Chapter-Changing Cultural Traditions

Important MCQ-Based Questions for class 11 History chapter-Changing Cultural Traditions

This page consists of Important MCQ questions from chapter-Changing Cultural Traditions uploaded as per the CBSE syllabus and consists of a detailed explanation. Questions are prepared to form the entire chapter-Changing Cultural Traditions to give you effective revision. 

Find below MCQ-Based Questions for class 11 History chapter-Changing Cultural Traditions

Important MCQ-based questions History class 11 chapter-Changing Cultural Traditions Set-A

History - MCQ on Changing Cultural Traditions

Class XI

Q.1. Between which 2 centuries do we see development of towns.

(a) 11th - 12th

(b) 13th - 15th

(c) 14th - 17th

(d) 10th - 11th


Exp (c) There were growth of towns in many countries of Europe during this period.

Q.2. Who was the author of ‘The civilization of resistance in Italy’.

(a) Jacob Burckhardt

(b) Leopaid Von Rarke

(c) Leonarda Da Vinci

(d) None of the above


Exp (a) He was a historicen who wanted to prove that historical studies could not be limited to political history only.

Q.3. Which year did Jacob Burckhardt write his famous book on the Renairsance

(a) 1560

(b) 1660

(c) 1760

(d) 1860


Exp (d) This book emphasized on literature, architecture and painting.

Q.4. Which century onwards do we see the opening of trade between Europe and China.

(a) 9th

(b) 10th

(c) 11th

(d) 12th


Exp (d) Due to this increase in trade the Mediterancan town developed

Q.5. Of the following Italian towns which were republics

(a) Florence

(b) Venice

(c) Only a

(d) Both a & b


Exp (d) Due to the growing importance of Italian cities they started to function as independent states.

Q.6. Who were the power holders in the new Italian cities.

(a) Feudal lords

(b) Emperors

(c) Religious heads

(d) Rich merchants


Exp(d) Rich merchants and bankers actively participated in governing of the city.

Q.7. The Universities of Padua and Bologna were Centres of

(a) Trade

(b) Legal studies

(c) Historical studies

(d) Religious studies


Exp (b) Due to commerce being the chief activity of the Italian towns demand for lawyers and notaries increased

Q.8. What was the single term to describe teachers of grammar, poetry, history and moral philosophy.

(a) Rhetorics

(b) Grammarians

(c) Humanists

(d) Poets


Exp (c) This was the term that historians of 19th century used to explain these masters.

Q.9. Who wrote the book ‘On the Dignity of Man’

(a) Plato

(b) Aristotle

(c) Mirandola

(d) None of the above


Exp (c) This book showed the importance of debate

Q.10. By the fifteenth century which Italian city came to known as a centre of learning

(a) Genoa

(b) Verice

(c) Florence

(d) Switzerland


Exp (c) Hitherto not famous as a centre of trade or learning this city came to be regarded as a centre of artistic creativity.

Q.11. In this period which term was used to describe a person with many interests and skills

(a) Humanist

(b) Renaissance Man

(c) Intellectual

(d) None of the above


Exp (b) This was used to describe individuals who became well known and who had knowledge from law to art

Q.12. Which famous person(s) have been associated with Florence city

(a) Dante

(b) Giotto

(c) Only a

(d) Both a & b


Exp (d) Dante wrote on religious thenes and Giotto was an artist

Q.13. Which century was looked upon as the ‘New Age’ by scholars.

(a) 11th

(b) 12th

(c) 13th

(d) 14th


Exp (d) This was meant to signify restoration of ‘true civilization’ which had supposedly collapsed after the collapse of roman Empire.

Q.14. Which period was marked as the ‘Middle Age’ by the humanists.

(a) 5 to 14th

(b) 1st to 5th

(c) 14th to 17th

(d) 17th to 18th


Exp (a) The Humanists termed this period as Middle Age as they thought that the Church during this period controlled the thoughts of men.

Q.15. What century onwards to historians mark history as the ‘Modern Age’

(a) 14th

(b) 15th

(c) 16th

(d) 17th


Exp (b) The 15th Century has been said to have seen the onset of Modern Age.

Q.16. During the 14th century many works of Plato and Aristotle were translated into common language however we owe the preservation of thse old manuscripts to the

(a) Indians

(b) Egyptians

(c) Greeks

(d) Arabs


Exp (d) It was the Arabs who preserved these ancient works and it was thereon translated by the European.

Q.17. In Arabic who was known as ‘Aflatun’

(a) Plato

(b) Aristotle

(c) Dante

(d) Ceasar


Exp (a) This was the reference to Plato in Arab Manuscripts

Q.18. Who was the author of the book ‘At magest’

(a) Ibn Sina

(b) Ibn Rashd

(c) Al Razi

(d) Ptoleny


Exp (d) This was a work on astronomy

Q.19. Who was the first person to dissect human body

(a) Donatello

(b) Andreas Vesalius

(c) Michelangelo

(d) Durer


Exp (b) He was a Belgian professor of medicine at the Pandu University

Q.20. Who painted the famous painting ‘Mona Lisa’ and ‘The Last Supper’.

(a) Leonardo Da Vinci

(b) Donatello

(c) Michelangelo

(d) Durer


Exp (a) He also designed a flying machine

Q.21. There was a rise of a ‘new’ style of architecture which was infect a revival of the imperial Roman style and this was called.

(a) New Age

(b) Classical

(c) Medieval

(d) Renaissance


Exp (b) This was termed as the classical architecture as the Roman art was revived during this time due to growth of Rome.

Q.22. The use of knowledge of anatomy, geometry and sense of beauty in Italian art was termed as

(a) Realism

(b) Renaissance

(c) Revivalism

(d) None of the above


Exp (a) The change of basics of art from religion to human details was termed as ‘realism’.

Q.23. Michelangelo Buonarroti was well known for his work at

(a) Ceiling of Sistine Chapel

(b) Dome of St. Peter’s Church in Rome

(c) Sculpture of ‘The Pieta’

(d) au of the above


Exp (d) He was an expert sculptor, painter and architect.

Q.24. Who made the first printing press

(a) Michelangelo

(b) Johannes Gutenberg

(c) Barbaro

(d) None of the above


Exp (b) He was german who made the first printing press

Q.25. What was the major reason for spread of humanist culture from Italy to rest of Europe from the end of 15th century?

(a) Circulation of traders

(b) Circulation of printed books

(c) Circulation of coin

(d) Circulation of goods

Answer: (b) Due to the availability of printed books the ideas spread faster to different regions.


Q.26. Who was author of the book ‘On Pleasure’

(a) Machiavelli

(b) Gutenberg

(c) Batista Alberti

(d) Lorenzo Valla


Exp (d) In this book he criticized the Christian injunction against pleasure.

Q.27. Who was the author of the book ‘The Prince’.

(a) Lorenzo Valla

(b) Gubenberg

(c) Machiavelli

(d) Alberti


Exp (c) The emphasized in this book the humans were motivated due to self interest.

Q.28. In which families were women given more importance during the 15th century.

(a) Aristocratic

(b) Merchants

(c) Scholars

(d) None of the above


Exp (b) In families of merchants and bankers women often assisted men in their work.

Q.29. Who of the following was a famous woman greek and Latin Scholar

(a) Mona His a

(b) Cassandra Fedele

(c) Isabella D’Este

(d) Francesco Barbaro


Exp (b) She questioned the idea that women were incapable of achieving qualities of a humanist Scholar

Q.30. Who was the lady who ruled Mantua in absence of her husband

(a) Isabella d’Este

(b) Cassandra Fedele

(c) Mona Lisa

(d) Francesco Barbaro


Exp (a) The state of Mantua was famed for its intellectual brilliance.

Important MCQ-based questions History class 11 chapter-Changing Cultural Traditions Set-B

Q.31. What was the name of the documents sold by dergies which freed the buyers from burden of sin

(a) Tithes

(b) Holy tax

(c) In dulgences

(d) None of the above


Exp (c) This was one of the extortion methods which crept in working of the Church

Q.32. Which source did the clergy’s claim to yet their judicial and fiscal powers from

(a) Donation of Constantine

(b) Donation of clergy

(c) Donation of king

(d) Donation of Pope


Exp (a) This was supposed to have been issued by the First Roman emperor Constantine

Q.33. Which year was a campaign against catholic Church extortions started

(a) 1517

(b) 1417

(c) 1317

(d) 1217


Exp (a) This was started to maintain that priests were not required to connect with God.

Q.34. Who launched a campaign against the Catholic Church

(a) Pope John Paul-I

(b) Martin Luther

(c) Michelangelo

(d) Thomas More


Exp (b) He was German monk who started this move

Q.35. The movement started by Martin Luther against the Catholic Church was called.

(a) Protestant Reformation

(b) Renaissance

(c) Humanism

(d) Realism


Exp (a) This movement was to work against the corruption arising in Catholic Church.

Q.36. Which of the following popularized Luther’s idea

(a) Utrich Zwingli

(b) Jean Calvin

(c) Only a

(d) Both a & b


Exp (d) Due to their efforts Protestanism gained popularity

Q.37. Who blended idea of salvation with the end of social oppression

(a) Jean Calvin

(b) Utrich Zwingli

(c) Anabaplists

(d) None of these


Exp (c) They were german reformers who were more radical than the Protestants.

Q.38. Bible that dealt with life and teachings of Christ and his early followers is known as the

(a) Old Testament

(b) New Testament

(c) The Bible

(d) None of the above


Exp (b) It was known as the New Testament

Q.39. Who translated the Bible into English in 1506.

(a) William Tyndale

(b) Martin Luther

(c) Jean Calvin

(d) Thomas More


Exp (a) In this book he defended Protestanism

Q.40. Which countries broke of relation with the Roman Pope

(a) Germany

(b) Switzerland

(c) England

(d) All the above


Exp (d) The king and the queen from here onwards became the head of the Church.

Q.41. Who started the Society of Jesus in 1540

(a) Jean Calvin

(b) Ignatius Loyola

(c) Erasmus

(d) Thomas Moore


Exp (b) This was a reform system within the Catholic Church started in Spain.

Q.42. Who was the author of Utopia

(a) Thomas More

(b) Jean Calvin

(c) Erasmus

(d) Martin Luther


Exp (a) Thomas more was a humanisty living in England

Q.43. Who wrote ‘On Anatomy’

(a) Thomas more

(b) Copernicus

(c) Erasmus

(d) Andreas Vesalius


Exp (d) He was a professor of medicine at the University of Pandva.

Q.44. Who was the author of ‘De revolution bus’

(a) Thomas More

(b) Galilei

(c) Copernicus

(d) None of the above


Exp (c) In this he lad the Principle of rotation of planets around the sun

Q.45. Match the following:

1) Coperncus i) 1483 - 1546

2) Galileo Galilei ii) 1571 - 1630

3) Johannes Kepler iii) 1564 - 1642

4) Martin Luther iv) 1473 - 1543

a) 1) i 2) ii 3) iii 4) iv

b) 1) ii 2) iii 3) i 4) iv

c) 1) iv 2) iii 3) ii 4) i

d) 1) iii 2) iv 3) I 4) ii


Exp (c) These are some of the important scientists and leader of the 15th and 16th century.

Q.46. Which year was the Academy of Sciences setup in Paris

(a) 1573

(b) 1673

(c) 1473

(d) 1373


Exp (b) This was the year when this institution was established.

Q.47. Who wrote ‘Principia Mathematica’

(a) Copernicus

(b) William Harvey

(c) Isaac Newton

(d) Vesalius


Exp (c) This book was published in 1687.

Q.48. Match the following:

(1) Kepler i) Planets move in elliptical orbits

(2) Isaac Newton ii) Gravity of Earth

(3) William Harvey iii) Blood circulation connected to heart

(4) Mercator (iv) Prepared cylindrical map of earth

(a) 1) iv 2) iii 3) ii 4) i

(b) 1) ii 2) iii 3) iv 4) i

(c) 1) I 2) ii 3) iii 4) iv

(d) 1) iii 2) ii 3) iv 4) i


Exp (c) Some important discoveries and their discoverers.

Q.49. When was the Royal society established in London

(a) 1662

(b) 1562

(c) 1462

(d) 1362


Exp (a) This was established for promotion of natural knowledge based on observation and experimentation.