R Squared Formula

About R Squared Formula

The R Squared formula, commonly known as the coefficient of determination, is symbolised by R2 or r2, and it gives the value showing the variation in the dependent variable that can be anticipated from the independent variable. It's a statistical model for forecasting and predicting future results. The R squared formula can also be used to test a proposition. It aids in the determination of the dependent and independent variables' linear relationship.

The R2 number is calculated using the r squared calculation, which is used to see how differences in one variable may be explained by variations in another. We calculate the square of the coefficient of correlation, R, to determine the r squared value. The formula for r squared is as follows:

R Squared Formula1


  • Coefficient of correlation = R
  • No of scores given = N
  • Sum of paired product = ∑XY
  • X score sum = ∑X
  • Y score sum = ∑Y
  • square of X score sum = ∑X2
  • square of Y score sum = ∑Y2

R Squared Formula2

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