NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Unit 8 Chapter 1 Nobody’s Friend
This page is prepared and created by HT experts and consists of NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Unit 8 Chapter 1 Nobody’s Friend. All the questions asked in the NCERT textbook are solved by as per the CBSE recommendation. Before solving Unit 8 Chapter 1 Nobody’s Friend make sure you must read the chapter. Questions asked in Unit 8 Chapter 1 Nobody’s Friend are from the NCERT textbook, do read chapter Unit 8 Chapter 1 Nobody’s Friend. Check out NCERT Solutions for class 5 English.
Find below a free pdf of NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Unit 8 Chapter 1 Nobody’s Friend
Q 1. What are the things the girl does not want to share?
Ans: The things that the girl does not want to share are sweets, a book and her doll.
Q 2. Did the boy share his toffee and tricycle with others?
Ans: No, the boy did not share his toffee and tricycle with others.
Q 3. Why are the two children nobody’s friends?
Ans: The two children do not share their things with anyone. Hence, the two children are nobody’s friends.
Q 4. What does the child in the last stanza want to share?
Ans: The child in the last stanza wants to share her sweets, ball, books, games, apple and cake.
Q 5. Do you like to share your favourite food or toys with others? Why?
Ans: Yes, I like to share my favourite food or toys with others because it makes me happy.
Q 6. Who is your best friend? Can you describe him/her?
Ans: Shreya is my best friend. She is an intelligent girl. She loves to share things with me. She always helps me whenever I have a problem.
Q 7. Suppose you and your friends were very thirsty and there was only one glass of water. What would you do?
Ans: I would share the glass of water.
Q 8. If you had a bat, could you play cricket by yourself?
Ans: No, a game cannot be played alone. We need friends to play.
Q 9. Can you find more words ending with -less
friendless, homeless, ________, ________, ________, ________, ________,
Ans: friendless, homeless, hopeless, restless, helpless, useless, fearless.
Q 10. Can you write the opposite of
- lend b_________________w
- nobody s_________________y
- The opposite of lend is borrow.
- The opposite of nobody is somebody.
Q 11. Read the given sentences and underline the no word in each.
- Nobody is at home.
- Ram has no book.
- Can no one help him?
- Was Gopal nowhere around?
- None of the two boys came.
- There is nothing to do.
- I have no coat.
- Radha is never late.
- Nobody is at home.
- Ram has no book.
- Can no one help him?
- Was Gopal nowhere around?
- None of the two boys came.
- There is nothing to do.
- I have no coat.
- Radha is never late.
Q 12. Now write words that rhyme with
train, _____, _____, _____,
friend, _____, _____, _____,
train, chain, grain, plain.
friend, end, spend, trend.