Chapter 14-Structuring Database for Accounting

Important MCQ questions for Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 14-Structuring Database for Accounting

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MCQ Questions for Chapter 14-Structuring Database for Accounting class 11 Accountancy (Questions set-1) 

Accounting - MCQ on Structuring database for accounting

Class XI

Q. 1. DBMS stands for:-

a. Dynamic basic management standards

b. Data base management system

c. Data base mining system

d. None



Explanation:- Data base management system

Q. 2. Data processing involves the technique of:-

a. collecting

b. sorting

c. relating

d. all



Explanation:- All are the techniques of data processing.

Q. 3.The necessary steps involved in data processing cycle are

a. data capturing

b. inputting

c. processing

d. all



Explanation:- All are the steps of data processing cycle

Q. 4. The first step is to capture accounting data from:-

a. source documents

b. input of data

c. data storage

d. data



Explanation:- Source documents are vouchers or initial documents to record the transactions.

Q. 5.A pre-designed data entry form used for:-

a. source documents

b. input of data

c. data storage

d. data



Explanation:- Use to input data

Q. 6.the stores data is manipulated for necessary transformation to generate:-

a. final report

b. interpretation

c. summary

d. none



Explanation: Final report

Q. 7. It reflect to some aspect of real world situation, for which database is to be designed:-

a. Reality

b. Flow chart

c. Relational

d. None



Explanation:- Reality

Q. 8.The formal blue print with a pictorial presentation:-

a. reality

b. Relational data model

c. ER Design

d. None



Explanation:- ER Design(Entity relationship model)

Q. 9._________ model concepts are used to represent description of reality

a. reality

b. Relational data model

c. ER Design

d. None



Explanation:- ER Design

Q. 10. Under _______ the restriction in the form of rules are specified to ensure the consistency and integrity of stored data.

a. reality

b. Relational data model

c. ER Design

d. None



Explanation:- Relational data model

Q. 11.The process of refining a database design is known as

a. reality

b. Relational data model

c. ER Design

d. Normalization



Explanation:- Normalization

Q. 12.The possibility of duplicate or redundant data items is reduced by:-

a. reality

b. Relational data model

c. ER Design

d. Normalization



Explanation:- Normalization

Q. 13.the outcome of the process of normalization is:-

a. Refinement

b. Relational data model

c. ER Design

d. Normalization



Explanation;- Refinement

Q. 14. Rectangular box represents

a. Entity

b. Weak entity

c. Relationship

d. None



Explanation:- Entity

Q. 15.Double lined rectangular box represents:

a. Entity

b. Weak entity

c. Relationship

d. None



Explanation:- Weak entity

Q. 16. a diamond shaped box represents:-

a. Entity

b. Weak entity

c. Relationship

d. None



Explanation:- Relationship

Q. 17. A double lined diamond shaped box represents:-

a. Relationship

b. Identifying relationship

c. Attribute

d. Key attribute



Explanation:- Identifying relationship

Q. 18.names enclosed in ovals and attached to their entity by straight lines:-

a. Relationship

b. Identifying relationship

c. Attribute

d. Key attribute



Explanation:- Attribute

Q. 19. Attributes by double ovals:-

a. multi-valued

b. key

c. attribute

d. none



Explanation:- Multi-valued

Q. 20. Anything in the real world with independent existence is called:-

a. entity

b. attribute

c. relationship

d. none



Explanation:- Entity such as an object with physical existence

Q. 21. Some properties of interest that further describe the entity is :-

a. entity

b. attribute

c. relationship

d. none



Explanation:- Attributes are the characters of entity like height, shape, size

Q. 22.the situation which may require the use of null values:-

a. When a particular attribute does not apply to an entity

b. Value of an attribute is unknown, although it exists

c. Unknown because it does not exist

d. All



Explanation:- All

Q. 23.a conceptual entity that is meant to express the various categories of accounts in accounting system:-

a. Account types

b. Accounting

c. Account techniques

d. None



Explanation:- Account types

Q. 24. A collection of entities, which share a common definition in term of their attributes:-

a. Account type

b. Entity type

c. Attribute type

d. Relationship type



Explanation:- Entity type

Q. 25.Which specifies the set of possible values that may be assigned to a particular attribute.

a. Vale set

b. Value relationship

c. Value attribute

d. None



Explanation:- Value set, each simple attribute is associated twitch it.

Q. 26.An interaction among the entity types and their respective entities:-

a. Relationship

b. Attribute

c. Entity

d. None



Explanation :- Relationship among two or more entity represent an interaction

Q. 27. Which one is the type of relationship:-

a. one-to-one

b. one-to-many

c. many-to-many

d. all



Explanation :- All are the types of relationship

Q. 28.a relationship type is the number of participating entity type is :-

a. degree

b. role name

c. structural constraints

d. none



Explanation:- Degree