Sample Mean Formula

About Sample Mean Formula

  • The sample mean is a measurement of the data's centre. The sample mean is used to estimate the mean of any population. We are expected to estimate what the entire population is doing, or what all of the components are going on throughout the population, in various scenarios and cases, without surveying everyone in the population. In such instances, the sample mean comes in handy. The sample mean is the average value found in a sample. The variance and thus the standard deviation are calculated using the sample mean.
  • Sample Mean = (Sum of terms) ÷ (Number of terms)
  • xin=(x1+x2+x3......xnn)
  • The average value of the provided sample data is calculated using the sample mean formula. Instead of representing sample terms with actual terms, it is occasionally required to determine the average of the sample terms. The sample mean formula is equal to the sum of terms divided by the number of terms. i.e.,
    • Sample Mean Formula
    • The sample mean formula is written as Sample Mean = (Sum of terms) ÷ (Number of Terms)
    • xin=(x1+x2+x3......xnn)
    • Where,
    • xi = sum of terms
    • n = number of terms

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