The full form of LOGO is Language of Graphics Oriented. LOGO is a computer programming language used for functional programming. It is an adaptation of the Lisp language. LOGO is a programming language and it is an artificial language designed to express calculations performed by a machine, especially a computer. Programming languages ??are used to create the programs that control the behavior of a machine, to express the functionality of algorithms, or as a way of human communication.
It is also a symbol used to recognize the public identification of a brand or company. A logo can be an abstract design or a symbol that represents a word mark. A logo at the global level can typically represent a company name, trademark or brand.
- Hp is the logo of the company that represents Hewlett Packard itself worldwide.
- The symbol on the coin also represents which country it belongs to.
The logo was created already in the 6th and 7th centuries, when coins were used as a means of payment (approx. 600 BC). Each coin was marked with a symbol or mark that represented which country or kingdom it belonged to. In the early era, the logo was also used in a cylinder seal (ca. 2300 BC).
During the 6th century, logos used to be in the shape of an animal, bird, or any symbol inserted into coins or cloth to represent a kingdom or dynasty. By 1890, the US already had around 700 lithographic printing companies and employed around 2,000 people working on them.
In the early 18th and 19th centuries, the logo was developed into printing technology, watermarks, silver hallmarks. In the late 19th century, photography and lithography made their way into the advertising industry, promoting the use of logos on a global scale. The first logo to be trademarked was the Bass red triangle in the year 1876.
LOGO was first created in 1967 at the research firm of Bolt, Beranek and Newman (BBN), Cambridge, Massachusetts, by Wally Feurzeig and Seymour Papert. LOGO's intellectual roots are in mathematical logic, artificial intelligence and developmental psychology. The use of virtual turtles in LOGO is enabled for immediate visual feedback and debugging. The first working turtle robot was designed at MIT in the year 1969. A turtle with a display precedes a physical turtle on the floor. The modern LOGO concept has not changed much from the basic concepts before the first turtle. The first turtle was generally a tethered floor roamer, not radio controlled or wireless.
Meaning of LOGO
Initially, LOGO was not designed to create industrial software, instead it was designed as a tool to help children learn an important skill that is just as important today, the skill of learning how to learn. There are various new language features that the industry has demanded that are irrelevant for people to learn. Many other languages ??are designed to revolve around abstract concepts in computer science, but LOGO is designed around how people learn. LOGO's fundamental purpose is that education should be about learning, not teaching, and that learning happens best when the student is mentally engaged in the construction project. The LOGO language is not designed as a subject to be learned, but as a tool for exploring ideas in areas such as art, music, mathematics, intelligence and language.
7 Types of the Logo
- Monogram logos
- The emblem
- Abstract marks
- Wordmarks
- Pictorial marks
- Mascots
- The combination marks
LOGO makes it easy to start programming as soon as the LOGO environment starts. Every instruction that is written is executed immediately and provides instant feedback on the instructions whether they are doing what is expected or not. Other advantage of LOGO is its connection with Turtle Graphics.
Turtle graphics is basically a simple and powerful set of commands used to manipulate an object on the screen called a turtle. The main idea behind turtle graphics is programming by giving instructions to the turtle, and those instructions make the turtle walk around the screen and draw a line wherever it goes. With a few keystrokes, the computer can be programmed to draw a line on the screen. Taking an example like FD 100 means turtle, take 100 steps forward. By adding more instructions like this, the computer can be programmed to draw entire pictures.