Chapter 11 Constructions

ClassClass 10
ChapterChapter 11 Constructions
Chapter NameChapter 11 Constructions
CategoryNCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 11 Constructions

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths -Chapter 11 Constructions is prepared by home-tution expert teachers having years of teaching experience for the CBSE class 10 board. All the questions asked in Chapter 11 Constructions in the NCERT textbook are solved with a proper explanation as per the CBSE guidelines. 

What are you going to learn in Chapter 11 Constructions?

The division of a line segment is the first construction explained here. This section explains how a line segment can be divided into a particular ratio. We then look at how to build a triangle that is similar to the supplied triangle using the specified scale factor. The stages outlined below assist in a better and more efficient comprehension of the structure. Following the construction processes is justification, which provides insight into the logic underlying the structure and thus aids in understanding why it is justified. Problems related to drawing tangents to the circles, measuring its length, drawing a line segment and constructing a circle with a fixed given radius and then constructing its tangent are given.

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