephen Foster, is Kentucky's state song.
b. My Old Kentucky Home”, a tune by Stephen Foster, is Kentucky's state song.
c. ‘My Old Kentucky Home’, a tune by Stephen Foster, is Kentucky's state song.
d. My Old Kentucky Home, a tune by Stephen Foster, is Kentucky's state song.
Commas go inside quotation marks. And we need a comma here to set apart a parenthetical element.
Q. 10. The correct option is
a. llb
b. LLB
c. LL.B
d. L.L.B.
The Full Stop (.) is used after abbreviations.
Q. 11. The punctuation mark (!) means
a. semi-colon.
b. question mark.
c. exclamation mark.
d. hyphen.
Exclamation mark is used to express some strong emotions.
Q.12. The correct option is
a. Jahangir son of emperor Akbar ruled the empire during the 17th century.
b. Jahangir; son of Emperor Akbar, ruled the empire during the 17th century.
c. Jahangir, son of Emperor Akbar, ruled the empire during the 17th century.
d. Jahangir, son of Emperor Akbar ruled the empire during the 17th century.
Coma is used before and after a word or group of words to describe a noun or pronoun that has gone before.
Q. 13. The punctuation mark (‘) means
a. semi-colon.
b. apostrophe.
c. colon.
d. hyphen.
The Apostrophe is used to form the possessive case.
Q. 14. Yes I will come to you in the morning. The correct punctuation is
a. Yes, I will come to you in the morning.
b. Yes, I will come to you, in the morning.
c. Yes, I will, come to you in the morning.
d. Yes, “I will come to you in the morning.”
Comma is used after ‘Yes’ to separate it from the rest of the sentence.
Q. 15. The correct option is
a. It was the children turn to wash up.
b. It was the childrens’ turn to wash up.
c. It was the children's turn to wash up.
d. It was the children turn, to wash up.
The Apostrophe (‘s) is used to form the possessive case. Children is already a plural word, so we don't need to make it doubly plural by adding 's' apostrophe; however, we do need to indicate the idea of ownership, so we use apostrophe 's'.
Punctuation Examples and questions set-B
Q.16. Dr Nupur Sharma is MBBS MS FRCS. The portion that should be punctuated is
a. Dr Nupur Sharma is M.B.B.S M.S F.R.C.S.
b. Dr. Nupur Sharma is MBBS MS FRCS.
c. Dr Nupur Sharma, is MBBS MS FRCS.
d. Dr. Nupur Sharma is M.B.B.S, M.S, F.R.C.S.
Comma is used in between abbreviations to mark off or separate one abbreviation from another.
Q. 17. Until you work hard you will not pass in the examination. The correct punctuation of the sentence is punctuated is
a. Until, you work hard you will not pass in the examination.
b. Until you work hard, you will not pass in the examination.
c. Until you work, hard you will not pass in the examination.
d. Until you work hard; you will not pass in the examination.
Comma is used to separate an adverbial clause beginning with until, from the principal clause.
Q. 18. He is uneducated but wise. The portion that should be punctuated is
a. He, is uneducated but wise.
b. He is uneducated, but wise.
c. He is uneducated; but wise.
d. He is uneducated- but wise.
Comma is used before words or phrases indicating comparison or contrast.
Q.19. The correct option is
a. Ram said to me, have you done your home task?
b. Ram said to me, “have you done your home task?”
c. Ram said to me, “have you done your home task’’?
d. Ram said to me, “Have you done your home task?”
Inverted Commas (“ “) are used to mark off the exact words of the speaker. The Reported speech always starts with a capital letter.
Q. 20. The correct option is should be punctuated is
a. Ram’s coat and, Mohan pen.
b. Ram coat,and Mohan’s pen.
c. Ram’s coat and Mohan’s pen.
d. Ram’s coat and-Mohan’s pen.
The Apostrophe is used to form the possessive case.
Q. 21. The correct punctuation is should be punctuated is
a. What a beautiful sight!
b) What a beautiful sight.
c)What a beautiful sight?
d)What a beautiful sight
The exclamation mark (!) is used after phrases expressing some strong emotion.
Q. 22. The time
a. is 2,15.
b. is 2.15.
c. is 2:15.
d. is 2-15.
A colon is used to separate hours and minutes.
Q.23. The correctly punctuated sentence is
a. Ragini felt she was prepared for the unit exam because she studied for a week before the test.
b. Ragini felt she was prepared for the unit exam, because she studied for a week before the test.
c. Ragini felt she was prepared for the unit exam because, she studied for a week before the test.
d. Ragini felt she was prepared for the unit exam; because she studied for a week before the test.
There is no need of punctuation because the sense is clear without it.
Q.24. When
a. are we going.
b. are we going!
c. are we going
d. are we going?
A question mark is used at the end of a question.
Q. 25. The sentence in which the comma is used correctly is
a. Well, the ending did surprise us.
b. Well the ending, did surprise us.
c. Wellthe ending did, surprise us.
d. Well the ending did surprise, us.
Comma is used after an expression used to preface a remark.
Q. 26. The correctly punctuated sentence is
a. I enjoy summer more than any other season.
b. i enjoy Summer more than Any other season.
c. i enjoy summer more than any other Season.
d. I enjoy Summer more than any other season.
The pronoun ‘I’ is always written in capital letter. We don’t use capital letters in the middle of the sentence unless it is a proper noun.
Q. 27. I see
a. -the house.
b. the house
c. the house.
d. the house!
A full stop is used to note the end of a declarative sentence.
Q. 28. The sentence in which capital letters are used correctly is
a. Mr. saini introduced her to me.
b. She is taking the place of Mr. bhatnagar.
c. She will enjoy working with T. R. Bhatia.
d. Mrs. goyal is our new librarian.
T. R. Bhatia begins with a capital letter because it is a proper noun.
Q. 29. How
a. cold it is
b. cold it is?
c. cold it is!
d. cold it is.
An exclamation mark is used to show excitement or emphasis.
Q. 30. I came I saw I conquered. The portion that should be punctuated is
a. I, came, I saw I conquered.
b. I came I saw, I conquered.
c. I came, I saw, I conquered.
d. I came; I saw; I conquered.
Comma is used to separate short Co-ordination clauses coming together in a compound sentence.
Q. 31. The correctly punctuated sentence is
a. It was impossible to find Joydeep's jacket since he left it at the park the day before.
b. It was impossible to find Joydeeps jacket since he left it at the park the day before.
c. It was impossible to find Joydeeps’ jacket since he left it at the park the day before.
d. It was impossible to find Joydeep jacket since he left it at the park the day before.
The Apostrophe is used to form the possessive case.
Q. 32. I
a. cant see the cats tail.
b ca’nt see the cats’ tail.
c. can't see the cat's tail.
d. cant’ see the cats’ tail.
An apostrophe is used as a substitute for a missing letter or letters in a word, to show the possessive case.
Q. 33. The sentence in which commas are used correctly is
a. We hoped Alex, you would come to the baseball game.
b. We, hoped Alex, you would come to the baseball game.
c. We, hoped Alex you would come, to the baseball game.
d. We hoped, Alex, you would come to the baseball game.
Comma is used to mark off the ‘Nominative of Address’.
Q. 34. The ratio of girls
a. to boys is 3, 2.
b. to boys is 3;2.
c. to boys is 3:2.
d. to boys is 3-2.
A colon is used to separate elements of a mathematical ratio.
Q. 35. Choose the abbreviation that is written correctly.
a. Arjun Mahanty, Jr.
b. MRS Sanjana
c. dr. Julia Mathew
d. Sanjibon, Ma.
Mrs. should begin with a capital letter, but shouldn't be all capital letters. Dr. should begin with a capital letter because it is considered part of the doctor's name. The abbreviation for Sanjibon should be MA.
Punctuation Examples and questions set-C
Q. 36. The sentence in which capital letters and punctuation marks are used correctly is
a. Sarah said"Its name is Pooh."
b. Sarah said."Its name is Pooh."
c. Sarah said,"Its name is Pooh."
d. Sarah said,"its name is Pooh"
Inverted commas are used to mark off the exact words of the speaker. Capital letters are used for the first word of a sentence written within inverted commas.
Q. 37. The sentence in which capital letters are used correctly is
a. mrs. supriya greeted all the guests.
b. Ms. Nancy met each guest at the door.
c. Governor lewis made a speech.
d. marry and susan were invited to the party.
Mrs. Supriya, Lewis, Marry and Susan should begin with capital letters because they are proper nouns.
Q. 38. Class was cancelled as
a. today; Mr. Smith was home sick.
b. today, Mr. Smith was home sick.
c. today. Mr. Smith was home sick.
d. today: Mr. Smith was home sick.
A semicolon separates two independent clauses in a compound sentence.
Q. 39. No I cannot help you in this case. The correct punctuation in the sentence is
a. No I cannot help you in this case.
b. No I cannot help you, in this case.
c. No, I cannot help you in this case.
d. No I cannot, help you in this case.
Comma is used after ‘No’ to separate it from the rest of the sentence.
Q. 40. The correctly punctuated sentence is
a. P.C. Wren, High School English Grammar.
b. P.C. Wren - High School English Grammar.
c. P.C. Wren : High School English Grammar.
d. P.C. Wren ; High School English Grammar.
Colon is used to mark off the name of an author from the name of the book he has written.
Q. 41. The correct punctuation is
a. He said where are you going
b. he said where are you going’’.
c. He said where are you going?
d. He said, ‘’ Where are you going?’’
The reported speech always takes inverted commas and ends with inverted commas.
Q. 42. How are
a. you Mohan?
b. you Mohan.
c. you-Mohan?
d. you, Mohan?
Comma is used to mark off words used in addressing people.
Q. 43. The sentence that is written correctly is
a. "Who will drive to the market?" asked Tony.
b. Arpit added, Bring gloves too."
c. My mother will drive said Shyamolee.
d. Ayush reminded us "that we need to bring our skates."
Inverted commas are used to mark off the exact words of the speaker. Since the sentence within inverted commas is in question form, question mark is used.
Q. 44. The sentence in which capital letters are used correctly is
a. We ended our trip in Kaziranga national park.
b. My family travelled through Madhya pradesh.
c. Then we went on to rome.
d. Have you ever visited the Great Wall of China?
Proper nouns are always written in capital letters.
Q. 45. The correctly punctuated sentence is
a. Rita’s father in law arrived yesterday from Meerut.
b. Rita’s father, in law, arrived yesterday from Meerut.
c. Rita’s father-in-law arrived yesterday from Meerut.
d. Rita’s father in-law arrived yesterday from Meerut.
The hyphen is used to form compound words.
Q. 46. Rahul earned Grade A last semester but his one downfall was Advanced Algebra. The portion that should be punctuated is
a. Rahul, earned Grade A last semester but his one downfall was Advanced Algebra.
b. Rahul earned Grade A last semester, but, his one downfall was Advanced Algebra.
c. Rahul earned Grade A last semester, but his one downfall was Advanced Algebra.
d. Rahul earned Grade A last semester but, his one downfall was Advanced Algebra.
We use a comma plus a conjunction -- in that order -- (and, but, for, nor, yet, so) to connect two independent clauses.
Q. 47. She said,
a. let eat.
b. let’s eat.
c. “let’s eat.”
d. “lets’ eat”.
Quotation marks are used at the beginning and end of a phrase to show that it is being written exactly as it was originally said or written.
Q. 48. The correctly punctuated sentence is
a. Man proposes, God disposes.
b. Man proposes - God disposes.
c. Man proposes ; God disposes.
d. Man proposes : God disposes.
Colon is used to separate two contrasted statements.
Q.49. The correctly punctuated sentence is
a. mr. AC Agarwal, shri jb dutta
b. Mr. AC Agarwal, Shri JB Dutta.
c. Mr. A.C. Agarwal, Shri J.B. Dutta.
d. Mr. A.C. Agarwal; Shri J.B. Dutta.
Capital letters are used for abbreviations, and initials of names.
Q. 50. The correct option is
a. rich and poor wise and foolish must die one day
b. Rich and poor, wise and foolish must die one day.
c. Rich and poor, wise and foolish, must die one day.
d. Rich and poor wise and foolish, must die one day.
The Comma (,) is the shortest pause and is used between pairs of words connected by ‘and’.