Km to miles formula
To convert a distance measured in kilometres to miles, use the km to miles formula. The units of length are kilometres and miles. They are used to calculate the distance between two points. In the International System of Units, the kilometre (km) is the unit for measuring length. In the imperial and US customs, miles (mi) are used to measure length. These two measurements are typically used to determine the size of geographical land areas. Let's study more about the km to miles formula and look at several cases and solutions. You can get all Maths formulas on one-page visit the Maths Formulas section of HT.
What is the km to miles formula?
The units of length are kilometres and miles. The distance between two distant sites is measured in kilometres and miles. The formula for converting kilometres to miles for a given length is 1 km = 0.62137119 miles.(n 0.62137119) miles for n number of kilometres
Examples of km to the miles conversion formula
Example 1: Convert 5 km into miles.
- Distance = 5 km (given)
- Using the km to miles formula,
- Distance in miles = (5 x 0.62137)miles
- = 3.106 miles
Example 2: Convert 10 km into miles.
- Distance = 10 km.
- Using the km to miles formula,
- Distance in miles =(10 x 0.62137) miles
- = 6.2137 miles.