chapter-Getting Started with Programming using IDE

Important MCQ-Based Questions on Informatics Practices (IP) class 11 chapter-Getting Started with Programming using IDE

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Find below Important MCQ-Based Questions on Informatics Practices (IP) class 11 chapter-Getting Started with Programming using IDE

Important Questions for Informatics Practices (IP) class 11 chapter-Getting Started with Programming using IDE set-1

Informatics Practices - MCQ on Getting Started with Programming using IDE

Class XI

Q.1 An object that defines a screen element such as a push button, text field, scroll bar, menu, etc. is called

a) toolkit.

b) component.

c) container.

d) button.



Explanation: The components that we use for creating a GUI in Java are available through Swing API.

Q.2 The number of types of graphical controls in GUI applications are

a) two.

b) three.

c) four.

d) five.



Explanation: There are 2 types of graphical controls: Container control and child control.

Q.3 Widget is another name for

a) toolkit.

b) button.

c) GUI.

d) control.



Explanation: A widget is a window gadget. It is an element of a GUI that can be seen and that displays information and interacts with user.

Q.4 A window, text field, frame are examples of

a) widget.

b) swings.

c) AWT.

d) GUI.



Explanation: A widget is window gadget. It is an element of a GUI that can be seen and that displays information and interacts with user.

Q.5 While drawing a container control on the form, we first draw

a) container control.

b) child control.

c) toolkit.

d) swing.



Explanation: First, a container control is drawn as it can hold other controls within it. Then, controls are drawn inside container known as child controls.

Q.5 The area on the frame where GUI components are placed is called

a) container.

b) content pane.

c) label.

d) control.



Explanation: GUI components include container control and child control. These controls can be drawn on forms/windows/frames.

Q.7 The graphical control which provides the basic attributes and behaviours of a window is called

a) label.

b) text field.

c) frame.

d) button.



Explanation: A frame is displayed as a separate window with its own title bar.

Q.8 The graphical control that allows uneditable text or icons to be displayed is

a) label.

b) text Field.

c) frame.

d) list.



Explanation: In this, the user cannot change the text or icons to be displayed.

Q.9 The other name for edit field is

a) label.

b) text field.

c) check box.

d) list.



Explanation: A text field allows user input, can also be used to display text and text can be edited. Hence, it is called edit field.

Q.10 When a button is pushed,

a) a message is generated.

b) an action event is generated.

c) a key event is generated.

d) mouse event is generated.



Explanation: A user invokes the button by clicking over it and then Action Event gets activated.

Q.11 The graphical control that provides a drop-down list of items, from which a selection can be made is

a) Panel.

b) CheckBox.

c) TextField.

d) ComboBox.



Explanation: It is a combination of text field and a list.

Q.12 A supporting container that cannot be displayed on its own but must be added to another container is

a) frame.

b) label.

c) panel.

d) button.



Explanation: Panels can be added to the content pane of a frame and help to organize the components in a GUI.

Q.13 The buttons that provide mutually exclusive options are

a) RadioButtons.

b) CheckBoxes.

c) ComboBox.

d) Special buttons.



Explanation: When a radio button is selected, all other radio buttons in its group are automatically unselected.

Q.14 When a control is selected, the boxes surrounding it are called

a) CheckBoxes.

b) ComboBoxes.

c) sizing handles.

d) sizing boxes.



Explanation: We can resize a control, by using its sizing handle to resize it.

Q.15 The shortcut key to open the “Properties window” is

a) Ctrl + Shift +8

b) Ctrl + Shift +7

c) Alt+ Shift +7

d) Alt + Shift +8



Explanation: The Properties Window provides an easy way to set properties for all objects on a frame/window.

Q.15 The event which gets activated when the user drags or moves the knob of a scroll bar is

a) ActionEvent.

b) ItemEvent.

c) AdjustmentEvent.

d) ChangeEvent.



Explanation: An event is an object that gets generated when user does something such as mouse click, dragging, etc.

Q.17 An object that manages the size and arrangement of the components in a container is

a) widget.

b) control.

c) event.

d) layout manager.



Explanation: It is an object that implements the LayoutManager interface.

Q.18 Java uses

a) event delegation model.

b) peer model.

c) client model.

d) server model.



Explanation: The use of event listeners in Java event handling is known as the event delegation model. The processing of an event is delegated to a particular object in the program.

Q.19 The listener interface that gets activated when the user presses a key on the keyboard is

a) ActionListener.

b) KeyListener.

c) ChangeListener.

d) FocusListener.



Explanation: We can use this event (KeyEvent) to watch for specific keystrokes entered by the user.

Q.20 The ability to receive input by a component is called

a) inputting.

b) focus.

c) typeset.

d) listening.



Explanation: We can select from a list box only when it has focus. Also, we can type in a text field only when it has focus.

Q.21 A special kind of Java program that a browser enabled with Java technology can download from the internet and run, is

a) an applet.

b) a swing.

c) an awt.

d) a standalone application.



Explanation: An applet is typically embedded inside a web-page and runs in the context of the browser.

Q.22 The term which refers to object’s attributes is

a) methods.

b) actions.

c) events.

d) properties.



Explanation: The properties, attributes, and features of an object are one and the same thing.

Q.23 The term which refers to action of an object is

a) method.

b) interface.

c) event.

d) property.



Explanation: A method is a subroutine that is exclusively associated either with a class or with an object.

Q.24 The term which refers to responses of an object, is

a) method.

b) interface.

c) event.

d) property.



Explanation: An event indicates that something has happened, such as a keystroke or a mouse click.

Q.25 The total numbers of layout managers that AWT provides are

a) three.

b) four.

c) five.

d) six.



Explanation: The AWT provides six layout managers to use. These are:

1. java.awt.BorderLayout

2. java.awt.FlowLayout

3. java.awt.CardLayout

4. java.awt.GridLayout

5. java.awt.GridBagLayout

6. java.awt.BoxLayout

Q.25 Event delegation model allows the use of special classes to be built to be registered with a component in order to handle events. These classes are known as

a) adapter classes.

b) controller classes.

c) event classes.

d) listener classes.



Explanation: An adapter class is used to rapidly construct Listener class to field events.

Q.27 Swing components are included within a larger GUI framework from Sun known as the

a) AWT.

b) JFC.

c) applet.

d) application.



Explanation: JFC includes the Swing components along with the Java 2D API, drag and drop functionality, and the accessibility API.

Q.28 The primary workspace within which GUI design takes place in the IDE is called

a) GUI builder.

b) the Palette.

c) frame.

d) control.



Explanation: GUI builder is also called Design Area or Design Space. It is where we visually construct GUI.

Q.29 The default view of the GUI builder is

a) source view.

b) design view.

c) edit view.

d) application view.



Explanation: There are two views available in a GUI builder: Source View and Design View.

We can toggle between views at any time by clicking their respective tabs.

Q.30 Among the following, the one which contains all the components needed to create GUI applications is

a) GUI Builder.

b) frame.

c) palette.

d) inspector window.



Explanation: It is an application screen with buttons, icons, or another GUI controls available for quick command or symbol access.

Q.31 Among the following, the one which helps in finding and fixing bugs in Java language program is

a) compiler.

b) editor.

c) interpreter.

d) debugger.



Explanation: The Java debugger is a simple command line debugger for Java classes, used to fix bugs and errors.

Q.32 Among the following, the one which is denoted as jdb is java

a) compiler.

b) editor.

c) debugger.

d) interpreter.



Explanation: The java debugger, jdb is a simple command line debugger for Java classes, used to fix bugs and errors.

Q.33 A tool used to generate API documentation into HTML format from Java source code, provided by Sun Microsystems is

a) javadoc.

b) compiler.

c) debugger.

d) applet viewer.



Explanation: We can use javadoc to run over the source code to produce documentation of our classes in the HTML files.