Class 10 Geography Chapter 2: Forest and Wildlife Resources

ClassClass 10
ChapterClass 10 Geography Chapter 2: Forest and Wildlife Resources
Chapter NameChapter 2 Forest and Wildlife Resources
CategoryNCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Geography Chapter 2: Forest and Wildlife Resources

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Geography Chapter 2: Forest and Wildlife Resources is prepared by experts of and it consists of all the solutions to questions asked in the NCERT textbook for Chapter 2: Forest and Wildlife Resources. NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Geography Chapter 2: Forest and Wildlife Resources is prepared for the CBSE board and solutions are written as per the CBSE requirements to score good marks in the Class 10 Board exams. Check out HTs NCERT Solutions for class 10 Geography & NCERT Solutions for class 10 Social Science

A brief introduction to Chapter 2: Forest and Wildlife Resources

Nature always wears the colour of the spirits. The words of Ralph Waldo Emerson truly outline the impact nature and the environment have on the different living species. Humans share this world with a multitude of organisms thereby forming an ecological system which is very important even for the existence of the human race. Forests and wildlife not only add to the diversity of beautiful nature but also play an important part in maintaining the ecological balance. The chapter deals with the themes of wildlife exploration, factors affecting the natural habitats of the flora and fauna and the IUCN categorisation of the flora and fauna according to the threat levels. It also focuses on the causes of destruction and ways to conserve biodiversity. It discusses the different movements and initiatives that have been rolled out in the past and present to conserve biodiversity.

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