AP EAMCET Syllabus 2025

AP EAMCET Syllabus 2025: Download AP EAPCET Latest Syllabus Subject Wise PDF Here

JNTU Kakinada will release the AP EAMCET 2025 syllabus, along with the information brochure, on the official website. The AP EAMCET 2025 exam will cover both MPC and Bi.PC streams, each with its own specific syllabus. Candidates should familiarize themselves with the subject-wise syllabus, which includes AP EAMCET 2025 Physics syllabus, AP EAMCET 2025 Chemistry syllabus, AP EAMCET 2025 Mathematics syllabus, AP EAMCET 2025 Botany syllabus, and AP EAMCET 2025 Zoology syllabus.

It's crucial for aspiring candidates to be well-acquainted with the AP EAMCET 2025 syllabus. Understanding the syllabus thoroughly will not only aid in focused preparation but also help candidates dedicate more time to high-weightage topics. This article serves as a complete guide to the AP EAMCET syllabus 2025 for all aspirants.

AP EAMCET Syllabus 2025

AP EAMCET 2025 Syllabus

The AP EAMCET 2025 syllabus includes important topics such as laws of motion, thermodynamics, motion in a plane, and various aspects of organic and inorganic chemistry. In mathematics, the syllabus covers algebra, trigonometry, and probability, among others. For a detailed breakdown, please refer to the article below.

AP EAMCET 2025 Physics Syllabus

The AP EAMCET 2025 Syllabus for physics covers topics such as units and measurements, motion in a straight line, oscillations, and mechanical properties of solids, among others. For a complete view of the AP EAMCET 2025 Physics Syllabus, please refer to the table below.

Chapter Number Chapter Name Important units
Chapter 1 Physical world
  • Physics law nature
  • International system of units
  • Understanding the fundamental forces in nature
Chapter 2 Units and measurements
  • System of units
  • Error in measurement
  • Dimensional analysis and its application
  • Accuracy vs precision
Chapter 3 Motion in a straight line
  • Position time graph, speed and velocity
  • Average speed and instantaneous velocity
  • Relations for uniformly accelerated motion
  • Uniform and non uniform motion
  • Velocity time and graphs
Chapter 4 Motion in a plane
  • Scalar and vector quantities
  • Relative velocity
  • Uniform circular motion
  • Position and displacement vectors
  • Equation of path of the projectile
  • Multiplication of vectors by a real number
Chapter 5 Laws of motion
  • Dynamics of uniform circular motion
  • Static and kinetic friction
  • Laws of friction
  • Laws of conservation of linear momentum
  • Interia
  • Newton’s first law of motion
  • Concept of impulse
Chapter 6 Work, energy and power
  • Conservative forces and non conservative  forces
  • Motion in a vertical circle
  • Power
  • Kinetic energy
  • Work energy theorem
  • Work done by constant and variable forces
Chapter 7 System of particles and rotational motion
  • Angular momentum
  • Centre of mass of a two particle system
  • Rigid bodies equilibrium
  • Centre of mass of a rigid/uniform body
Chapter 8 Oscillation
Chapter 9 Gravitation
  • Kelper’s law of planetary motion
  • Universal gravitation law
  • Gravitational potential
  • Escape/orbital velocity of satellite
  • Geo-stationery satellites
Chapter 10 Mechanical properties of solids
  • Hooke’s law
  • Elastic potential energy
  • Young/bulk/shear modulus
Chapter 11 Mechanical properties of fluids
  • Stoke’s law
  • Critical/ terminal velocity
  • Bernoulli’s theorem and the applications
  • Angle of contact
  • Viscosity
  • Effect of gravity on fluid presence
Chapter 12 Thermal properties of matter
  • Heat and temperature
  • Thermal conductivity
  • Stefan’s law
  • Greenhouse effect
  • Change of state
Chapter 13 Thermodynamics
  • First law of thermodynamics
  • Second law of thermodynamics
  • Heat engine and refrigerator
  • Mayer’s formula
  • Carnot engine performance
  • Carnot cycle and theorem
  • Heat work and internal energy
  • Isothermal processes
  • Reversible and irreversible processes
Chapter 14 Kinetic theory
  • Maxwell distribution of molecular speeds
  • Mean free path- concept, mean free path of gasses
  • Kinetic theory of gasses
  • Workflow in  compressing a gas
  • RMS speed of molecules
  • Law of equipartition energy
Chapter 15 Waves
  • Doppler effect
  • Beats
  • Reflection of waves
  • Wave traveling speed
  • Transverse and longitudinal waves
  • Newton’s formula for speed and sound
Chapter 16 Ray optics and optical instrument
  • Mirror equation
  • Focal length of spherical mirror
  • Dispersion of prism
  • The eye
  • Refraction
  • Reflection of light by spherical mirrors
Chapter 17 Wave optics
  • Hyugen’s principle
  • The doppler effect
  • Diffraction
  • Refraction in a rarer medium
  • Coherent and incoherent addition of waves
Chapter 18 Electric charges and fields
  • Conductors and insulators
  • Basic properties of electric charges
  • Coulomb’s law
  • Gauss’s law, Applications of Gauss’s Law
  • Physical significance of electric field, electric field lines
Chapter 19 Electrostatic potential and capacitance
  • Dielectrics and polarisation
  • Relation between field and potential
  • Effect of dielectric on capacitance
  • Energy stored in a capacitor
  • Potential due to an electric dipole
  • Electric displacement
Chapter 20 Current electricity
  • Combination of resistors
  • Cells in series and in parallel
  • Kirchhoff’s rules
  • Electric current in conductors
  • Ohm’s law
  • Electric current
Chapter 21 Moving charges and magnetism
  • Savart’s law
  • Ampere’s circuital law
  • Magnetic force
  • Magnetic force on a current carrying conductor
  • Motion in a magnetic field
  • Force between two parallel current carrying conductors
  • Moving Coil Galvanometer
Chapter 22 Magnetism and matter
  • Magnetism and Gauss’s Law
  • The bar magnet
  • The Earth’s magnetism, magnetic declination and dip
Chapter 23 Electromagnetic induction
  • Faraday’s Law of induction
  • Lenz’s law and conservation of energy
  • The experiments of Faraday and Henry
Chapter 24 Alternating current
  • AC voltage applied to a resistor
  • Power in AC circuit
  • AC voltage applied to a series LCR circuit
Chapter 25 Electromagnetic waves
  • Maxwell’s equations
  • Nature of electromagnetic waves
  • Sources of electromagnetic waves,
Chapter 26 Dual nature of radiation and matter
  • Photoelectric effect and wave theory of light, Einstein’s photoelectric equation
  • Davisson and Germer Experiment
  • Photoelectric Effect
Chapter 27 Atoms
  • Atomic spectra
  • Bohr model of the hydrogen atom
Chapter 28 Nuclei
  • Atomic masses and composition of nucleus
  • Nuclear binding energy
  • Nuclear energy, fission, nuclear reactor, nuclear fusion,
Chapter 29 Semiconductor electronics
  • Band theory of solids
  • Intrinsic semiconductor, Extrinsic semiconductor
  • Classification of metals, conductors, and semiconductors
Chapter 30 Communication systems
  • Signals from different transmitters, amplitude modulation
  • Elements of a Communication system
  • Bandwidth of signals, bandwidth of transmission medium

AP EAMCET 2025 Maths Syllabus

In the AP EAMCET 2025 Mathematics Syllabus, you will find essential topics like definite integrals, trigonometry, integration, circles, limits, and more. You can check the full AP EAMCET 2025 Mathematics Syllabus in the table below.

Chapter Number Chapter Name Important units
Chapter 1 Algebra
  • Functions
  • Mathematical induction
  • Matrices
  • Complex numbers
  • Quadratic expressions s
  • Theory of equations
  • Permutations and combination
  • Binomial theorem
  • Partial functions
Chapter 2 Trigonometry
  • Inverse trigonometric functions
  • Hyperbolic functions
  • Properties of triangle
  • Trigonometric equations
  • Trigonometric ratios till transformation
Chapter 3 Vector algebra
  • Scalar or dot product of two vectors
  • Geometrical Vector methods
  • Scalar multiplication
  • Classification of vectors
  • Angle between two non-zero vectors
Chapter 4 Measures of dispersion and probability
  • Probability
  • Mean deviation
  • Standard and variance deviation of grouped and ungrouped data
  • Random variables
  • Binomial and poisson distributions
Chapter 5 Coordinate geometry
  • Circle
  • Parametric equations of a circle
  • Equation of pair of tangents from an external point
  • Equations of pair of lines passing through origin
  • Pair of bisectors of angles
  • Pair of lines
  • Transformation of Axes – Rules, derivations and illustrations
  • Locus
  • System of circles
  • Ellipse
  • Hyperbola
  • Plane
  • Three dimensional coordinates
Chapter 6 Calculus
  • Differentiation
  • Integration
  • Limits and continuity
  • Applications of derivatives
  • Definite integrals
  • Different equations

AP EAMCET 2025 Chemistry Syllabus

The AP EAMCET 2025 Chemistry Syllabus includes topics like chemical bonding and molecular structure, atomic structure, thermodynamics, hydrogen and its compounds, and many others. To see the detailed AP EAMCET 2025 Chemistry Syllabus, please refer to the table below.

Chapter Number Chapter Name Important units
Chapter 1 Atomic structure
  • Bohr’s model for Hydrogen atom
  • Nature of electromagnetic radiation
  • Crucial features of Quantum mechanical model of atom
  • Orbitals and quantum numbers
  • Aufbau Principle
  • Wave nature of electromagnetic radiation
  • Planck’ s quantum theory
  • Shapes of atomic orbitals
  • Dual behaviour of matter
  • Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
Chapter 2 Classification of elements and periodicity in properties
  • Modern periodic law and current form of the periodic table
  • Electronic configuration and types of elements s, p, d and f blocks
  • Periodic trends in chemical properties
  • Trends in physical properties
Chapter 3 Chemical bonding and molecular structure
  • Kossel - Lewis approach to chemical bonding
  • Lattice Enthalpy
  • Predicting the geometry of molecules
  • Hybridisation
  • Linear combination of atomic orbitals
  • Formation and types of hydrogen bonds
Chapter 4 States of matter
  • Intermolecular forces
  • Kinetic molecular theory of gases
  • Graham’s law of diffusion
  • Liquification of gases
  • Kinetic Energy
  • The Gas Laws
Chapter 5 Stoichiometry
  • Law of Definite Proportions
  • Concept of equivalent weight
  • Stoichiometry and stoichiometric calculations
  • Types of Redox reactions
  • Redox reactions in titrimetry
Chapter 6 Thermodynamics
  • Systems and surroundings and its types
  • The internal energy as a state function
  • Extensive and intensive properties
  • Thermochemical equations
  • Hess’s law of constant Heat summation
  • Enthalpies for different types of reactions
  • The second law of thermodynamics
  • Gibbs energy and spontaneity
Chapter 7 Chemical equilibrium and acid bases
  • Dynamic Equilibrium
  • Law of chemical Equilibrium/ mass action/ equilibrium constant
  • Heterogeneous Equilibria
  • Factors affecting Equilibria
  • Ionisation of Acids and Bases
  • Hydrolysis of salts and pH of their solutions
Chapter 8 Hydrogen and its compounds
  • Water - physical properties, structure, chemical properties, hard and soft water, hardness of water
  • Hydrogen Peroxide
Chapter 9 S-block elements
  • Alkali metals
  • Alkaline earth elements
Chapter 10 P-block elements group 13
  • Physical & Chemical properties Aluminum its reactions towards acids & alkalies
  • Crucial trends and anomalous properties of boron
  • Electronic configuration
Chapter 11 P-block elements group 14
  • Ionization enthalpy
  • Important trends and anomalous properties of carbon
  • Allotropes of carbon
  • Benefits of carbon
  • Crucial compounds of silicon and carbon
Chapter 12 Environmental chemistry
  • Air
  • Water
  • Soil pollution
  • Acid rain
  • Pollutants
  • Controlling environmental pollution
  • Green chemistry
Chapter 13 Organic chemistry
  • Hydrocarbons
  • Alkanes
  • Preparation of alkanes
  • Alkenes
  • Isomerism
  • Alkynes
  • Methods of preparation of acetylene
  • Types of Organic reactions
Chapter 14 Solid state
  • Characteristics of solid state
  • Tetrahedral and octahedral voids
  • Magnetic properties
  • Electrical properties
Chapter 15 Solutions
  • Solubility of a solid in a liquid
  • Vapour pressure of liquid
  • Colligative properties
  • Abnormal molar masses
  • Solubility
Mass by volume percentage
  • Types of solutions
  • Henry’s law
  • Raoult’s law
Chapter 16 Electrochemistry and chemical kinetics
  • Galvanic cells
  • Conductance of electrolytic solutions
  • Applications of Kohlrausch’s law
  • Faraday’s laws
  • Batteries
  • Chemical kinetics
Chapter 17 Surface chemistry
  • Difference between adsorption and absorption
  • Types of adsorption
  • Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis
  • Classification of colloids
  • Colligative properties
  • Tyndal effect
Chapter 18 P-block elements group 15
  • Ionization enthalpy
  • Compounds of nitrogen
  • Oxides of nitrogen
  • Preparation/properties of nitric acid
  • Electronegativity
  • Group 16,17,18 elements
Chapter 19 D and F block elements
  • Position in the periodic table
  • Actinoids
  • Applications of d and f block elements
  • Oxidation states
  • Coordination compounds
  • Isomerism in coordination compounds
  • Bonding in coordination compounds
Chapter 20 Polymers
  • Classification of Polymers
  • Ionic polymerization
Chapter 21 Biomolecules
  • Carbohydrates classification
  • Enzymes
  • Hormones
Chapter 22 Chemistry in everyday life
  • Drugs and their classification
  • Classification of drugs
  • Artificial sweetening agents
  • Food preservatives
  • Cleansing agents
Chapter 23 Halo alkanes and Halo arenes
  • Classification and nomenclature
  • Alkylhalides and arylhalides-
  • Chemical reactions
  • Reactions of haloalkanes
  • Polyhalogen compounds
Chapter 24 Organic compounds
  • Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
  • Aldehydes and Ketones
  • Carboxylic acids
Chapter 25 Organic compounds containing nitrogen
  • Amines
  • Classification
  • Nomenclature
  • Preparation of amines
  • Methods of preparation of diazonium salts
  • Nomenclature of cyanides and isocyanides

AP EAMCET 2025 Botany Syllabus

You can find the AP EAMCET 2025 Botany Syllabus in the table provided below.

Diversity in the Living World Plant Physiology
Structural Organisation in Plants - Morphology Microbiology
Reproduction in Plants Genetics
Plant Systematics Molecular Biology
Cell Structure and Function Biotechnology
Internal Organisation of Plants Plants, Microbes and Human Welfare
Plant Ecology -

AP EAMCET 2025 Zoology Syllabus

Similarly, the AP EAMCET 2025 Zoology Syllabus can be checked from the table below.

Diversity of Living World Human Anatomy and Physiology - II
Structural Organization in Animals Human Anatomy and Physiology - III
Animal Diversity I - Invertebrate Phyla Human Anatomy and Physiology - IV
Animal Diversity II - Phylum: Chordata Human Reproduction
Locomotion and Reproduction in Protozoa Genetics
Biology in Human Welfare Organic Evolution
Ecology and Environment Applied Biology
Human Anatomy and Physiology - I -

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Frequently Asked Questions on AP EAMCET Syllabus 2025

The AP EAMCET 2025 syllabus covers a variety of topics from different subjects. In the AP EAMCET 2025 Mathematics Syllabus, you'll find topics like algebra, trigonometry, and probability. The AP EAMCET 2025 Physics Syllabus includes important topics such as laws of motion, thermodynamics, and motion in a plane. In the AP EAMCET 2025 Chemistry Syllabus, you'll study both organic and inorganic chemistry. Additionally, the AP EAMCET 2025 Botany Syllabus and AP EAMCET 2025 Zoology Syllabus cover essential topics in biology.

The AP EAMCET 2025 exam is a challenging entrance test in Andhra Pradesh. To do well, you need a strong preparation strategy. This includes understanding the AP EAMCET 2025 Syllabus, being familiar with the exam pattern, and using the right study materials. With proper planning and a clear focus on the AP EAMCET Syllabus 2025, you can increase your chances of success.

The detailed AP EAMCET 2025 syllabus can be found on the official AP EAMCET website, and it's typically provided in the information brochure for the exam.

Yes, the syllabus differs slightly. The Engineering stream focuses more on Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, while the Agriculture stream includes Botany and Zoology topics.

The AP EAMCET 2025 syllabus is generally consistent with previous years, but it’s always advisable to check the latest updates on the official website.

To prepare effectively, thoroughly review the syllabus topics, practice with past papers, and focus on understanding core concepts, especially in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.

The AP EAMCET 2025 syllabus is primarily based on the state board curriculum of Andhra Pradesh, but it is similar to the NCERT syllabus in many aspects.

Yes, topic-wise PDFs for the AP EAMCET 2025 syllabus are often available on educational websites, coaching center portals, and the official AP EAMCET website.