Reading is Fun
Question 1: Why is a smile a funny thing?
Answer: A smile is a funny thing for the reason that it creates wrinkles on the face when you smile but as you stop smiling, the wrinkles disappear. The poet says that no one will be able to find where the smile is hiding.
Question 2: What happens when you smile at someone?
Answer: When you smile at someone, the other person will also smile back at you.
Say Aloud
Question 3: All the following words have an ‘i’ sound that rhymes with ‘my’. Can you fill in the letter and then say the words aloud?
sm_le, k_te, m_ce, l_ne
Answer: smile, kite, mice, line
Let’s Write
Question 1: Play this game with your partner. Close your eyes. Move your fingers over the page while you sing.
When you finish reciting the poem, stop moving your finger.
Open your eyes, see which letter you stop at. Use the clues to write the beginning with the letter that you would find.
Clues | Word | Clues | Word |
Aa Something you eat | Apple | Nn A bird's home | Nest |
Bb Something that flies | Bees | Oo A fruit | Orange |
Cc It mews | Cat | Pp You write with this | Pencil |
Dd A pet you love | Dog | Qq It keeps you warm in the winter | Quilt |
Ee A big animal | Elephant | Rr A beautiful flower | Rose |
Ff A part of the body | Face | Ss Something you wear | Sock |
Gg A person | Grandmother | Tt A hot drink | Tea |
Hh A place where you live | House | Uu It keeps you dry in the rain | Umbrella |
Ii This is my country | India | Vv It moves on wheel | Van |
Jj Fill it with water | Jug | Ww Something you drink | Water |
Kk It flies in the sky | Kite | Xx A tree with lights and a star | X-mas tree |
Ll King of the jungle | Lion | Yy A colour | Yellow |
Yellow | Monkey | Zz A plane | Zoo |
Let’s Practice