Important MCQ-Based Questions for class 11 History chapter-Confrontation of Culture
This page consists of Important MCQ questions from chapter-Confrontation of Culture uploaded as per the CBSE syllabus and consists of a detailed explanation. Questions are prepared to form the entire chapter-Confrontation of Culture to give you effective revision.
Find below MCQ-Based Questions for class 11 History chapter-Confrontation of Culture
Important MCQ-based questions History class 11 chapter-Confrontation of Culture Set-A
History - MCQ on Confrontation of Culture
Class XI
Q.1. Who was the first Europeans who set out in search of trade routes.
a) Spanish
b) Portugalies
c) Only a
d) Both a & b
Explanation: They also persuaded the Pole to give their exclusive right to rule new regions located by them.
Q.2. Who sponsored Christopher Columbus in his expedition in 1492?
a) Pope
b) Holy Roman Emperor
c) Rules of Spain
d) None of the Above
Explanation: He was an Italian sponsored by rulers of Spain.
Q.3. People who believe that in animate objects may have life or soul are called:
a) Atheists
b) Anthropologists
c) Animists
d) None of the Above
Explanation: Animists believe the in animate objects also have life.
Q.4. Who was Arawakian Lucayos of the 15th Century.
a) Tribals living in the Caribbean Sea
b) Skilled boat builders
c) Animists
d) All of the Above
Explanation: They were tribals living in several islands of Caribbean islands.
Q.5. Who were the leaders and intermediaries between this world and the supernatural amongst the Arawaks.
a) Animist
b) Shamans
c) Caribs
d) None of the Above
Explanation: They were individuals who used to work has healers etc.
Q.6. Which tribe lived on the East coast of South America.
a) Aztecs
b) Arawaks
c) Tupinamba
d) None of the Above
Explanation: Their society was not controlled by any king or army.
Q.7. The name Brazil comes from:
a) A bee
b) A God
c) A King
d) A dynasty
Explanation: It comes from the brazilwood tree.
Q.8. The name Mexico comes from:
a) A tree
b) A God
c) A king
d) A dynasty
Explanation: It comes from the name of Aztec God – Mexitli.
Q.9. In which century did the Aztec occupy central valley of Mexico.
a) 10th
b) 11th
c) 12th
d) 13th
Explanation: They migrated from north of Mexico o the central valley.
10. Aztec had a -------------- Society.
a) Hierarchical
b) Monarchial
c) Democratic
d) None of the Above
Explanation: The mobility chose a supreme leader from amongst themselves.
Q.11. What were ‘Chinampas’ in Aztec society?
a) Artificial taker
b) Artificial islands
c) Artificial fertilizers
d) None of the above.
Explanation: This was the way in which the Aztecs adopted reclamation of land.
Q.12. What was the Teno Chtitlan?
a) Capital city
b) Artificial canal
c) Famous king
d) Famous priest
Explanation: This was the capital city of the Aztecs built in 1325.
Q.13. What do the terms Calmecac’ and ‘ tepoch calli’ relate to:
a) Schools for children
b) Churches
c) Kings’ council
d) Agriculture method
Explanation: All Aztec children went to school and the above were schools attended by nobles’ children and for other children.
Q.14. By which century did the Aztec civilization started showing signs of decline?
a) 14th
b) 15th
c) 16th
d) 17th
Explanation: This was mainly due to the discontent amongst the conquered people.
Q.15. The Mayor culture of Mexico developed between which centuries.
a) 11th – 14th
b) 12th – 13th
c) 14th – 17th
d) 9th – 10th
Explanation: The developed between the 11th and 14th century.
Q.16. What was the major crop of the Mexican societies under the period of our study?
a) Potatoes
b) Pumpkin
c) Corn
d) Beans
Explanation: Corn production was the centre of the agriculture.
Q.17. The Mayan deirsed a -----------form of writing.
a) Cunciform
b) Pictographic
c) Both and b
d) Only a
Explanation: This form has only been partially deciphered as of now.
Q.18. Which of the following was the largest indigenous civilization of South America in the twelfth century.
a) Mayan
b) Aztec
c) Incas
d) Arawaks
Explanation: Their Empire at its Zenith spread from Chile to Ecuador.
Q.19. Who was Manco Capac.
a) First Inca ruler
b) First Inca city
c) First Inca capitals
d) None of the above
Explanation: He established his capital at Cuzco.
Q.20. What was Quechua?
a) Court language
b) Method of agriculture
c) Incan capital
d) Incan King
Explanation: Every Incan subject was required to speak this language.
Q.21. What were the major features of Incan society?
a) They did not develop system of writing.
b) They used flaking method for masonary.
c) They were an agricultural society.
d) All of the above.
Explanation: They were a highly centralised society.
Q.22. What was the system of accounting adopted by the Incas called?
a) Flaking
b) Quipu
c) Calmecac
d) Cuzco
Explanation: This was system where knots were put on words to indicate mathematical units.
Q.23. What was the important difference (s) between the European and South American civilisations?
a) South Americans did not give great value to gold and silver.
b) South Americans had a hierarchical society.
c) Only a
d) Both a & b
Explanation: Aztec and Incas did not have any private ownership of resources either.
Q.24. When did Portugal gain independence from Spain?
a) 1039
b) 1139
c) 1339
d) 1239
Explanation: It was one of the first European countries to encourage maintain discoveries.
Q.25. Who was called the ‘Narigator’ due to his narigatornal expeditions.
a) Prince Henry of Portugal
b) Prince Louise of France
c) King Ferdinand of Spain
d) None of the above
Explanation: He organized expeditions for coasting of West Africa.
Q.26. The contract under which Spanish rulers claimed Sovereignty over new conquered territories and also gave rights & tittles to the leaders of such expeditions was called.
a) Re cunquista
b) Captulaciones
c) Crusades
d) None of the above
Explanation: Under these the leaders of such expeditions were given rights to govern the conquered lands.
Q.27. Which book inspired Christopher Columbus in his adventures?
a) Canterbury Tales
b) Almagest
c) The Prince
d) Imago Mundi
Explanation: This was a work on astronomy and geography.
Q.28. Which year did Columbus start an on his expedition of discovery.
a) 1392
b) 1492
c) 1192
d) 1092
Explanation: This expedition was sponsored by Spanish authorities.
Q.29. What were the names of Columbus’s ships?
a) Santa Maina
b) Pinta
c) Nina
d) All of the above
Explanation: The journey across Atlantic took 33 days.
Q.30. Which tribe welcomes Columbus in the Bahamas?
a) Aztecs
b) Mayans
c) Arawaks
d) Spanish
Explanation: Columbus was amazed at their generosity.
Important MCQ-based questions History class 11 chapter-Confrontation of Culture Set-B
Q.31. What was the name given to the island Guanachari where Columbus landed.
a) San Salvador
b) Sand Ecuador
c) Cuba
d) Chile
Explanation: Columbus renamed Guanahari as San Salvador.
Q32. After whom were the Americas named:
a) Columbus
b) A Spanish king
c) A Geographer
d) A tribe
Explanation: Americas were named after Amerigo Vespucie who calculated how big the new continent discovered by Columbus was.
Q.33. When was the ‘New Continent’ first called America:
a) 1407
b) 1507
c) 1607
d) 1707
Explanation: It was first used by a German Publisher.
Q.34. Match the followings:
Events Years’
1) New world divided amongst i 1494
Portugal and Spain.
2) John Cabot explores N. America ii 1497
3) Amerigo sights S. America iii 1499
4) Cortes defeats Aztecs iv 1521
5) Spanish conquer Philippines v 1532
a) 1) v 2) i 3) ii 4) iii 5) iv
b) 1) iv 2) v 3) ii 4) i 5) iii
c) 1) i 2) ii 3) iii 4) iv 5) v
d) 1) iii 2) ii 3) i 4) v 5) iv
Explanation: These are some major events of 15th century.
Q.35. Match of the followings:
Events Dates
1) Vasco-dagama reaches Calicul i 1602
2) Cabral Claims Brazil for Portugal ii 1600
3) Magellan in cumnavigates earth iii 1522
4) British East India formed iv 1500
5) Dutch East India Formed v 1498
a) 1) i 2) ii 3) iii 4) iv 5) v
b) 1) v 2) ii 3) iii 4) i 5) iv
c) 1) iii 2) ii 3) i 4) iv 5) v
d) 1) v 2) iv 3) iii 4) ii 5) ii
Explanation: Major events and their years they happened.
Q.36. Which of the following cruelly massacred indigenous tribes of America to gain territories and gold.
a) Americans
b) English
c) French
d) Spaniard
Explanation: Spaniard wrecked havock on indigenous tribes particularly Hernan cortes.
Q.37. Who was the king of Aztecs when Cortes entered their territories and put hi under house arrest.
a) Montezuma
b) Tlaxcalans
c) Cuetemoc
d) None of these
Explanation: Montezuma cordially received Cortes who in turn started ruling Aztecs Montezuma name.
Q.38. Who was the king of the Incas who was killed by Pizamo to occupy the Inca kingdom and the gold and silver?
a) Atahualpa
b) Catral
c) Vicira
d) None of the above
Explanation: He was the Inca king who was executed by Pizamo.
Q.39. Which year onwards did Portuguese started growing sugarcane on Brazilian coasts?
a) 1540s
b) 1440s
c) 1340s
d) 1240s
Explanation: Due to lack of any indigenous people this led to beginning of slave trade from Africa.
Q.40. Who wrote the book ‘Capitalism and Slavery’ in 1940s:
a) Equiano
b) Eric Williams
c) John Thomas
d) None of the above
Explanation: He was one of the first modern historians to initiate reassessment of sufferings of slaves.
Q.41. When was gold discovered in the Americas?
a) 1600
b) 1800
c) 1900
d) 1700
Explanation: This led to rise of slave trade from Africa.
Q.42. Which king of Spans publicly banned forced labour though secretly allowing the same?
a) Charles V
b) Philip II
c) Philip V
d) Charles I
Explanation: Though publicly banning forced labour he made secret arrangements for its continuation.
Q.43. In which year did Spain passed s law growing equal freedom to both Christians and Non Christian?
a) 1610
b) 1609
c) 1600
d) 1500
Explanation: Although this law was revoked within two years due to outrage of the Europeans.
Q.44. Due to colonization of America which two throwing indigenous cultures were swiped away?
a) Spanish and Portuguese
b) Indians and Americans
c) Incas and Aztecs
d) Mayans and Arawkas
Explanation: Due to the atrocities of the Spaniards and their greed for god and silver these two civilizations were destroyed.
Q.45. Which two new crops were introduced from Americas into Europe?
a) Pumpkin
b) Chilies
c) Potatoes
d) Only b and c
Explanation: This led to their introduction in India as well.
Q.46. Which was the major disease brought by Europeans which killed the indigenous people of South Americas?
a) Polio
b) Malaria
c) Small Pox
d) Dengue
Explanation: Millions of the nations were killed due to this decease.
Q.47. In which year was a formal Portuguese government established in S. Americas.
a) 1449
b) 1549
c) 1649
d) 1749
Explanation: This government was started in the Portuguese king name.
Q.48. Which was the first formal Portuguese capital in S. America?
a) Salvador
b) Cuba
c) Bahamas
d) Bahia / Salvador
Explanation: This was the Portuguese capital after a formal Portuguese government was established.
Q.49. In which year did the Portuguese king divide the coast of Brazil into 14 hereditary captaincies go as to colonize the region.
a) 1534
b) 1500
c) 1400
d) 1434
Explanation: Landownership rights were given to the Portuguese who wanted to live there.
Q.50. European settlers did not like the Jesuits arrival in Brazil because of:
a) Their demand for humane treatment of natures.
b) Their aiticism of slavery.
c) Their interaction with the natures as equals.
d) All of the above
Explanation: This was not liked by the Europeans as they regarded exploitation as essential to their economic gain.
Q.1. Who were the inhabitants of the Bahamas Island?
a. The Caribbean’s
b. The Arawakian Lucayos
c. The Incas
d. The Aztecs
Add Explanation: The Arawakian Lucayos lived on a cluster of hundreds of small islands in the Caribbean Sea, today known as the Bahamas.
Q.2. What is meant by dugout canoes?
a. Canoes made from hollow tree trunks
b. Canoes made from plastic
c. Canoes made from iron
d. Canoes made from wood and iron.
Add Explanation: Arawaks were skilled boat builders, they sailed the open sea in dugout canoes. Canoes made from hollow tree trunks
Q.3. Name the metal used by the Arawakas to make ornaments?
a. Platinum
b. Gold
c. Silver
d. Copper
Add Explanation: The Arawakas used gold for ornaments
Q.4. Brazil is derived from:
a. Bahamas
b. Brazil wood tree
c. Softwood tree
d. Tupinamba wood
Add Explanation: ‘Brazil’ is derived from the brazil-wood tree.
Q.5. Aztec society consists of:
a. King, Kshatriyas, Sudras and Vaishyas
b. Warriors, Priests, Nobles and traders
c. Common people, tribes and priests
d. Mayas, Aztecs and nobles
Add Explanation: Aztec society was hierarchical. There were four groups in the society namely, Warriors, Priests, Nobles and traders.
Q.6. The people who migrated from the north into the central valley of Mexico were called as the:
a. The Mayas
b. The Brazilians
c. The Spanish
d. The Aztecs
Add Explanation: During the 12th century, the Aztecs had migrated from the north into the central valley of Mexico.
Q.7. The artificial islands, in Lake Mexico made by weaving huge reed-mats and covering with mud and plants was called as:
a. Mud plant pot
b. Chinampas
c. Mayampas
d. Temple
Add Explanation: The Aztecs made Chinampas, artificial islands, in Lake Mexico, by weaving huge reed-mats and covering them with mud and plants.
Q.8. The capital city of the Aztec was called as:
a. Chinampaas
b. Tenochtitlan
c. Lake Mexico
d. Tikal
Add Explanation: The capital city of the Aztec was Tenochtitlan. It was built by them in 1325.
Q.9. The Aztecs temples were dedicated to the gods of _____________ and ___________.
a. Wind and fire
b. War and the Sun
c. Moon and the Earth
d. War and water
Add Explanation: The Aztecs built temples dedicated to the gods of war and the Sun.
Q.10. Corn cultivation was the main culture of which American Civilization
a. The Aztecs
b. The Mayas
c. The Bahamas
d. The Mexican
Add Explanation: Corn cultivation was the main culture of the Aztec civilization.
Q.11. The largest of the indigenous civilizations in South America was:
a. Machu Picchu
b. The Aztecs
C. the Quechuas or Incas
d. the Ecuador
Add explanation: The largest of the indigenous civilizations in South America was the Quechuas or Incas in Peru.
Q.12. The capital city of the first Inca, Manco Capac, established his capital at:
a. Quito
c. Cuzco
d. Lima
Add Explanation: The capital city of the first Inca, Manco Capac, established his capital at Cuzco.
Q.13. Christopher Columbus discovered _________, _________ and ___________ Islands
a. Bahamas islands, Cuba and West Indies
b. Panama, Calicut and Cuba
c. East India, West India and Bahamas
d.Inca, Bahamas and Cuba
Add Explanation: Nil
Q.14. In 1497 John Cabot, Englishman, Explores:
a. North American coast
b. Philippines
c. Dutch
d. Cuba
Add Explanation: In 1497 John Cabot, Englishman, Explores North American coast.
Q.15. In 1571 the Spanish conquered the:
a. Greater Antilles
b. South American mainland
c. Philippines
d. Brazil
Add Explanation: In 1571 the Spanish conquered the Philippines.
Q.16. In 1498 Vasco da Gama reaches:
a. Philippines
b. Calicut/Kozhikode
c. North American Coast
d. Portugal
Add Explanation: In 1498 Vasco da Gama reaches Calicut/Kozhikode
Q.17. Nao means a heavy ship in _______________.
a. Danish
b. English
c. French
d. Spanish
Add Explanation: Nao means a heavy ship in Spanish. It is derived from Arabic.
Q.18. Cortes and his soldiers were called as:
a. Explorers
b. Conquistadores
c. Sailors
d. Discoverers
Add Explanation: Cortes and his soldiers were called as Conquistadores and they conquered Mexico.
Q.19. Night of Tears means:
a. The killing of 600 conquistadores
b. 30 Conquistadores
c. The killing of Aztecs
d. The Mexican conquest
Add Explanation: The Aztecs fought with the Spaniards and killed 600 conquistadores. This was known as the ‘Night of Tears’.
Q.20. ____________________ of production is one in which the means of production and distribution are owned by individuals or corporate
a. Private system
b. Capitalist system
c. Public system
d. Competitors
Add Explanation: The capitalist system of production is one in which the means of production and distribution are owned by individuals or corporate and the competitors participate in a free market.
Q.21. African slaves were imported into the:
a. West Indies
b. Portugal
c. Americas
d. Cuba
Add Explanation: Almost half the total number of African slaves imported into the Americas.
Q.22. Dutch East India Company formed in:
a. 1345
b. 1600
c. 1602
d. 1678
Add Explanation: The Dutch East India Company was formed in 1602.
Q.23. Magellan circumnavigates the __________.
a. Americas
b. West Indies
c. Cuba
d. Globe
Add Explanation: Magellan circumnavigates the globe.
Q.24. Spanish expansion was based on:
a. the explorers
b. the support of the King
c. the use of gun powder and of horses
d. the money
Add Explanation: Spanish expansion was based on a display of military strength with the use of gunpowder and of horses.
Q.25. The diseases that wreaked havoc on the Arawaks was:
a. Yellow fewer
b. Smallpox
c. Malaria
d. Chickenpox
Add Explanation: The disease, particularly smallpox wreaked havoc on the Arawaks. Their lack of immunity resulted in large-scale deaths.
Q.26. The author of True History of the Conquest of Mexico was:
a. Bernard
b. Diaz
c. Del Castillo
d. Bernard Diaz del Castillo
Add Explanation: Nil
Q.27. The largest indigenous civilization in South America was:
a. The Arawaks
b. The Incas
c. The Aztecs
d. The Cuzcos
Add Explanation: The largest indigenous civilization in South America was the Quechuas or Incas in Peru.
Q.28. The famous town of the Incas in Peru was:
a. Machu Picchu
b. The Aztec temple
c. Lima
d. Santa Fe
Add Explanation: Nil