Important MCQ-Based Questions on Informatics Practices (IP) class 11 chapter-Software Concepts
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Find below Important MCQ-Based Questions on Informatics Practices (IP) class 11 chapter-Software Concepts
Important Questions for Informatics Practices (IP) class 11 chapter-Software Concepts set-1
Informatics Practices - MCQ on Software Concepts
Class XI
Q.1 The physical and tangible components of the computer are represented by
a) software.
b) hardware.
c) system software.
d) application software.
Explanation: Hardware represent the components that can be seen and touched. Example- Input devices, output devices, CPU, etc.
Q.2 Software cannot be classified into
a) operating system.
b) language processor.
c) application software.
d) storage devices.
Explanation: Storage devices are primary hardware component. These devices are used to store data into the system.
Q.3 A program, which acts as an interface between user and hardware, is
a) interactive system.
b) general application system.
c) customized application system.
d) operating system.
Explanation: The primary goal of operating system is to make the computer system convenient to use and secondary goal is to use computer hardware in an efficient manner.
Q.4 The language processor, which converts the program written in assembly language into machine language, is
a) compiler.
b) assembler.
c) interpreter.
d) multiprocessor.
Explanation: Assembler is used because the computer does not understand any language other than its own machine language.
Q.5 The language processor, which converts a HLL program into machine language executing it line by line, is
a) interpreter.
b) assembler.
c) compiler.
d) debugger.
Explanation: If, there is any error in any line, then interpreter reports it at the same time and program execution cannot resume until the error is rectified.
Q.6 The language processor, which converts a HLL program into machine language in one go, is
a) interpreter.
b) assembler.
c) compiler.
d) debugger.
Explanation: Compiler reports all the errors of the program along with the line numbers. After all the errors are removed, the program is recompiled.
Q.7 The number of types of language processors available are
a) two.
b) three.
c) one.
d) four.
Explanation: There are three language processors: assemblers, compilers, and interpreters.
Q.8 The number of categories of application software are
a) one.
b) two.
c) three.
d) four.
Explanation: There are three categories of application software: packages, utilities, and customized software.
Q.9 OLE stands for
a) Object Linking and Embedding.
b) Object Load Efficiency.
c) Object Linking and Efficiency.
d) Object Load Embedding.
Explanation: Most modern word processors provide facilities to link objects in a document. OLE is a program integration technology that is used to share information between programs through objects.
Q.10 The feature of MS-Word that enables us to print a large number of letters/documents with more or less similar text is
a) spell check.
b) mail merge.
c) OLE.
d) formatting feature.
Explanation: When same invitation letter has to be sent to invitees, and only the names and addresses are to be changed, then mail merge proves to be useful. It merges main document with a data source.
Q.11 The other name for word processor is
a) Document preparation system.
b) Presentation preparation system.
c) Tables and charts preparation system.
d) Diagrammatic tool.
Explanation: It is a computer application used for the production of any sort of printable material. It includes composition, editing, formatting of documents.
Q.12 A software that converts a high level language code into machine understandable form is
a) system software.
b) graphics software.
c) utility software.
d) language processors.
Explanation: Computer does not understand any language other than binary language, so it is necessary to convert an high level language program into machine language (binary language). Language processors do this job.
Q.13 Machine Languages are also called as
a) 1GLs
b) 2GLs.
c) 3GLs.
d) 4GLs.
Explanation: First Generation Languages include machine languages. When human beings started programming, the computer, the instructions were given in machine language, so that it could easily understand.
Q.14 The part of the operating system, which is responsible for interacting with hardware, is
a) shell.
b) kernel.
c) collonel.
d) graphical user interface.
Explanation: Kernel is the central component of most computer operating system. It has complete control over everything that occurs in the system.
Q.15 The part of the operating system, which is responsible for interacting with the user, is
a) shell.
b) kernel.
c) collonel.
d) graphical user interface.
Explanation: Shell is the outermost part of the operating system and a program that acts as the command interpreter, which takes the commands from the user, interprets them and take action accordingly.
Q.15 Windows XP is a
a) GUI based operating system.
b) Linux based operating system.
c) Unix based operating system.
d) graphical non user based operating system.
Explanation: GUI (Graphical User Interface) based operating systems have shells that offers graphical elements for interaction.
Q.17 The first part of the operating system to load into memory during booting is called
a) shell.
b) collonel.
c) kernel.
d) booter.
Explanation: When a system starts, then the kernel is loaded and it remains there for the entire duration of the computer session, as its services are required continuously.
Q.18 The tasks such as memory management, process management, I/O management and file management are performed by the
a) kernel.
b) collonel.
c) virtual memory.
d) shell.
Explanation: The kernel provides the basic services for all other parts of the operating system.
Q.19 The services like memory management, process management are requested by application programs through a specified set of program interfaces referred to as
a) interface caller.
b) system calls.
c) kernel.
d) segmentation.
Explanation: System calls are the functions that a programmer can call to perform the services of an operating system.
Q.20 The set of programs that govern the operation of a computer system and make the hardware run is called as
a) hardware.
b) software.
c) operating system.
d) humanware.
Explanation: Software can be: system software or application software.
Important Questions for Informatics Practices (IP) class 11 chapter-Software Concepts set-2
Q.21 The software that controls internal computer operations is called
a) operating system.
b) application software.
c) system software.
d) hardware.
Explanation: System software controls internal operations like reading data from input devices and transmitting processed information to the output devices.
Q.22 Assembler, interpreter and compiler are the examples of
a) operating systems.
b) application programs.
c) hardware.
d) language processors.
Explanation: The language processors process a high-level language program into a language understandable to the computer.
Q.23 The language processor that converts a high-level language program into machine language by converting and executing it line by line is
a) compiler.
b) interpreter.
c) assembler.
d) customized software.
Explanation: If there is any error in any line, it reports it at the same time and program execution cannot resume until the error is rectified.
Q.24 Packages, utilities and customized software are the examples of
a) operating systems.
b) application software.
c) hardware.
d) language software.
Explanation: Application software is the set of programs necessary to carry out operations for a specified application.
Q.25 Word processing software, spreadsheets, database management systems are examples of
a) operating systems.
b) utilities.
c) packages.
d) customized software.
Explanation: General software designed to be used by individual users in the manner, it suits their needs and requirements are called packages.
Q.25 The software that handles page layout by combining the functions of a traditional typesetter and a layout artist is called
a) utilities.
b) packages.
c) system software.
d) desktop publishing software.
Explanation: Apart from composing the text, its layout, line drawings, charts and graphs can be created and included in the main body of text using standard programs and achieved using DTP package.
Q.27 The application software that can create professional looking visual aids is called
a) presentation graphics software.
b) desktop publishing software.
c) utilities
d) text editors.
Explanation: Presentation graphics is a type of graphics software used to create visual aids, which can be computer images, paper printouts, or photographic transparencies.
Q.28 The software, which is developed according to the user’s need but cannot be installed directly at every user’s workplace is known as
a) utility.
b) antivirus software.
c) presentation graphics software.
d) customized software.
Explanation: The requirement of the second user may differ from the first and the software may not fit in the requirements of a new user.
Q.29 The software that controls internal computer operations is called
a) application software.
b) system software.
c) assemblers.
d) hardware.
Explanation: Internal computer operations like reading data from input devices, transmitting processed information to the output devices, checking system components, etc. are controlled by system software.
Q.30 When one user program is supported and executed by OS at any point of time, then it is
a) time sharing OS.
b) single program OS.
c) multiprogram OS.
d) multiprocessing OS.
Explanation: This OS is single user operating system.
Q.31 When more than one user programs are loaded and are active in the main store at the same time, then it is
a) time sharing OS.
b) single program OS.
c) multiprogram OS.
d) multiprocessing OS.
Explanation: This is multi-user OS. It supports multiprogramming i.e., more than one user can be supported by it.
Q.32 When each active user program is given a fair share of CPU time, if time elapses, CPU shifts to the next waiting job. This is
a) time sharing OS.
b) real time OS.
c) multiprogram OS.
d) multiprocessing OS.
Explanation: Time sharing OS uses time sharing technique. In this, OS assigns some time slots to each job.
Q.33 The OS most commonly used by mainframe system administrators and programmers is
a) multiprogram OS.
b) time sharing OS.
c) real time OS.
d) multiprocessing OS.
Explanation: It provides an interactive time-sharing environment for the mainframe operating systems. It provides text editors, debuggers, and end user applications.
Q.34 When the system performance is measured by its ability to complete jobs within the specified deadlines, then it is
a) single program OS.
b) time sharing OS.
c) real time OS.
d) multiprocessing OS.
Explanation: In real time OS, the jobs have fixed deadlines and they are to be completed within their deadlines.
Q.35 If a job is not completed within its deadline, this situation is called
a) over run.
b) deadline overrun.
c) loadsharing.
d) deadlock.
Explanation: In real time OS, the jobs have fixed deadlines and they are to be completed within their deadlines. If they are not completed on time, then it is deadline overrun.
Q.35 An efficient real OS gives
a) minimum possible deadline overruns.
b) maximum possible deadline overruns.
c) average deadline overruns.
d) 100 deadline overruns.
Explanation: In real time OS, the jobs have fixed deadlines and they are to be completed within their deadlines. If they are not completed on time, then it is deadline overrun.
Q.37 A set of programs necessary to carry out operations for a specified application is
a) system software.
b) hardware.
c) application software.
d) packages.
Explanation: Application software pertains to one specific application. Example, software that can perform railway reservation functions cannot prepare result for a college or university.
Q.38 General application softwares are known as
a) packages
b) utilities.
c) customised software.
d) operating system.
Explanation: General software designed to be used by individual users so that it suits their needs and requirements are packages.
Q.39 A package that processes textual matter and creates organized and flawless documents is
a) spreadsheet.
b) desktop publishing software.
c) word processing software.
d) database management systems.
Explanation: Word processing software offers more features than a conventional typewriter. It creates organised and flawless documents. With word processor, the corrections are very simple without affecting the neatness of documents.
Q.40 Wordstar, Microsoft Word, Wordperfect, are examples of
a) spreadsheets.
b) word processing software.
c) database management systems.
d) desktop publishing software.
Explanation: We can use a word processor to create almost any kind of document be it a term paper, business letter, thesis work or even a book.
Q.41 Lotus 1-2-3, QuattroPro are examples of
a) spreadsheets.
b) word processing software.
c) database management systems.
d) desktop publishing software.
Explanation: There are numerous spreadsheet packages available in the market. Some popular ones are: Lotus 1-2-3, Microsoft Excel, QuattroPro.
Q.42 A program that accepts data in a tabular form and allows user to manipulate/analyse data in the desired manner is
a) microsoft word.
b) database management systems.
c) desktop publishing software.
d) electronic spreadsheet.
Explanation: Spreadsheets allow users to manipulate /analyse data and also generate graphs and charts to show the relationships among numbers.
Q.43 A package that can handle and manage bulk of stored data is
a) microsoft word.
b) desktop publishing software.
c) electronic spreadsheet
d) database management system.
Explanation: It allows users to store and retrieve data in a structured way.
Q.44 DBMS stands for
a) Database Managing System.
b) Data Management Systems.
c) Database Management System.
d) Data Managing Storehouse.
Explanation: DBMS is a package that can handle and manage bulk of stored data.
Q.45 DTP stands for
a) Desk Top publishing software.
b) Disk Tracks Publishing software.
c) Desk Top Public software.
d) Disks Top publishing software.
Explanation: DTP is Desktop Publishing software. It handles page layout by combining the functions of a traditional typesetter and a layout artist
Q.46 The application software that manipulates images is known as
a) desktop publishing software.
b) electronic spreadsheet.
c) graphics software.
d) multimedia software.
Explanation: It is a collection of programs that enable a person to manipulate visual images on a computer.
Q.47 Image editing software is another name for
a) graphics software.
b) desktop publishing software.
c) electronic spreadsheet.
d) multimedia software.
Explanation: Graphics software or image editing software manipulates images.
Q.48 The software that incorporates images, text, sound, computer animation, and video sequences is known as
a) graphics software.
b) desktop publishing software.
c) image editing software.
d) multimedia software.
Explanation: It is a software framework that handles media, text, sound, animation on a computer and through a network.
Q.49 The software that can create professional-looking visual aids is called
) graphics software.
b) desktop publishing software.
c) presentation graphics software.
d) multimedia software.
Explanation: It is used to create professional-looking visual aids, which can be computer images, paper printouts, or photographic transparencies.
Q.50 CorelDraw, Macromedia Director, and PowerPoint are examples of
a) system software.
b) utilities.
c) spreadsheets.
d) graphics, and multimedia software.
Explanation: These are some of the most popular graphics, multimedia, and presentation packages.
Important Questions for Informatics Practices (IP) class 11 chapter-Software Concepts set-3
Q.51 Text Editors, Disk Defragmenter, and Antivirus Software are examples of
) graphics software.
b) multimedia software.
c) utilities.
d) packages.
Explanation: Utilities are helpful programs that ensure the smooth functioning of the computer. Some important utilities are: Text Editor, Backup Utility, Compression Utility, Disk Defragmenter, and Antivirus Software.
Q.52 The application programs that assist the computer by performing housekeeping functions like backing up disk or scanning/ cleaning viruses, etc. are called
a) packages.
b) utilities.
c) spreadsheets.
d) database management systems.
Explanation: Utilities help remove outdated files, or recover data that has been accidentally erased, to avoid virus attacks, clean viruses, or help with backup data.
Q.53 Inventory Management System, Payroll System, and Financial Accounting are examples of
a) general software.
b) business software.
c) operating system.
d) system software.
Explanation: Business software is tailor-made software according to business requirements. These are developed to meet the general requirements of a business. Example – Payroll System for handing payroll of a company’s employee, Inventory Management System for managing inventory details of a company.
Q.54 The language of 0s and 1s is called
a) high-level language.
b) digital language.
c) numbers language.
d) machine language.
Explanation: The language of 0s and 1s is binary language and it is also known as machine language or low level language.
Q.55 The computer understands only one language which is
a) binary language.
b) high-level language.
c) assembly language.
d) number systems.
Explanation: Binary language is also called machine language or low level language.
Q.55 When files are not stored in contiguous storage areas rather their contents are scattered over the disk, it is known as
a) scattering.
b) fragmentation.
c) dissociation.
d) file management system.
Explanation: Fragmentation means files stored in fragmented storage blocks.
Q.57 Assembly language is also called
a) symbolic programming language.
b) non-symbolic programming language.
c) high-level language.
d) machine language.
Explanation: It was the first language similar to English and was developed in 1950.
Q.58 LOGO stands for
a) Logo Oriented Graphic Oriented.
b) Logic Oriented Graphic Oriented.
c) Logic Oriented Graph Oriented.
d) Logo Oriented Graph Oriented.
Explanation: This was meant to be a translator, and was mainly developed for children.
Q.59 COBOL stands for
a) Common Oriented Business Oriented Language.
b) Common Oriented Business Object language.
c) Conference Business Object Language.
d) Common Business Oriented Language.
Explanation: This language is commonly used for large data handling purposes in commercial and business applications.
Q.60 BASIC stands for
a) Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction-Code.
b) Basic All Symbolic Instruction-Code.
c) Beginner’s All Symbolic Instruction-Conference.
d) Basic All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction-Code.
Explanation: This was basically developed for the use of beginners, as it is easy to learn and apply for solving problems compared with other languages.
Q.61 Java was originally called
a) beginners java.
b) oak.
c) C Superset.
d) javac.
Explanation: This general-purpose language was developed by Sun Microsystems of USA in 1991.
Q.62 The language developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in the early 1980s is
a) C.
b) Java.
c) Smalltalk.
d) C++.
Explanation: It is the superset of C that supports Object Oriented features.
Q.63 Assembly language is included in the category of
) 1GLs.
b) 2GLs.
c) 3GLs.
d) 4GLs.
Explanation: The first language similar to English was developed in 1950 which was known as Assembly Language or Symbolic Programming Languages.
Q.64 High-Level Languages are included in
) 1GLs.
b) 2GLs.
c) 3GLs.
d) 4GLs.
Explanation: Even though Assembly Language proved to be a great help to the programmer, a search was continued for still better languages nearer to the conventional English language. Then, the languages developed in 1960 were known as High Level Languages.
Q.65 FORTRAN, COBOL, PASCAL, and BASIC are examples of
) machine language.
b) assembly language.
c) 4GLs.
d) 3GLs.
Explanation: These are the examples of high level languages, which come under 3GLs.
Q.65 The general purpose language developed by Sun Microsystems of the USA in 1991 is
a) Smalltalk.
b) C++.
c) Java.
d) VB.Net
Explanation: Java is a programming language originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems and released in 1995 as a core component of Sun Microsystems' Java platform.
Q.67 The characteristic of VB.Net is that it is a
) object oriented language.
b) procedure-oriented language.
c) structural language.
d) object-based language.
Explanation: Visual Basic (VB), formerly called Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET), is an object-oriented computer programming language that can be viewed as an evolution of Microsoft's Visual Basic (VB) implemented on the Microsoft .NET Framework.
Q.68 The language developed by John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz at Dartmouth college in the year 1960 is
a) LOGO.
d) PL-1.
Explanation: This language was basically developed for the use of beginners as it is easy to learn and apply for solving problems compared with other languages.
Q.69 The language designed by IBM in 1960 is
a) LOGO.
b) PL-1.
Explanation: Programming Language -1 was designed by IBM in 1960. It is more powerful than other languages as it combines many good features of different languages.
Q.70 Fourth Generation Languages are
a) non-procedural languages.
b) procedural languages.
c) structural languages.
d) object–oriented language.
Explanation: Only “What is required” is to be specified and rest gets done on its own.
Q.71 Three Generation Languages are
a) non-procedural languages.
b) procedural languages.
c) structural languages.
d) object–oriented languages.
Explanation: The procedures require the knowledge of how the problem will be solved.
Q.72 Visual Basic is
a) second-generation language.
b) third-generation language.
c) fourth-generation language.
d) fifth-generation language.
Explanation: Visual Basic was developed by Microsoft corporation in the early 1990s. It is GUI based language and easy to learn and use.
Q.73 Visual C++ is
a) a structured programming language.
b) an object-based language.
c) an object-oriented language.
d) fourth-generation language.
Explanation: Microsoft ‘s Visual C++ is an object –oriented programming language that is used to create tight and fast Windows applications and device drivers.
Q.74 Visual Basic, Visual C++, and C# are examples of
a) GUI-based languages.
b) Non-GUI-based languages.
c) Third Generation Languages.
d) Fourth-generation languages.
Explanation: These programming languages help programmers develop applications for GUI based interfaces.
Q.75 A computer application that simulates a paper worksheet is
a) word processor.
b) database management system.
c) spreadsheet.
d) utility.
Explanation: In a spreadsheet application, each value sits in a cell. We can define what type of data is in each cell and how different cells depend on one another. The relationships between cells are called formulas, and the names of the cells are called labels.
Q.75 MS Excel is an example of
a) spreadsheets.
b) database management system.
c) desktop publishing package.
d) word processing software.
Explanation: MS Excel stores and accesses data in the form of a table. So it is an example of spreadsheet.
Q.77 The first electronic spreadsheet was
b) VisiCalc.
c) Lotus 1-2-3.
d) MS Excel.
Explanation: VisiCalc is usually considered the first electronic spreadsheet, and it helped turn the Apple II computer into a success and greatly assisted in their widespread application.
Q.78 C++ was developed by
a) Niklaus Wirth.
b) John Kemeny
c) Bjarne Stroustrup.
d) Thomas Kurtz.
Explanation: It was developed by Bjarne Stroustr upstarting in 1979 at Bell Labs as an enhancement to the C programming language and originally named "C with Classes".
Q.79 A computer programming language that helps children learn basic mathematical and geometric skills easily is
a) LOGO.
d) PL-1.
Explanation: This language is used for functional programming. It was meant to be a translator and was mainly developed for children.
Q.80 The language commonly used for large data handling purposes in commercial and business applications is
a) LOGO.
d) PL-1.
Explanation: Its primary domain is business, finance, and administrative systems for companies and governments.
Q.81 Among the following, the language best suited for small computers is
a) LOGO.
d) PL-1.
Explanation: Presently it is used as general purpose language and best suited for small computers.
Q.82 Among the following, the language used in developing system software as well as application software is
a) LOGO.
c) C++.
d) PL-1.
Explanation: C++ is widely used in software industry. Some of its application domains include system software, application software, device drivers, embedded softwares and entertainment softwares such as, video games.
Q.83 C++ is a
) high level language.
b) middle-level language.
c) low-level language.
d) first-generation language.
Explanation: C++ is a middle level language as it includes features of high level language and low level language.
Q.84 GUI stands for
a) Graphical Unique Interface.
b) Graphical User Interface.
c) Graphical Unique Interference.
d) Graphical User Interference.
Explanation: It is a type of interface which allows people to interact with electronic devices such as computers, handheld devices such as MP3 players, etc.
Q.85 Language Processors and Operating System are types of
a) system software.
b) application software.
c) hardware.
d) database management systems.
Explanation: System software is a type of software that controls internal computer operations.
Q.85 A type of user interface which allows people to interact with electronic devices, is
a) system interface.
b) Non-GUI interface.
c) GUI interface.
d) dynamic interface.
Explanation: A graphical user interface offers graphical icons, and visual indicators, as opposed to text based interfaces, typed command labels, etc. It allows people to interact with handheld devices like MP3 players, Portable media players or Gaming devices.
Q.87 CPU, floppy disk, hard disk Re examples of
a) hardware.
b) software.
c) operating system.
d) language processors.
Explanation: The physical components of a computer that can be seen and touched are hardware.
Q.88 CD-ROM, monitor, and printer are examples of
a) computer software.
b) computer hardware.
c) operating system.
d) computer processors.
Explanation: Hardware is a device that is physically connected to a computer or it can be seen and touched.
Q.89 CMOS, BUS, and BIOS are all examples of
a) computer software.
b) operating system.
c) computer processors.
d) computer hardware.
Explanation: Basic Input/output System, BIOS is a chip located on all computer motherboards that contains instructions and set up of how a system should reboot and how it operates.
Q.90 Multiple applications bundled together as a package are sometimes referred to as
a) an application group.
b) an application suite.
c) system software.
d) an application system.
Explanation: A software suite or application suite is a collection of computer programs, usually application software and programming software of related functionality, often sharing a more-or-less common user interface and some ability to smoothly exchange data with each other.
Q.91 A binary language is a language with only
a) one symbol.
b) two symbols.
c) three symbols.
d) four symbols.
Explanation: Computer can understand only binary language. It has two values 0 and 1.
Q.92 The language used for artificial intelligence and neural networks is
a) 2GL.
b) 4GL.
c) 5GL.
d) 6GL.
Explanation: Neural networks are effective for predicting events when the networks have a large database. Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science concerned with making computers that behave like humans. It includes game playing, expert systems, etc.
Q.93 Java is an example of
a) 1GL.
b) 2GL.
c) 3GL.
d) 4GL.
Explanation: 3GLs are third generation languages. These are also called as high level languages.
Q.94 C, C++ are examples of
a) 1GL.
b) 2GL.
c) 3GL.
d) 4GL.
Explanation: A third generation language aims to refine the usability of the language in such a way to make it more user friendly. This could mean restructuring categories of possible functions to make it more efficient, condensing the overall bulk of code via classes. These features are available in C and C++.
Q.95 The language that contains same instructions as machine language, but the instructions and variables have names instead of being just numbers, is
a) assembly language.
b) high level language.
c) fourth generation language
d) fifth generation language.
Explanation: Assembly language or symbolic programming language use symbols and words to denote the operations and addresses of operands.
Q.95 The lowest level programming language is
a) assembly language.
b) machine language.
c) high level language.
d) middle level language.
Explanation: Machine code may be regarded as a primitive (and cumbersome) programming language or as the lowest-level representation of a compiled and/or assembled computer program.
Q.97 The programs in high level languages are
a) transferable.
b) not secure.
c) portable.
d) not portable.
Explanation: We can run the programs in high level languages on any computer.
Hence, they are portable.
Q.98 The programs in assembly languages are
a) transferable
b) not secure.
c) portable.
d) not portable.
Explanation: Assembly language program prepared for one computer cannot run on another computer.
Q.99 The language which many fourth generation languages use, as the basis for operations, is
a) SQL.
b) Oracle.
c) Visual Basic.
Explanation: Its scope includes data query and update, schema creation and modification, and data access control.
Q.100 OCCAM, PARLOG, PROLOG are examples of
a) 2GL.
b) 3GL.
c) 4GL.
d) 5GL.
Explanation: These languages are designed with a specific purpose in mind, such as the development of commercial business software.