About Foil Formula
For multiplying two binomials, there is a common formula known as the FOIL formula. This FOIL formula also aids in the recall of the procedures involved in multiplying two binomials. When the bases are the same, we must remember to add the powers of the base terms. FOIL is a mnemonic device.
FOIL stands for:
F: First (Each binomial's first term is multiplied by itself.)
O: Outer (Outer terms are multiplied by each other, for example, an is multiplied by d.)
I: Inner (Inner terms are multiplied together, for example, b will be multiplied by c.)
L: Last (The final terms of each binomial are multiplied together.).
What Is FOIL Formula?
The FOIL formula in its most basic form is as follows:
(a+b) (c+d) = ac + ad + bc + bd