ClassClass 6
ChapterChapter 4 Maps
Chapter NameChapter 4 Maps
CategoryNCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Geography Chapter 4 Maps

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Geography Chapter 4 Maps is created by home-tution experts. This page consists of Chapter 4 Maps pdf having all the questions solved as per the CBSE requirements. 

Introduction to Chapter 4 Maps

Map The map is a two-dimensional representation of the Earth's Surface but it is really helpful in finding the location of the places and understanding important elements. In which situations we should use the app and why we use maps are what we will learn in this chapter. How we can access different locations with the help of the map is what we will also learn in this chapter. We will also learn about different types of maps such as physical maps. political map and thematic maps which are made for our proper understanding. Maps are also useful when we want to know the distribution of a particular commodity like soil, minerals, dams etc. It helps us to easily find and locate them. Get subject-wise NCERT Solutions for class 6 prepared by HT experts and consists of all subject NCERT Solutions

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