Chapter-Growth and Development

Important MCQ-Based Questions for class 11 Entrepreneurship chapter-Growth and Development

This page consists of Important MCQ questions from the chapter Growth and Development uploaded as per the CBSE syllabus and consists of a detailed explanation. Questions are prepared from the entire chapter-Growth and Development to give you effective revision. 

Find below MCQ-Based Questions for class 11 Entrepreneurship chapter-Growth and Development

Important MCQ-based questions Entrepreneurship class 11 chapter-Growth and Development Set-A

English - Growth and Development

Class XI

Q. 1. Distinct stages of development in the entrepreneurial process are

a) two.

b) three.

c) four.

d) five.



Exp: Entrepreneurial process has three stages of development. These are i)the project launching stage ii) the project managing stage iii) the project growth and development.

Q. 2. An entrepreneur possesses the values that provide

a) business ideas.

b) goal direction.

c) profits.

d) services.



Exp: Entrepreneur has the attitude that provides him the propensity to act. He also has the motivation that accounts for his driving force.

Q. 3. Income generation refers to the activities that produce

a) goods.

b) services.

c) profits.

d) losses.



Exp: Income generation refers to activities which are often taken up on part time or casual basis and are practiced for the purpose of raising additional income.

Q. 4. Full time involvement in one’s own occupation is called

a) income generation.

b) self-employment.

c) full employment.

d) entrepreneurship.



Exp: Entrepreneurship is much more than self-employment and income generation. All entrepreneurs are self employed people, but all self employed people are not entrepreneurs.

Q. 5. Investing money in a fixed deposit account in a commercial bank is an instance of

a) self employment.

b) income generation.

c) entrepreneurship.

d) small business venture.



Exp: Investing money in a fixed deposit account generates income. So, it is an instance of income generation.

Q. 6. Entrepreneurs are creative destroyers of tradition and thrive in

a) creativity.

b) research.

c) equilibrium.

d) disequilibrium.



Exp: Entrepreneurs accepts new challenges to improve and innovate new designs. The spirit of entrepreneurship leads to economic growth.

Q. 7. Entrepreneurship is inextricably linked to

a) experimentation.

b) innovation.

c) economic obligations.

d) social obligations.



Exp: The entrepreneurs use innovation as a tool. The entrepreneurship accepts the challenges to improve and innovate designs of products.

Q. 8.Entrepreneurs are impatient with regard to

a) bearing risk.

b) income generation.

c) change process.

d) motivation.



Exp: Entrepreneurs are restless individuals who are in search of new challenges to innovate and make a significant difference. So, they are impatient with regard to change process.

Q. 9. Entrepreneurship is a process of using human resource to

a) invest money.

b) innovate ideas.

c) earn profit.

d) learn social obligation.



Exp: Every individual is blessed with certain resources. Entrepreneurship offers opportunities to innovate ideas, products and services.

Q. 10. To start an enterprise, entrepreneurs have to

a) scan the environment.

b) manage the enterprise.

c) manage money.

d) manage market.



Exp: An entrepreneur has to build the capacity to scan the environment, sense the opportunity, plan the project, assess and mobilise resources to launch the enterprise.

Q. 11. Developing entrepreneurship contributes in

a) earning profit.

b) value addition.

c) social obligation.

d) economic obligation.



Exp: Developing entrepreneurship contributes in value addition. Improvement in value addition leads to improvement in wealth generation and seeking prosperity.

Q. 12. In the entrepreneurial growth, entrepreneurship is the

a) initial stage.

b) middle stage.

c) terminal stage.

d) final stage.



Exp: Income generation is the initial stage of entrepreneurial growth. Self employment is the middle stage of entrepreneurial growth.

Q. 13. All entrepreneurs are

a) producing goods.

b) income generating persons.

c) earning profits.

d) suffering losses.



Exp: The scope of entrepreneurship is very intensive. Allentrepreneurs are self employed persons and help in generating income.

Q. 14. Entrepreneurs move over from a firmly established enterprise in search of

a) profits.

b) economic growth.

c) new products.

d) new challenges.



Exp: Entrepreneurs face new challenges to innovate and to make a significant difference. They are basically income generating persons.

Q. 15. All self employed persons are

a) entrepreneurs.

b) income generating persons.

c) running enterprise.

d) producing goods.



Exp: All income generating persons may not be self employed. Similarly, all self employed persons may not necessarily be entrepreneurs.

Q. 16. Sensing opportunities and innovating products and services is the task of

a) entrepreneurship.

b) income generating persons.

c) business enterprise.

d) self employed.



Exp: To launch a new enterprise, the entrepreneurs have to sense the opportunity, select a venture suitable to the individual entrepreneur, plan the project, assess and mobilise resources.

Q. 17. Every individual is potentially

a) self employed.

b) generating income.

c) a businessman.

d) an entrepreneur.



Exp: Every nation makes some effort to develop entrepreneurship in its own way. But in every society, there are fewer entrepreneurs than non-entrepreneurs.

Q. 18. Efficient management of men, material, money and market is the requirement of

a) income generation.

b) government.

c) venture capitalist.

d) entrepreneurial venture.



Exp: Entrepreneurial venture big or small requiresefficient management of men, material, money and market. Efficiency is very important to get success.

Q. 19. Value addition is the strategy for

a) income generation.

b) developing entrepreneurship.

c) managing entrepreneurship.

d) self employment.



Exp: Immediately after independence, entrepreneurship development in India had a thrust on employment generation and poverty reduction. Wealth generation and value addition were of secondary importance.

Q. 20. The strategy evolved for developing entrepreneurship in India became popular as

a) Entrepreneurship Development Program.

b) Entrepreneur Development Project.

c) Entrepreneurial Development Program.

d) Entrepreneur Development Program.



Exp: The EDP strategy imbibes the ideas of entrepreneurial quality and motivates the entrepreneur to ensure the arousal of a b desire and drive to perform entrepreneurial function.

Important MCQ-based questions Entrepreneurship class 11 chapter-Growth and Development Set-B

Q. 21. EDPs attained the status of national movement by

a) 1960s.

b) 1970s.

c) 1980s.

d) 1990s.



Exp: The nationwide massive efforts resulted in the establishment of millions of small and medium enterprises spread all over the country. By 1980s, it attained the status of national movement.

Q. 22. The existence of existing institutions in India was shaken by

a) globalisation.

b) privatisation.

c) modernisation.

d) capitalisation.



Exp: The ensuring globalisation, liberalisation and the open market economy started shaking the foundation of existing institutions in India.

Q. 23. EDP stands for

a) Entrepreneurship Development Program.

b) Entrepreneur Development Project.

c) Entrepreneurial Development Program.

d) Entrepreneur Development Program.



Exp: The EDPs were carried out for various target groups such as educated youth, women, technically trained youth, professionals and artisans etc. all over the nation.

Q. 24. Shrinking of time, space and disappearance of borders is the result of

a) privatisation.

b) modernisation.

c) globalisation.

d) capitalisation.



Exp: Globalisation has caused disappearance of borders, shrinking of space and time. This led to an increased demand for goods and services.

Q. 25. Availability and accessibility of fund has increased due to

a) self employment.

b) shrinking of time.

c) spirit of entrepreneurship.

d) new financial markets.



Exp: New financial markets along with deregulated and globally linked financial institutions allow flow of venture capital across the national boundaries.

Q. 26. Deregulated and globally linked financial institutions allow flow of

a) goods.

b) services.

c) venture capital.

d) resources.



Exp: Availability and accessibility of funds has increased on a large scale with more and more new financial markets.

Q. 27. Unlimited entrepreneurial opportunities are created by growing use of

a) technology.

b) services.

c) goods.

d) resources.



Exp: Due to abundant technological innovations, the rate of acceptance of new technology has been very fast.

Q. 28. Facility for growth and expansion is a feature of

a) stimulatory activities.

b) support activities.

c) sustaining activities.

d) growth activities.



Exp: Other sustaining activities include refinancing facility, legal and policy modification etc.

Q. 29. Easy availability of information is a feature of

a) stimulatory activities.

b) support activities.

c) sustaining activities.

d) growth activities.



Exp: The stimulatory activities comprises of training and education in entrepreneurship, publicising entrepreneurial opportunities, offering incentives and recognition etc. The sustaining activities include facilities for growth and expansion, legal and policy modification etc.

Q. 30. Facilities for procuring raw material is included in

a) stimulatory activities.

b) support activities.

c) sustaining activities.

d) growth activities.



Exp: The organised support services include providing fund, machinery and equipments, scarce raw material, necessary infrastructure etc.

Q. 31. Legal and policy modification is included in

a) stimulatory activities.

b) support activities.

c) sustaining activities.

d) growth activities.



Exp: The sustaining activities are included in the later addition of EDP strategy. It comprises of facilities for growth and expansion, modernisation, technology up gradation etc.

Q. 32. Acquiring machine and equipment is a type of

a) stimulatory activity.

b) support activity.

c) sustaining activity.

d) growth activity.



Exp: Organised support services provide fund, machinery and equipment and necessary infrastructure for entrepreneurship development.

Q. 33. Defferred repayment interest is included in

a) sustaining activities.

b) stimulatory activities.

c) support services.

d) voluntary activities.



Exp: Sustaining activities provide facilities of deferred repayment interest. Sustaining activities are included in the later addition of EDP strategy.

Q. 34. Offering incentives and recognition is included in

a) stimulatory activities.

b) support services.

c) sustaining activities.

d) self employment.



Exp: Stimulatory activities comprises of offering incentives and recognition. It is a part of entrepreneurship development cycle.

Q. 35. Selecting a venture is a process of

a) managing entrepreneurship.

b) developing entrepreneurship.

c) value addition.

d) wealth generation.



Exp: To launch an enterprise, the entrepreneur has to select a venture suitable to the individual. He has to assess and mobilise resources before launching a venture.

Q. 36. Stimulatory activity includes

a) marketing linkages.

b) refinancing facility.

c) offering incentives.

d) availing information.



Exp: The stimulatory activities comprises of training and education in entrepreneurship, publicising entrepreneurial opportunities, offering incentives and recognition etc.

Q. 37. Sustaining activity includes

a) marketing linkages.

b) refinancing facility.

c) offering incentives.

d) availing information.



Exp: Sustaining activities provide facilities of deferred repayment interest. Sustaining activities are included in the later addition of EDP strategy.

Q. 38. Support services include the feature of

a) publicising entrepreneurial opportunities.

b) refinancing facility.

c) offering incentives.

d) availing information.



Exp: The organised support services include providing fund, machinery and equipments, scarce raw material, necessary infrastructure etc.

Q. 39. Economic growth and prosperity depends on the spirit of

a) technically trained youth.

b) educated youth.

c) entrepreneurship.

d) self employed person.



Exp: The spirit of entrepreneurship involves accepting new challenges to improve and innovate new designs. So, success of economic growth and prosperity depends on the spirit of entrepreneurship.

Q. 40. Creativity and innovation is included in

a) behavioural competencies.

b) personal competencies.

c) goal direction.

d) self employment.



Exp: The entrepreneurs are the agents of change and they use innovation as a tool. So, creativity and innovation are the behavioural competencies.

Q. 41. Income generation is the initial stage of

a) entrepreneurial skill.

b) entrepreneurial growth.

c) entrepreneurial explosion.

d) value addition.



Exp: All self employed persons are income generating persons. It contributes towards wealth and employment generation.

Q. 42. The 1990s started as the decade of

a) gradual changes.

b) contrasting changes.

c) entrepreneurial growth.

d) entrepreneurial development.



Exp: In 1990s, the changes not planned and anticipated found way to political, social and economic fields and systems.

Q. 43. At the initial stage of entrepreneurial development, the EDP pattern needs

a) less intervention.

b) more intervention.

c) indirect intervention.

d) direct intervention.



Exp: Direct intervention comprises of stimulatory support and sustaining activities through training and support service on traditional EDP pattern.

Q. 44. At the developing stage of entrepreneurial development, the EDP pattern needs

a) less intervention.

b) more intervention.

c) indirect intervention.

d) direct intervention.



Exp: In case of thrust on entrepreneurisation of society and the entrepreneurship is at the developing stage, the EDP pattern needs more indirect intervention by the government.

Q. 45. Entrepreneurial explosion in India occurred in

a) 1970s.

b) 1980s.

c) 1990s.

d) 2000s.



Exp: The entrepreneurial explosion is neither directly triggered by traditional EDPs nor driven by the concern for generating employment and reduction in poverty.