MCQ Questions based on Modals for class 6 English
This page consists of the top 50 MCQ-based questions on Modals for class 6 with detailed solutions to every question asked. prepared by the experts of HT with carefully selected top 50 questions from Modals class 6 English grammar. For more English Grammar Questions check out the main page and do solve NCERT questions with the help of NCERT solutions for class 6 English.
MCQ Questions on Modals for class 6 English Set-1
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1. They
(a) will leave for Calcutta tomorrow.
(b) need leave for Calcutta tomorrow.
(c) had to leave for Calcutta tomorrow.
(d) ought leave Calcutta tomorrow.
‘Will’ is used to express simple future with the pronouns of the second or third persons.
2. He
(a) shall swim very well in his childhood.
(b) could swim very well in his childhood.
(c) dare swim very well in his childhood.
(d) need swim very well in his childhood.
‘Could’ is used to express ability / capacity in the past.
3. We
(a) has to attending a party tonight.
(b) would be attending a party tonight.
(c) need be attending a party tonight.
(d) can attending a party tonight.
‘Would’ is used to express a wish concerning the future action of another person.
4. The correct sentence is
(a) This idea dare fit in your scheme.
(b) This idea won’t fit in your scheme.
(c) This idea need fit in your scheme.
(d) This idea may be fit in your scheme.
‘Will not’ or ‘won’t’ is used to express unwillingness to do something.
5. The correct sentence is
(a) ‘Ought to I call up daddy for you?’
(b) ‘Have to I call up daddy for you?’
(c) ‘Used to I call up daddy for you?’
(d) ‘Shall I call up daddy for you?’
‘Shall’ is used to ask for advice, suggestion, request with the first person (I, We) in the interrogative.
6. We
(a) ought to love our neighbours.
(b) will to love our neighbours.
(c) shall to love our neighbours.
(d) may to love our neighbours.
‘Ought to’ expresses duty, inner conscience, a sensible action or advice. It has the same sense as ‘should’.
7. You
(a) might be catch cold, if you go out in the rain.
(b) need to catch cold, if you go out in the rain.
(c) will catch cold, if you go out in the rain.
(d) shall be catch cold, if you go out in the rain.
‘Will’ is used to express prediction.
8. You seem to be having trouble
(a) dare I help you?
(b) must I help you?
(c) would I help you?
(d) shall I help you?
‘Shall’ is used to ask for advice, suggestion, request etc.
9. Ramya
(a) need here in a few minutes.
(b) must here in a few minutes.
(c) shall here in a few minutes.
(d) may be here in a few minutes.
‘May’ is used to express possibility.
10. I
(a) have to cook my own meals.
(b) would to cook my own meals.
(c) may to cook my own meals.
(d) will to cook my own meals.
‘Have to’ is used to express compulsion or necessity.
MCQ Questions on Modals for class 6 English Set-2
11. I wish he
(a) would reach here soon.
(b) dare reach here soon.
(c) need reach here soon.
(d) will to reach here soon.
‘Would’ is used to express a wish, concerning the future action of another person.
12. How
(a) have you talk like this to me?
(b) used to you talk like this to me?
(c) dare you talk like this to me?
(d) ought to you talk like this to me?
‘Dare’ means ‘to have courage’ which is generally used in the negative and interrogative sentences.
13. The driver of my car
(a) must be drop you to the railway station.
(b) need drop you to the railway station.
(c) will drop you to the railway station.
(d) dare drop you to the railway station.
‘Will’ is used to express willingness or offer.
14. Anyone
(a) need make mistakes.
(b) ought make mistakes.
(c) have to make mistakes.
(d) can make mistakes.
‘Can’ is used to express possibility.
15. The Principal
(a) have to in his office at this time.
(b) used to in his office at this time.
(c) must be in his office at this time.
(d) need to in his office at this time.
‘Must’ is used to express assumption, conclusion/ inference, certainty/ strong probability.
16. She
(a) need to be allowed to suffer.
(b) dare to allowed to suffer.
(c) have to allowed to suffer.
(d) shall not be allowed to suffer.
‘Shall’ is used to express that something certainly will or must happen.
17. Breakfast
(a) dare be ready by 8 a.m.
(b) may ready by 8 a.m.
(c) will ready by 8 a.m.
(d) should be ready by 8 a.m.
‘Should’ is used to express logical necessity or probability.
18. The correct sentence with ‘can’ is
(a) Can you raise your hand, please?
(b) should you raise your hand, please?
(c) have you to raise your hand, please?
(d) might you raise your hand, please?
‘Can’ is used to express an informal request.
19. What
(a) should you like to have?
(b) ought you like to have?
(c) would you like to have?
(d) must you like to have?
‘Would’ is used to express polite offer.
20. The ‘modal’ in the following is
(a) have to
(b) an
(c) from
(d) Ravi
‘Have to’ is a ‘modal’.
21. I
(a) need like to recite a poem.
(b) would like to recite a poem.
(c) could like to recite a poem.
(d) have to like to recite a poem.
‘Would’ is used to express a desire politely.
22. She is very lucky. She
(a) might win the lottery.
(b) shall win the lottery.
(c) need win the lottery.
(d) dare win the lottery.
‘Might’ is used to express a doubtful or remote possibility.
23. The correct sentence is
(a) a servant mustn’t disobey his master.
(b) a servant can’t be disobey his master.
(c) a servant will to disobey his master.
(d) a servant need disobey his master.
‘Mustn’t is used to express the prohibition of ‘very strong obligation.’
24. I
(a) will help laughing at his foolishness.
(b) shall help laughing at his foolishness.
(c) used to help laughing at his foolishness.
(d) can’t help laughing at his foolishness.
‘Can’t help’ means ‘can’t avoid’. It is used in an idiomatic sense.
25. He is working so hard that
(a) he used to win a scholarship.
(b) he need win a scholarship.
(c) he may win a scholarship.
(d) he shall win a scholarship.
‘May’ is used to express a purpose.
26. She
(a) will often sit on the bank of the river.
(b) need often sit on the bank of the river.
(c) ought to often sit on the bank of the river.
(d) have to often sit on the bank of the river.
‘Will’ is used to express something that happens again and again and is likely to recur again.
27. That bus is usually on time. It
(a) has to be here anytime now.
(b) need be here anytime now.
(c) dare be here anytime now.
(d) must here anytime now.
‘Has to’ is used to express compulsion or necessity.
28. We
(a) should obey our parents.
(b) need obey our parents.
(c) has to obey our parents.
(d) could be obey our parents.
‘Should’ is used to express duty or obligation.
29. This bottle
(a) need hold the whole milk.
(b) have to hold the whole milk.
(c) dare hold the whole milk.
(d) will hold the whole milk.
‘Will’ is used to express a certain quantity or capacity of the thing mentioned.
30. Farhan did not
(a) needn’t speak the truth.
(b) dare to speak the truth.
(c) could speak the truth.
(d) must speak the truth.
‘Dare’ means ‘to challenge’. With ‘did’ we use the present form as ‘dare’.
MCQ Questions on Modals for class 6 English Set-3
31. The correct sentence is
(a) Shall you lend me some money?
(b) Will you lend me some money?
(c) Might you lend me some money?
(d) Need you lend me some money?
‘Will’ is used to express an invitation or request when the subject is the pronoun of the second person.
32. I
(a) would prefer to keep quiet.
(b) can prefer to keep quiet.
(c) have to prefer to keep quiet.
(d) need to prefer to keep quiet.
‘Would’ is used to express future in the past.
33. Radhika
(a) dare like to try it once more.
(b) might like to try it once more.
(c) will like to try it once more.
(d) should like to try it once more.
‘Might’ is used to express suggestion.
34. The correct sentence is
(a) Shall God bless you with a son!
(b) Should God bless you with a son!
(c) Would God bless you with a son!
(d) May God bless you with a son!
‘May’ is used to express possibility.
35. He
(a) should be given this responsibility.
(b) need given this responsibility.
(c) have to be given this responsibility.
(d) would given this responsibility.
‘Should’ is used to give advice or make recommendation.
36. I
(a) may borrow some sugar.
(b) have to borrow some sugar.
(c) must not to borrow some sugar.
(d) will to borrow some sugar.
‘Have to’ is used to express compulsion or necessity.
37. I wonder what
(a) will happen after that.
(b) should happen after that.
(c) have to happen after that.
(d) used to happen after that.
‘Will’ expresses certain future situation.
38. If you see him
(a) Shall you tell him to come?
(b) Must you tell him to come?
(c) Can you tell him to come?
(d) Need you tell him to come?
‘Can’ is used to express an informal request.
39. You
(a) may punished, if you fail.
(b) must punished, if you fail.
(c) shall be punished, if you fail.
(d) should punished, if you fail.
‘Shall’ is used to express threat.
40. Sahil does not
(a) must money.
(b) ought to money.
(c) will money.
(d) need money.
‘Need’ is a principle verb which means ‘to stand in need of’ or ‘require’.
41. The correct sentence is
(a) May I come in, Sir?
(b) Shall I come in, Sir?
(c) Used to I come in, Sir?
(d) Have to I come in, Sir?
‘May’ is used to ask ‘permission’.
42. Gandhiji
(a) may spin everyday.
(b) have to spin everyday.
(c) would spin everyday.
(d) dare spin everyday.
‘Would’ expresses customary or habitual action in the past.
43. The correct option is
(a) You not ought to have disobeyed your boss.
(b) You would to have disobeyed your boss.
(c) You ought not to have disobeyed your boss.
(d) You will not have disobeyed your boss.
‘Ought not to’ expresses an obligation in the past. It has the same sense as ‘should’. The verb that follows ‘ought’ always takes the ‘to’ form.
44. They
(a) need defend their honour if necessary.
(b) may be defend their honour if necessary.
(c) shall defend their honour if necessary.
(d) dare defend their honour if necessary.
‘Shall’ is used to express command, warning, or determination.
45. There
(a) used to be a garden in this place long ago.
(b) have to be a garden in this place long ago.
(c) must be a garden in this place long ago.
(d) may be a garden in this place long ago.
‘Used to’ is used to express the existence of something in the past.
46. If I were you, I
(a) have to not do it.
(b) must not do it.
(c) ought to not do it.
(d) would not do it.
‘Would’ is used to express ‘an unreal condition’.
47. The correct sentence is
(a) Will you run fast, you will win the race.
(b) Dare you run fast, you will win the race.
(c) Must you run fast, you will win the race.
(d) Should you run fast, you will win the race.
‘Should’ is used to express future.
48. If we had money, we
(a) dare to buy a car.
(b) could buy a car.
(c) need buy a car.
(d) might be buy a car.
‘Could’ is used to express possibility under certain conditions.
49. Sorry, I
(a) has to go now.
(b) may to go now.
(c) have to go now.
(d) dare to go now.
‘Have to’ is used to talk about what the speaker or listener wants, the necessity.
50. The correct sentence is
(a) Must I be of any help?
(b) Can I be of any help?
(c) Used to I be of any help?
(d) Have to I be of any help?
‘Can’ is used to express polite offers of help.