Chapter 3 Bamboo Curry (Unit-1)

ClassClass 5
ChapterChapter 3 Bamboo Curry (Unit-1)
Chapter NameUnit 1 Chapter 3 Bamboo Curry
CategoryNCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Unit 1 Chapter 3 Bamboo Curry

This page is prepared and created by HT experts and consists of NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Unit 1 Chapter 3 Bamboo Curry. All the questions asked in the NCERT textbook are solved by as per the CBSE recommendation. Before solving Unit 1 Chapter 3 Bamboo Curry make sure you must read the chapter. Questions asked in Unit 1 Chapter 3 Bamboo Curry are from the NCERT textbook, do read chapter Unit 1 Chapter 3 Bamboo Curry. Check out NCERT Solutions for class 5 English. 

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Let’s Write

Q 1. Complete the sentences meaningfully.

वाक्यों को अर्थपूर्ण ढंग से पूरा कीजिए।

  1. The bridegroom left with the door of his in-laws’ house because it was made of _______ and there was no bamboo in his _______.
  2. The bridegroom was unable to have bamboo curry in the end because


  1. bamboo, village
  2. it was too hard to be eaten.

Word hunt

Q 2. Fill in the blanks with words from the story.

  1. The bridegroom went to visit his ______.
  2. The mother-in-law pointed _______ the bamboo door.
  3. He stayed the night ____________ his in-laws.
  4. He carried the __________ back with him.
  5. The curry was made __________ bamboo shoots.


  1. The bridegroom went to visit his mother-in-law.
  2. The mother-in-law pointed at, the bamboo door.
  3. He stayed the night with his in-laws.
  4. He carried the bamboo door back with him.
  5. The curry was made from bamboo shoots.

Say Aloud

im-pa-tient (im-pay-shnt)

de-li-cious (di-li-shius)





Do it with the help of your teachers.

Bamboo Curry Summary In English

One day a Santhal bridegroom visited his mother-in-law. The mother-in-law cooked a special curry for him. On being asked by the bridegroom she told him that the curry was made from bamboo. The bridegroom remembered that there was no bamboo in his village. So he removed the bamboo door and took it to his home. He asked his wife to make curry with that bamboo door. He even chopped a bamboo to help his wife. His wife boiled the bamboo pieces for a long time but they were too hard to eat. In the evening the in-laws visited the young couple. They laughed at their foolishness and told them that the curry was made from bamboo shoots and not from a bamboo door.

Bamboo Curry Summary In Hindi

एक दिन एक संथाल दुल्हा अपनी सास के यहाँ आया। सास ने उसके लिए एक विशेष कढ़ी बनाई। दुल्हे के द्वारा पूछे जाने पर उसने बताया कि यह कढ़ी बाँस से बनी है। दुल्हे को याद आया कि उसके गाँव में कोई बाँस नहीं है। अतः उसने बॉस का दरवाजा ले लिया और उसे अपने घर लाया। उसने अपनी पत्नी से उससे (बाँस के दरवाजे से) कढ़ी बनाने को कहा। पत्नी की सहायता के लिए उसने बॉस के टुकड़े-टुकड़े भी कर दिए। उसकी पत्नी बाँस के उन टुकड़ों को काफी देर तक उबालती रही। किन्तु वे इतने कड़े थे कि उन्हें खाया नहीं जा सकता था। शाम में उसके ससुराल वाले युवा दम्पति से मिलने आए। वे सभी उनकी मूर्खता पर हँसे और उन्हें बताया कि कढ़ी तो बॉस की कोपलों से बनी थी, न कि बॉस के दरवाजे से।