Class 10 Geography Chapter 3: Water Resources

ClassClass 10
ChapterClass 10 Geography Chapter 3: Water Resources
Chapter NameChapter 3 Water Resources
CategoryNCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Geography Chapter 3: Water Resources

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Geography Chapter 3: Water Resources is prepared by experts of and it consists of all the solutions to questions asked in the NCERT textbook for Chapter 3: Water Resources. NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Geography Chapter 3: Water Resources is prepared for the CBSE board and solutions are written as per the CBSE requirements to score good marks in the Class 10 Board exams. Check out HTs NCERT Solutions for class 10 Geography & NCERT Solutions for class 10 Social Science

A brief introduction to Chapter 3: Water Resources

“ Water, Water everywhere, not a drop to drink.” Water is the most important component of sustaining life on planet Earth. And going by the stats, nearly 2 billion people could be facing water scarcity by the year 2025. Now the question that arises is that despite Earth’s most part being covered by water, why is the global population facing water scarcity? The answer lies in the limited availability of potable water. The chapter on water resources explores in depth the availability, usage and distribution of potable water. The issues of water scarcity and water conservation and management are well discussed in the chapter. The chapter outlines the various man-made factors that have pushed the global water crisis. It discusses in detail the multi-purpose projects, their pros and cons and the movements that opposed them. It also discusses in detail the various water conservation and rainwater harvesting techniques that have been used over the years. 

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