About Pearson Correlation Formula
The correlation coefficient is a measurement of how closely two variables are related. The Pearson correlation formula is used to determine the relationship between two sets of data. The Pearson correlation coefficient is used to determine if the data sets are linearly related. The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient is another name for it. The Pearson correlation coefficient product has a value of -1 to +1. The data is said to be unrelated if the correlation coefficient is zero. A positive correlation is shown by a value of +1, whereas a negative correlation is indicated by a value of -1.
The letter "r" represents the Pearson correlation coefficient. Rephrase For the coefficient r, the Pearson correlation formula is:
- r = Pearson correlation coefficient
- x = Values in the first set of data
- y = Values in the second set of data
- n = Total number of values.
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