Chapter 8 Confronting marginalisation

ClassClass 8
ChapterChapter 8 Confronting marginalisation
Chapter NameChapter 8 Confronting Marginalisation
CategoryNCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics Chapter 8 Confronting marginalisation

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics Chapter 8 Confronting marginalisation consists of detailed solutions to all the questions asked in the exercise. You can find the detailed solutions of Chapter 8 Confronting marginalisation on this page prepared by the teachers of class 8 as per the school requirements. 

Introduction to Chapter 8 Confronting marginalisation

Marginalisation is evil to society and needs to be countered most efficiently. In this chapter, we will see why the Constitution of India is something that marginalised groups invoke in their struggles. As part of this, we will look at how rights are translated into laws to protect groups from continued exploitation. We will also look at the government's efforts to formulate policies to promote these groups' access to development. In this chapter, we will also read about how groups and individuals challenge existing inequalities. Adivasis, Dalits, Muslims, women, and other marginal groups argue that they possess equal rights that must be respected simply by being citizens of a democratic country. Many among them look up to the Constitution to address their concerns.

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