CUET English Practice Questions from Language Section IA Chapter-Deepwater
Find MCQ Based questions for CUET English Language Section IA Chapter-Deepwater. All the important questions from CUET English Clauses are covered with proper explanations of each and every question.
This chapter will help you to build and solve questions based on Reading Comprehension
There will be three types of passages (maximum 300-500 words)
i. Factual
ii. Narrative
iii. Literary
Solving questions from chapter Deepwater will help you understand the chapter which strengthens your Reading Comprehension.
CUET English Practice Questions Chapter-Deepwater Set-1
English - MCQ on Deep Water
Q.1. Douglas had a fear of water even before his experience of drowning in the Y.M.C.A pool? Why?
At the age of three or four, Douglas had gone with his father to the beach. A powerful wave had struck him and knocked him down as he was with his father in the surf. This experience had terrorized him and this fear stayed even as he grew older.
Q.2. What is the ‘misadventure’ that William Douglas speaks about?
The misadventure tool place when Douglas went to swim in the Y.M.C.A pool. A big bruiser of a boy, about eighteen years old picked him up and tossed him into the deep end. He swallowed a lot of water, went at once to the bottom. He planned to hit the bottom and make a big jump and come to the surface. But his plan failed and he almost had a brush with death.
Q.3. What was the bruising experience that Douglas had at the Y.M.C.A?
Douglas had just about to overcome his fear of water when he started learning swimming at the Y.M.C.A pool when he was tossed into the deep end of the pool by a big boy of eighteen. Douglas almost drowned in the incident and his fear of water became more intense and hard to overcome.
Q.4. What were the series of emotions and fears that Douglas experienced when he was thrown into the pool? What plans did he make to come to the surface?
Douglas was frightened when he was thrown into the water but he did not lose his wits. He made a plan to make a big jump, to come to the surface, lie flat on it and paddle to the edge of the pool. He summoned all his strength and made a great spring upwards but instead he came up slowly. He opened his eyes and saw nothing. He tried again but was ceased by terror that knows no control. He was shrieking under water and was paralyzed- stiff and rigid with fear. He only knew one thing-that he was alive.
Q.5. How did this experience affect him?
This experience revived the fear of water. He felt weak and trembled as he walked home. He shook and cried when he lay on his bed and could not eat anything that night. He was haunted by the frightening experience. The slightest exertion upset him, making him wobbly in the knees and sick in the stomach.
Q.6. What strategy did the author remember when he was drowning in the Y.M.C.A pool?
Douglas thought that as he would hit the bottom of the tiled pool, he would spring up like a cork to the surface, then like flat on the water, strike out with his arms and thrash with his legs and reach the edge of the pool. However, this plan failed.
Q.7. ‘I crossed to oblivion and the curtain of life fell’. Why did the author make this remark?
The author had made three futile attempts to spring up to the surface but as his strength failed and energy exhausted, he gave up and stopped all his efforts. He relaxed and passed into a state of unconsciousness and then there was no fear after that.
Q.8. Why was Douglas determined to get over his fear of water?
Douglas after his misadventure and a near brush with death, became so scaled of water that he could not go fishing, canoeing, boating and swimming. He tried hard to overcome his fear but it held him firmly in his grip. Finally, one October he decided to get an instructor and learn to swim. He started going to the pool 5 days a week, an hour each day.
Q.9. What joys did his fear of water deprive him of?
The author’s fear of water deprived him of the joy of having fun with his friends during their fishing trips and also the thrill of canoeing, boating or swimming. The moment he would go near water, his fear of water would start haunting him.
Q.10. How did the instructor build a swimmer out of Douglas?
The instructor put a belt around Douglas and attached a rope to the belt which went through a pulley that ran on an overhead cable. He held on to the rope and went back and forth across the pool for three months, after which his terror of water slackened a bit. He could put his face underwater and exhale and inhale with the nose out of water. The he learnt to kick with his legs for many weeks till he could relax. After seven months he could swim the entire length of the pool.
Q.11. How did Douglas make sure that he conquered the old terror?
Douglas would still feel the old terror even after the instructor built a swimmer. To overcome that, he started talking to terror and challenged it. He would go for another length of the pool after talking to terror. Still to ensure that he conquered it completely he went to Lake Wentworth, dived at Triggs Island and swam two miles to Stampat island. He tried all strokes put his face underwater and mocked at his terror which fled and he swam on.
Q.12. What did the author mean by ‘But I was not finished’ after his swimming lessons with the instructor were over?
The author’s remark meant that he was not sure whether his old terror had left him. He still felt scared and frightened while swimming the length of the pool up and down.
Q.13. What impression do you get of Douglas from the essay?
Douglas was a brave and b-willed person. Despite his horrifying experiences in water when he almost drowned, he didn’t give up. He resolved to overcome his fear by learning to swim. He hired an instructor and with complete focus and determination, he could succeed in learning to swim.
Q.14. What did Douglas experience as he went down to the bottom of the pool for the first time?
The movement towards the bottom of the pool after being tossed in it by a big boy was gradual as he was in the deep side. He felt these nine feet to be like ninety. His lungs were ready to burst before he touched the bottom. He did not lose his presence of mind and tried to make a great jump upwards.
Q.15. What two things did Douglas dislike to do? Which one did he have to do and why?
Douglas was very thin and hated to show his skinny legs. He also scared of going into the pool alone. So he sat by the poolside and waited for others to come.
Q.16. ‘On the way down I planned’, remarks Douglas. What plan had he devised and how far did it succeed?
After being tossed into the deep side of the pool, Douglas planned to save himself from being drowned. He decided to spring back to the surface like a cork after touching the bottom. Then he would lie flat on it, paddle to the edge and save himself. His plan did not succeed as three times he tried to put his plan to action but swallowed a lot of water.
Q.17. In what connection does Douglas mention ‘a big bruiser of a boy’?
Douglas talks about the boy who tossed him into the deep end of the Y.M.C.A pool. This boy was about eighteen, had a good physique and ‘was a big bruiser’ according to Douglas. This boy, after Douglas almost drowned, had the audacity to exclaim that he was only fooling.
Q.18. How did Douglas initially feel when he went to the Y.M.C.A pool? What made him feel comfortable?
As Douglas started going to the Y.M.C.A pool to learn how to swim, his childhood fears and memories of the unpleasant experience was revived. He gradually regained some confidence and started paddling with the help of water wings. He watched other boys and copied their style. Slowly he started feeling more comfortable.
Q.19. Give two character traits of Douglas that enabled him to overcome his fear of water.
Douglas had a b-will and steadfastness of purpose. It is with the help of these two traits, i.e. his determination and fixity of purpose that he was able to conquer terror and learn swimming.
Q.20. What are the thoughts that came in Douglas’s mind when he was going towards the bottom of the pool for the third time?
The third time, Douglas’s effort ceased. He relaxed and his legs felt limp. He felt there was nothing to be afraid of. It was nice and he felt drowsy ready to sleep, too tired to jump. He felt he was floating and the tender arms of his mother carrying him gently to put him to sleep.
ANSWER IN ABOUT 150 WORDS (10 marks)
Q.1. How did the swimming instructor ‘build a swimmer’ out of Douglas?
William Douglas had a most frightening and nightmarish experience at the Y.M.C.A pool when a boy of eighteen had tossed him into the pool and he had had a near brush with death. The terror that he experienced and the resulting fear of water prevented him from enjoying fishing, canoeing, swimming etc. with his friends. The fear became so deep rooted that Douglas then, decided to overcome it.
The first step he took was to get an instructor. The instructor made him swim five days a week and very patiently taught him how to exhale underwater and inhale above water. He made him practise very hard five days a week, an hour each day. His safety was ensured when the instructor put a belt around him, had a hook and a rope attached to it. An overhead cable had a pulley in it and the rope going over it. The instructor would hold the rope while Douglas swam from one end of the pool to the other. In about six months, and with a lot of hard-work and determination, Douglas was able to perfect the art of swimming. His instructor had built a swimmer out of him, bit by bit.
Q.2. A big boy threw Douglas into the swimming pool. How did this experience affect Douglas?
William Douglas had decided to overcome his childhood fear of water when he joined the Y.M.C.A swimming pool. He had gradually gathered confidence and was trying to learn swimming by using water wings and aping other boys. Just when he was beginning to feel at ease the misadventure happened.
A big boy about eighteen years of age saw Douglas sitting above by the pool side and tossed him into the deep side of the pool. Douglas was too frightened but did not lose his wits. He planned the strategy of giving himself a thrust just as he would touch the bottom and then move up to the surface of the water and float towards the edge. His plans failed and thrice he went up and down the pool, being unable to reach the surface and breathe. He had almost given up, when he was rescued by the boy who had pushed him. The boy admitted that he was only joking.
Douglas had to pay a heavy price for this ‘joke’. He was shocked and trembling when he recovered from this incident. But worse was the fact that his fear turned into terror and a sort of phobia. Much as he wanted to, he could not enjoy himself. He could not get into the Cascades or bathe in the Warm Lake. He could not even go for fishing, canoeing, boating or swimming. His fear of water deprived him of all the joys that he wanted to experience in water. He tried hard to overcome his fear but psychologically, the fear had a b hold on him.
Q.1. William Douglas was a friend and adviser of
a) President Kennedy
b) President Cleveland
c) President Roosevelt
d) President Clinton
c) President Roosevelt
Q.2. In the essay William Douglas talks about his fear of
a) Fire
b) Lizards
c) Snake
d) Water
d) Water
Q.3. The writer decided to learn to swim when he was about
a) Ten or eleven years old
b) Fifteen or sixteen years old
c) Twenty years old
d) Eighteen years old
a) Ten or eleven years old
Q.4. He decided to learn swimming in the pool at
a) The local club
b) His school
c) Y.M.C.A
d) Country Club
c) Y.M.C.A
Q.5. His mother warned him against swimming in the Yakima River because it had
a) b currents
b) It was meant only for boating
c) Many people had drowned there
d) It had no lifeguards around
c) Many people had drowned there
Q.6. At the shallow end, the Y.M.C.A pool was
a) 1 foot deep
b) Four feet deep
c) Two or three feet deep
d) Five feet deep
c) Two or three feet deep
Q.7. The pool’s depth at the deep end was
a) Twenty feet
b) Nine feet
c) Six feet
d) Eight feet
b) Nine feet
Q.8. The author hated to walk naked to the pool as he had
a) Skinny arms
b) Bony chest
c) Skinny legs
d) Hairy legs
c) Skinny legs
Q.9. The incident in childhood had taken place at the beach in
a) Florida
b) Washington
c) New York
d) California
d) California
Q.10. The introduction to the Y.M.C.A swimming pool revived for Douglas
a) Childhood fear of water
b) Memories of holiday at the beach
c) Memories of father and son companionship
d) A terrible accident
a) Childhood fear of water
Q.11. The misadventure at the Y.M.C.A pool happened when
a) Douglas was accompanied by friends
b) He was with his father
c) He was alone
d) He was with his mother
c) He was alone
Q.12. The boy who threw Douglas into the pool was about
a) Twenty years old
b) Eighteen years old
c) Twenty-one years old
d) Fifteen years old
Q.13. Douglas calls him a
a) Nasty human being
b) A brute
c) A beautiful physical specimen
d) A big bully
c) A beautiful physical specimen
Q.14. He tossed Douglas into the pool towards its
a) Shallow end
b) Middle
c) Edge
d) Deep end
d) Deep end
Q.15. Though Douglas was frightened, he was not
a) Afraid to die
b) Going to survive
c) Out of his wits
d) Able to shout for help
c) Out of his wits
Q.16. When his feet would hit the bottom Douglas planned
a) Make a big jump
b) Lie down
c) Start his strokes
d) Float
a) Make a big jump
Q.17. The nine feet seemed to Douglas like
a) Hundred feet
b) Ninety feet
c) Fifty feet
d) Twenty-five feet
b) Ninety feet
Q.18. Douglas imagined that on hitting the bottom, he would
a) Bob to the surface like a cork
b) Would come up to grab his water wings
c) Would lie flat and float up
d) Shout for help
a) Bob to the surface like a cork
Q.19. When Douglas tried to yell
a) Everyone came to his rescue
b) No sound came out
c) His father arrived
d) The lifeguard dived to save him
b) No sound came out
Q.20. As Douglas tried to bring his legs up, they hung as
a) Dead branches
b) Dead weights
c) Dead sticks
d) Dead bodies
b) Dead weights
Q.21. The water in the pool had a
a) Dirty yellow tinge
b) A blue reflection
c) Green colour
d) No colour
a) Dirty yellow tinge
Q.22. Douglas was seized by
a) The lifeguard
b) Stark, terror
c) His friend
d) The boy who had thrown him
b) Stark, terror
Q.23. Douglas went down towards the bottom
a) Only once
b) Twice
c) Thrice
d) Five times
c) Thrice
Q.24. After the third unsuccessful attempt to spring up, Douglas though the
a) Was floating in space
b) Floating in the River Yakima
c) Floating in air
d) Floating in a rubber-tube
a) Was floating in space
Q.25. When he regarded consciousness, he
a) Laughed at his experience
b) Had 104 fever
c) Shook and cried and didn’t eat anything
d) Told his mother about his misadventure
c) Shook and cried and didn’t eat anything
CUET English Practice Questions Chapter-Deepwater Set-2
Q.26. Every time Douglas attempted to go inside water, his legs would
a) Be shaky
b) Make him run
c) Help him keep afloat
d) Be paralyzed
c) Help him keep afloat
Q.27. After being haunted by fear for many years Douglas decided to learn to swim. He took the help of
a) His mother
b) His father
c) A friend
d) An instructor
d) An instructor
Q.28. A rope was attached to
a) Douglas’ legs
b) Douglas’ arms
c) Douglas’ belt
d) Douglas’ swimming trunks
c) Douglas’ belt
Q.29. He practised in the pool
a) Ten times a week
b) Five days a week
c) Twice a week
d) Thrice a week
b) Five days a week
Q.30. Douglas’ tension started slackening after
a) Four months
b) Three moths
c) Five months
d) One month
b) Three moths
31. Douglas had to repeat exhaling and inhaling exercises
a) Hundred times
b) Forty times
c) Fifty times
d) Ten times
a) Hundred times
32. ‘Now you can swim’. These words were spoken by
a) Douglas’ father
b) Teacher in school
c) Uncle
d) Instructor
d) Instructor
33. Whenever terror struck again, Douglas would start
a) Shouting
b) Laughing
c) Crying
d) Talking to terror
d) Talking to terror
34. Douglas swam to the lake to Stamp Act Island covering a distance of
a) Five miles
b) Seven miles
c) Two miles
d) One mile
c) Two miles
35. ‘What do you think you can do to me’? These words were spoken by Douglas to
a) A shark
b) To his enemy
c) To the boy who pushed him
d) To terror
d) To terror
36. After swimming across to the other shore of Warm Lake, Douglas shouted with joy and his voice was returned as an echo by
a) Gilbert peak
b) Everest peak
c) Alps
d) Blue Mountain
a) Gilbert peak
37. ‘All we have to fear is fear itself’ who said these words?
a) Douglas
b) His instructor
c) His father
d) President Roosevelt
d) President Roosevelt
38. With his hand work, Douglas had
a) Conquered his fear of water
b) Conquered Mount Everest
c) Got a good job
d) Got a promotion
a) Conquered his fear of water
39. At the end of the experience, Douglas felt
a) Happy
b) Released
c) Sad
d) Victorious
b) Released
Q.40. His fear of water
a) Ruined his trips
b) Made him extremely guilty
c) Was not liked by friends
d) It made him weak
a) Ruined his trips