Unit 9 Poem: Don’t Tell

ClassClass 3
ChapterUnit 9 Poem: Don’t Tell
Chapter NameUnit 9 Poem Don’t Tell
CategoryNCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Unit 9 Poem: Don’t Tell

NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Unit 9 Poem: Don’t Tell consists of answers to all questions asked in the NCERT textbook exercise and prepared by home-tution experts as per the CBSE requirements. Before solving the questions asked in exercise Unit 9 Poem: Don’t Tell read the chapter from the NCERT textbook. Also, check out the NCERT Solutions for class 3 English prepared by experts. 

Find detailed NCERT Solutions for Class 3 English Unit 9 Poem: Don’t Tell

1. How old is the speaker?

Ans. The speaker is a small child the age of 8 -10 years.

2. Who are ‘they’ and ‘them’ in the poem?

Ans. ‘They’ and ‘them’ in the poem are the parents of the child.

3. What is the secret the speaker is hiding?

Ans. The secret the speaker is hiding is that he is a giant from inside.

4. Think of three things that ‘they’ won’t let you do.

Ans. ‘They’ won’t let me do the following things:

(a) They don’t let me drive a car.

(b) They don’t let me cook chappati in the kitchen.

(c) They don’t let me go all alone to the market.

5. What are the things you’d like to do when you are grown up that you just can’t do now?


(i) I would like to go to the market to buy dresses for myself.

(ii) I would like to drive a car of my own.

(iii) I would like to cook food all alone.

6. Using the letters of the given word, make three words.

Blackboard, Mother, Vegetables, Thousand, Helicopter.


Black Other Table Sand Copter
Board Moth Get And Choper
Back Her Able Hand Pilot

7. Look at these words in the poem.

Don’t I’m I’ll

Here are their full forms:

Don’t – Do not

I’m – I am

I’ll – I will

(i) Now write the full form of the following words.

Ans. Can’t – Cannot, It’s – It is, I’snt – Is not, What’s – What is, That’s – That is.

(ii) Make sentences using the following:

He’s, She’s, You’re, We’re


(i) He’s boy who has won the trophy.

(ii) She’s the girl whom I met in the park.

(iii) You’re going to get a surprise today.

(iv) We’re going to have a party in our house tomorrow.

(iii) Now write about two things you’ll do when you grow up. You can begin like this:

Ans. When I grow up, I’ll become a pilot and fly an aero plane. When I grow up, I’ll visit all the countries and eat different types of food.

8. Say Aloud.


(i) Giant

(ii) Jam

(iii) Gym

(iv) June

(v) Goose

(vi) Grey

(vii) Gold

(viii) Gum

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