MCQ-Based Questions for CUET Computer Science Chapter-Linked Lists, Stacks and Queues
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Practice Questions for CUET Computer Science chapter-Linked Lists, Stacks and Queues SET-1
Computer Science - MCQ on Linked Lists, Stacks and Queues
Class XII
Q.1 A stack is a linear structure implemented in
a) LIFO manner.
b) FIFO manner.
c) LILO manner.
d) LIO manner.
Explanation: A stack is implemented in Last In First Out manner where, insertion and deletion is restricted to only one end-stack’s top.
Q.2 The elements (in order) of a stack are 10, 20, 30, 40, 50. The element that will be first popped up from the stack is
a) 10.
b) 20.
c) 40.
d) 50.
Explanation: As a stack is implemented in LIFO manner, so the last element to be pushed in the stack is first element to be pop up.
Q.3 Using a stack, the operations we can perform are
a) insertion and deletion.
b) modification and display.
c) traversal.
d) push and pop.
Explanation: Push is to insert an element in the stack, whereas pop is to delete an element from the stack.
Q.4 To reverse a string we can use a
a) stack.
b) array.
c) heap.
d) link list.
Explanation: Since, stacks are LIFO implemented data structures, so they can be used for string reversal.
Q.5 Among the following, the one which are called dense lists or static data structures are
a) link lists.
b) arrays.
c) queues.
d) stacks.
b) Explanation: In arrays, the memory is reserved before processing, that is why they are called dense lists, or static data structures.
Q.6 A list that stores data elements pointing to the next in the sequence is
a) stack.
b) queue.
c) dynamic structure.
d) static structure.
Explanation: It is a link list, which is a linear collection of data elements, called nodes. Linked lists are dynamic structures.
Q.7 Underflow error means there might be
a) attempt to pop from an empty stack.
b) attempt to insert into an empty queue.
c) attempt to push into an empty stack.
d) attempt to push into a full stack.
Explanation: If we try to use pop operation on an empty stack, i.e., we try to pop an element from an empty stack, and then it causes underflow.
Q.8 Overflow error means
a) attempt to pop from an empty stack.
b) attempt to insert into an empty queue.
c) attempt to push into an empty stack.
d) attempt to push into a full stack.
Explanation: If we try to use push operation on a stack, which is already full, then it gives overflow error.
Q.9 Overflow error does not occur in
a) a stack implemented as an array.
b) a stack implemented as a linked list.
c) a double ended queue.
d) a queue implemented as an array.
Explanation: Since, we will get to know when it is full and no further element can be added to it.
Q.10 Among the following, the simplest data structures is
a) link lists.
b) arrays.
c) queues.
d) stacks.
b) Explanation: Arrays can be used only when its number of elements along with the element sizes is predetermined.
Q.11 The statement which is true is
a) If we have the address of any one node, we can traverse the entire liked list.
b) Stacks are used to convert infix expressions to postfix expressions.
c) In a queue, all insertions and deletions are from the same end.
d) Popping from an empty stack gives overflow error.
Explanation: If we have the address of any one node, we can traverse the entire linked list.
Q.12 Memory is allocated dynamically in
a) linked lists and trees.
b) only linked lists.
c) arrays.
d) stacks.
a) Explanation: It facilitates allocation of memory during the program execution itself, as and when required.
Q.13 Linked lists overcome the drawbacks of
a) queues.
b) stacks.
c) arrays.
d) dequeueue.
Explanation :In linked list, the number of elements need not be predetermined, more memory can be allocated and released during the processing as and when required.
Q.14 A stack can be implemented as
a) an array.
b) a linked list.
c) arrays and linked lists.
d) trees.
c) Explanation: When stack is implemented as an array, it inherits all the properties of an array, where as when it is implemented as a linked list, all characteristics of a linked list are possessed by it.
Q.15 Conversion of arithmetic expressions in high level programming languages into machine readable form, is an application of
a) stacks.
b) arrays.
c) trees.
d) queues.
a) Explanation: The complex arithmetic operations can be converted into polish strings using stacks, which then can be executed in two operands and a operator form.
Q.16 The notation in which the operator symbol is placed before its operands is, called
a) postfix notation.
b) prefix notation.
c) infix notation.
d) increment notation.
Explanation: The word pre means before, so in prefix notation the operator symbol is placed before the operand.
Q.17 The notation in which operator symbol is placed after its operands is called as
a) postfix notation.
b) prefix notation.
c) infix notation.
d) increment notation.
a) Explanation: Post means after.
Q.18 The notation in which operator symbol is placed in between the operands is called as
a) postfix notation.
b) prefix notation.
c) infix notation.
d) increment notation.
Explanation: It is the common arithmetic and logical notation.
Q.19 In a queue, insertions take place at the
a) rear end.
b) front end.
c) front or rear end.
d) second last index element, leaving last index for null.
Explanation: Rear stores the index of last element in the queue.
Q.20 In a queue, deletion of an element takes place at the
a) rear end.
b) front end.
c) front or rear end.
d) second index element, leaving first index for null.
Explanation: Front stores the index of first element in the queue.
Q.21 The terms used in describing a linear list, when it is implemented as a queue is
a) PUSH and POP.
d) FRONT and REAR.
Explanation: Front stores the index of first element in the queue. Rear stores the index of last element in the queue.
Q.22 The number of elements in a queue at any given time can be calculated from the values of the
a) front end.
b) rear end.
c) both front and rear end.
d) middle element.
Explanation: Front stores the index of first element in the queue. Rear stores the index of last element in the queue.
Q.23 When front =0, the number of element in a queue
a) is one only.
b) is zero.
c) are two (one at first position, one at last).
d) can be many.
Explanation: The index of first element in the queue is stored in front.
Q.24 When Front ≠ 0, then number of elements in a queue are
a) many (can not be counted).
b) only one.
c) front-rear +1
d) rear+ front +1
Explanation: The formula to count the number of elements in a queue = front-rear +1
Q.25 When queue becomes full then
a) one element can be added to it as last index for null is empty.
b) no more elements can be added to it.
c) two more elements can be added to it.
d) many more elements can be added to it depends on the size of queue.
Explanation: It will result in an overflow, if we try to add an element to a queue, which is already full.
Practice Questions for CUET Computer Science chapter-Linked Lists, Stacks and Queues SET-2
Q.26 If front=0, and rear=5, then the number of elements in a queue is
a) 0.
b) 4.
c) 5.
d) 6.
Explanation: Number of elements in a queue can be calculated using formula
queue = front-rear +1 .
Q.27 If front=0, and rear=2, the next element in a queue will be inserted at
a) 3rd position.
b) 2nd position.
c) 1st position.
d) the last position.
Explanation: Insertion always takes place at the rear end.
Q.28 The two pointers to maintain the front and rear position in a queue are present in
a) circular queues
b) linked queues.
c) dequeueue.
d) simple queues.
Explanation: Linked queues have links among its elements, and it maintains two pointers to store the front position and rear position.
Q.29 If front=0 and rear=4, the deletion of 2 elements will result in
a) Front=2 and rear =4.
b) Front=1 and rear=3.
c) Front=0 and rear=2.
d) Front=-2 and rear=4.
Explanation: Deletion takes place at the front end.
Q.30 At every deletion in a queue the value of
a) front decreases by 1.
b) front increases by 1.
c) rear decreases by 1
d) rear increases by 1.
Explanation: Deletion takes place at the rear end, and always increases value of front according to the number of deletions.
Q.31 The queues having links among its elements are called
a) circular queues
b) linked queues.
c) dequeueue.
d) simple queues.
Explanation: Linked queues have links among its elements, and it maintains two pointers to store the front position and rear position.
Q.32 If front=0 and rear=4, the insertion of 2 elements will result in
a) Front=2 and rear =4.
b) Front=1 and rear=5.
c) Front=0 and rear=6.
d) Front=1 and rear=6.
Explanation: At every insertion, value of rear increases by 1 and front remains the same.
Q.33 Insertion in a linked queue can take place at the
a) rear end only.
b) front end only.
c) both rear and front end.
d) middle of the queue.
a) Explanation: It is like the simple queues, where rear end gets modified when insertion takes place.
Q.34 Deletion in a linked queue can take place at the
a) rear end only.
b) front end only.
c) both rear and front end.
d) middle of the queue.
Explanation: It is just like the simple queue, where front end gets modified when deletion takes place.
Q.35 The queues that overcome the problem of unutilized space in linear queues, implemented as arrays are
a) linked queues.
b) input restricted queue.
c) dequeueue.
d) circular queues.
Explanation: Circular queues are implemented in circular forms rather than in straight lines.
Q.36 The queue that considers itself contiguous at opposite ends is
a) linked queue.
b) input restricted queue.
c) circular queue
d) dequeueue.
Explanation: Circular queues are implemented in circular forms rather than in straight lines. That is why, if space is there in the beginning, the rear shifts back to the beginning after reaching the maximum possible index number.
Q.37 The refined queues in which elements can be added or removed at either end but not in the middle, are
a) input restricted queues.
b) output restricted queues.
c) dequeueue.
d) circular queues.
Explanation: Dequeueue is a double ended queue.
Q.38 The notation in which the operator symbol is placed either before its operands or after its operands is called
a) prefix notation.
b) postfix notation.
c) infix notation.
d) polish string.
Explanation: Prefix is when operator is placed before operands, postfix is when operator is placed after its operands, and in infix the operator is placed between its operands.
Q.39 The equivalent infix expression for 8, 10, *, 6, 4, -, *, 28, + is
a) 8 * 10 + ((6-4 * 28
b) 8*10*(6-4+28
c) 8+ 10 * (6-4 *28
d) 8*10* (6+4 – 28
Explanation: In infix expression, operator is placed between its operands.
Q.40 The equivalent infix expression for 8, 5, +, 6, 9, 8, *, *, 6, 3, - is
a) [(8+5* (6*9] + (6-3
b) [(8*5+ (6*9] + (6-3
c) [(8+5* (6-9] * (6-3
d) [(8*5+ (6*9] - (6+3
a) Explanation: In infix expression, operator is placed between its operands.
Q.41 The stack having capacity of 8 elements implemented as an array is A, B, C, D, E, F, G (on top). If The operations POP (STACK, ITEM), PUSH (STACK, K), PUSH (STACK, M ) takes place successively, the result is
a) A, B, C, D, E, F, G, M, K (on top).
b) K, M, A, B, C, D, E, F (on top).
c) (on top) M, K, B, C, D, E, F, G.
d) A, B, C, D, E, F, K, M (on top).
Explanation: Push and Pop operations can take place only at one end.
It would be Step 1: A, B, C, D, E, F. Step 2: A, B, C, D, E, F, K. Step 3: A, B, C, D, E, F, K, M.
Q.42 The stack having capacity of 8 elements implemented as an array is A, B, C, D, E, F, G (on top). If the operations POP (STACK, ITEM) takes place 4 times, the result is
a) G, F, E (on top).
b) A, B, C (on top).
c) E, F, G(on top).
d) C, B, A (on top).
Explanation: Step 1: A, B, C, D, E, F (on top). Step 2: A, B, C, D, E (on top). A, B, C, D (on top). Step 4: A, B, C (on top).
Q.43 If we want to convert the infix expression [(8+5* (6*9] + (6-3 into equivalent postfix expression, the result is
a) 85+69**63+-.
b) 85+69**63-+.
c) 85+*69*63-+.
d) 85+69**+63-.
Explanation: [(85+) * (69*)]+(63-) = (85+69**) + (63-).
Q.44 If we want to convert the infix expression 8*10*(6-4+28 into equivalent postfix form, the result is
a) 810 * 64-*28+.
b) 810 * 64-+28*.
c) 810 **64- 28+.
d) *810 64-*28+.
Explanation: 8*10*(6-4+28 = (810*)*(64-)28+ = 810 * 64-*28+.
Q.45 If we want to convert the infix expression (P-Q)*(M/N) +R into equivalent postfix form, the result is
a) PQ-MN*/R+.
b) P-QMN/*R+.
c) PQ-MN/*R+.
d) PQ-MN/*+R.
Explanation: (P-Q)*(M/N) +R = (PQ-)*(MN/) R+ = PQ-MN/*R+.
Q.46 The equivalent infix expression for a, b, AND, a, c, AND, OR is
a) A b AND OR a AND c.
b) A AND b OR a AND c.
c) A AND b OR a c AND.
d) A AND b a AND c OR.
Explanation: The operator comes in between operands in infix expression. Example: a, b, AND, a, c, AND, OR = (a AND b a AND c) OR = A AND b OR a AND c.
Q.47 The other term for postfix expression is
a) polish notation.
b) reverse polish notation.
c) prefix expression.
d) pushing.
Explanation: It is an expression where the operators are placed after operands.
Q.48 The other term for prefix expression is
a) polish notation.
b) reverse polish notation.
c) prefix expression.
d) pushing.
Explanation: It is an expression where operators are placed before operands.
Q.49 A list keeping account of freely available memory is
a) occupied storage.
b) unavailable list.
c) free storage.
d) garbage storage.
Explanation: The other name for free storage list is free pool.
Q.50 The other name for free pool is
a) unoccupied list.
b) node list.
c) store list.
d) avail list.
Explanation: A free list is a data structure used in a scheme for dynamic memory allocation. It operates by connecting unallocated regions of memory.
Q.51 The equivalent postfix expression of A+B-D/X is
a) AB+DX-/.
b) AB+DX/-.
c) ABDX+/-.
d) ABDX/-+.
Explanation: In postfix expression, operator comes after the operand. Here,
A+B-D/X = AB+ - DX/ = AB+DX/-.
Q.52 The equivalent prefix expression of A+B-D/X is
a) -+AB/DX.
b) AB+DX/-.
c) -A+B/DX.
d) -+/ABDX.
Explanation: In prefix expression, operator comes before the operand. Here,
A+B-D/X I= +AB - /DX = -+AB/DX.
Q.53 The equivalent postfix expression of (A+B) / (C*D)- Z is
a) AB+CD*/-Z.
b) AB+CD/*Z-.
c) AB+CD*/Z-.
d) ABCD*/Z-+.
Explanation: In postfix expression, operator comes after the operand.
Here, the expression (A+B) / (C*D)- Z = AB+ / CD* Z- = AB+CD*/Z-
Q.54 The equivalent prefix expression of (A+B) / (C*D)- Z is
a) AB+CD*/Z-.
b) AB+ / CD* Z.
c) +AB / *CD-Z.
d) -/+AB*CDZ.
Explanation: In prefix expression, operator comes before the operand.
Here, the expression (A+B) / (C*D)- Z = (+AB / *CD )-Z = -/+AB*CDZ
Q.55 If we evaluate the postfix expression 20, 45, +, 20, 10, -15, +, * using stacks, then the result is
a) 215.
b) 665.
c) 1620.
d) 1625.
Explanation: It would be (20+45 *((20-10 + 15 = 65 * 25 = 1625.
Q.56 The full form of dequeue is
a) destructive queue.
b) destroy queue.
c) double ended queue.
d) delete queue.
Explanation: Dequeue is a queue where element can be added or removed at either end.
Q.57 The technical term for inserting a new element in a stack is called
a) pushing.
b) dropping.
c) popping.
d) inserting.
Explanation: To add an element in a stack, we use push operation.
Q.58 The technical term for deleting an element in a stack is called
a) pushing.
b) dropping.
c) popping.
d) inserting.
Explanation: To delete an element in a stack, we use pop operation. We can pop the top most elements in a stack.
Q.59 In a stack, we can pop
a) only the topmost element.
b) any random element.
c) the last element.
d) a middle element.
Explanation: Pop operation is always performed on the top element of the stack. If we want to pop the middle element of the stack, then first we have to pop all the elements above it.
Q.60 Input restricted queue and output restricted queue are two forms of
a) circular queues.
b) dequeue.
c) linked queues.
d) simple queues.
Explanation: These are two variations of dequeue. Input restricted queue allows insertions at only one end but allows deletions at both ends of the list. Output restricted queue allows deletions at only one end but allows insertions at both the ends of the list.
Computer Science - MCQ on Linked Lists, Stacks and Queues
Class XII
Q.1 A linear data structure implemented in a LIFO manner is known as
a) queue.
b) tree.
c) stack.
d) dequeue.
Explanation: A stack is a linear structure where insertions and deletions take place only at one end, i.e., LIFO structure.
Q.2 Deletion from a stack is called
a) pushing.
b) popping.
c) dumping.
d) destroying.
Explanation: The pop operation removes (deletes) an item from the list, and returns or exports this item value to the calling program.
Q.3 An insertion in a stack is called
a) pushing.
b) popping.
c) pulling.
d) dumping.
Explanation: The push operation adds (stores) to the list. Due to practical memory limits, stacks are often of a particular size, so this operation must check that the stack is not full, otherwise it will fail.
Q.4 When a stack, implemented as an aray, is full and no new element can be accomodated, it is called an
a) outflow.
b) underflow.
c) overflow.
d) autoflow.
Explanation: In software, a stack overflow occurs when too much memory is used on the call stack.
Q.5 When a stack is empty and an element’s deletion is tried from the stack, it is called an
a) outflow.
b) overflow.
c) autoflow.
d) underflow.
Explanation: When there is no element left in the stack and deletion operation is performed on it,then it is a case of underflow.
Q.6 A linear structure implemented in circle form rather than a straight line, is known as
a) queue.
b) oval queue.
c) circular queue.
d) ellipse queue.
Explanation: A queue implemented within an array, where the first element of the array logically follows the last element is known as circular queue.
Q.7 A linear structure implemented in a FIFO manner is known as
a) stack.
b) queue.
c) tree.
d) graph.
Explanation: A queue is a particular kind of collection in which the entities in the collection are kept in order and the principal operations on the collection are the addition of entities to the rear terminal position and removal of entities from the front terminal position.
Q.8 A data structure which allows insertions at only one end, but allows deletions at both the ends of the list, is known as
a) input queue.
b) input restricted queue.
c) output queue.
d) output restricted queue.
Explanation: An input-restricted deque is one where deletion can be made from both ends, but input can only be made at one end.
Q.9 A data structure which allows deletions at only one end of the list, but allows insertions at both ends of the list, is known as
a) input queue.
b) input restricted queue.
c) output queue.
d) output restricted queue.
Explanation: An output-restricted deque is one where input can be made at both ends, but output can be made from one end only.
Q.10 Double-ended queue where elements can be added or removed from either end is known as
a) circular queue.
b) input restricted queue.
c) output restricted queue.
d) dequeue.
Explanation: In computer science, a deque is an abstract list type data structure, also called a head-tail linked list, for which elements can only be added to or removed from the front (head) or back (tail).
Q.11 An expression where operators are placed in between the operands is known as
a) postfix expression.
b) infix expression.
c) prefix expression.
d) outfix expression.
Explanation: Infix notation is the common arithmetic and logical formula notation, in which operators are written infix-style between the operands they act on.
Q.12 A list keeping account of available free memory is known as
a) free pool.
b) free spool.
c) free space.
d) free tree.
Explanation: If the memory is not utilized, then it is stored in a separate area known as free pool. It is also known as AVAIL list.
Q.13 Method of adding released memory in a free pool is known as
a) memory creation.
b) memory collection.
c) garbage collection.
d) memory addition.
Explanation: In computer science, garbage collection (GC) is a form of automatic memory management. The garbage collector attempts to reclaim garbage, or memory used by objects that will never be accessed or mutated again by the application.
Q.14 A part of linked list that stores information of an element is known as
a) cell.
b) heap.
c) node.
d) storage area.
Explanation: A node is an abstract basic unit used to build linked data structures such as trees, linked lists, and computer-based representations of graphs. Each node contains some data and possibly links to other nodes. Pointers or references often implement links between nodes.
Q.15 The processing of all the nodes of the linked list one by one is known as
a) execution.
b) node detection.
c) traversal.
d) reversal.
Explanation: Traversal refers to the process of visiting each node in a data structure, exactly once, in a systematic way. Such traversals are classified by the order in which the nodes are visited.
Q.16 The memory location technique which reserves a fixed amount of memory before the actual processing takes place, is known as
a) static memory allocation.
b) dynamic memory allocation.
c) fixed memory allocation.
d) compile time memory.
Explanation: Static memory allocation refers to the process of allocating memory at compile-time before the associated program is executed.
Q.17 The memory allocation technique that facilitates allocation of memory during the program execution is known as
a) static memory allocation.
b) dynamic memory allocation.
c) fixed memory allocation.
d) compile memory allocation.
Explanation: In computer science, dynamic memory allocation is the allocation of memory storage for use in a computer program during the runtime of that program.
Q.18 The elements stored in a sequence are called as
a) sequential elements.
b) list.
c) order.
d) memory elements.
Explanation: List is the collection of elements stored in a sequential order.
Q.19 The postfix form of expression a*b+c/d is
a) a*b+c/d.
b) ab*cd+/.
c) ab*cd/+.
d) ab*dc+/.
Explanation: An expression is in postfix form if the operators appear after their operands; for example. "1 2 +" means "1 + 2".
Q.20 If the elements are pushed in the stack in the order 10,20,30,40,50 and 60.Then the order in which they are popped from the stack is
a) 10,20,30,40,50,60.
b) 10,20,30,40,60,50.
c) 60,50,40,30,20,10.
d) 60,40,20,50,30,10.
Explanation: Stack is a LIFO data structure, i.e., last in first out. Last element pushed is 60 and it is also the first element to be popped out.
Q.21 The data structure, which is used to convert infix expression into postfix expression, is
a) stack.
b) queue.
c) linked list.
d) tree.
Explanation: We can convert infix expression to the postfix by using stack and we can also evaluate the postfix expression using the stack.
Q.22 LIFO stands for
a) long int first out.
b) long in first out.
c) last in from out.
d) last in first out.
Explanation: LIFO is an acronym, which stands for last in, first out. In computer science, this refers to the way items stored in some types of data structures are processed.
Q.23 FIFO stands for
a) fast in fast on.
b) first in first out.
c) fast in first out.
d) first in fast on.
Explanation: FIFO is an acronym for First In, First Out, an abstraction in ways of organizing and manipulation of data relative to time and prioritization.
Q.24 The technical term of insertion in a stack is
a) pushing.
b) popping.
c) inculcation.
d) immersion.
Explanation: The push operation adds (stores) to the list.
Q.25 The technical term for deletion in a stack is
a) pumping.
b) popping.
c) pulling.
d) parting.
Explanation: The pop operation removes (deletes) an item from the list, and returns or exports this item value to the calling program.
Q.26 The result of evaluation of a postfix expression 20,8,4,/,+ is
a) 21.
b) 22.
c) 50.
d) 51.
Explanation: It will be evaluated as (20+(8/4) = 20 + 2 = 22.
Q.27 The expression, which is easier for a machine to evaluate, is
a) infix expression.
b) postfix expression.
c) prefix expression.
d) unfix expression.
Explanation: A postfix expression itself determines the precedence of operators. Therefore, for the machine it is easier to carry out a postfix expression than an infix expression.
Q.28 The data structure having a hierarchical relationship among nodes is known as
a) arrays.
b) linked lists.
c) trees.
d) queues.
Explanation: In computer science, a tree is a widely used data structure that emulates a hierarchical tree structure with a set of linked nodes.
Q.29 The operation that is performed on data structures is
a) subtraction.
b) addition.
c) searching.
d) multiplication.
Explanation: Searching involves looking for the specified data element in a data structure.
Q.30 Arranging the data elements of a data structure in a specified order is called
a) traversal.
b) merging.
c) sorting.
d) search.
Explanation: A sorting algorithm is an algorithm that puts the elements of a list in a certain order.
Q.31 Combination of elements of two data structure to form a new data structure is known as
a) searching.
b) union.
c) merging.
d) concatenation.
Explanation: Merging is an operation performed on data structure in which elements of two similar data structure are combined to form a new data structure of the same type.
Q.32 The data structure whose size, structure and associated locations are fixed at the compile time is known as
a) homogeneous data structure.
b) non-homogeneous data structure.
c) static data structure.
d) dynamic data structure.
Explanation: A static data structure is a data structure created for an input data set, which is not supposed to change within the scope of the problem.
Q.33 When all the elements of the data structure are of same type, then it is known as
a) homogeneous data structure.
b) non- homogeneous data structure.
c) static data structure.
d) dynamic data structure.
Explanation: When the items or entities in a group are similar, then they are said to be homogeneous. Similarly, when the elements of the data structure are of same type, then it is a homogeneous data structure.
Q.34 When all the elements of the data structure is not of same type, then it is known as
a) homogeneous data structure.
b) non- homogeneous data structure.
c) static data structure.
d) dynamic data structure.
Explanation: The data structure which contains different type of data is known as a non-homogeneous data structure.
Q.35 The data structure in which the elements are stored sequentially is known as
a) homogeneous data structure.
b) non-homogeneous data structure.
c) linear data structure.
d) non-linear data structure.
Explanation: A linear data structure is one in which, while traversing sequentially, we can reach only one element directly from another. Eg- Liked List, Array.
Q.36 The data structure in which the elements are stored randomly is known as
a) homogeneous data structure.
b) non-homogeneous data structure.
c) linear data structure.
d) non-linear data structure.
Explanation: Data structures like trees, binary trees, graphs and heaps are non- linear data structures as the elements are stored without any order.
Q.37 The non-linear data structure among the following is
a) array.
b) linked list.
c) stack.
d) tree.
Explanation: In tree data structure, the elements are not stored in a sequence therefore it’s a non-linear data structure.
Q.38 The linear data structure among the following is
a) tree.
b) graph.
c) stack.
d) binary search tree.
Explanation: In stack, the items are stored sequentially, thus forming linear data structure.
Q.39 Data structure is an extension of
a) array.
b) data cells.
c) data bytes.
d) data type.
Explanation: The organized collection of data is called data structure. So, a data structure is combination of organized data and allowed operations.
Q40 The number of bytes used to store one element is known as
a) element size.
b) element weight.
c) element capacity.
d) element store.
Explanation: Element size is the space that the element needs for the storage purpose.