NCERT Solutions for Class 1 Hindi Chapter 22 Hathi Chalam Chalam (हाथी-चल्लम-चल्लम) are prepared by our experts and covered all the questions asked in NCERT Textbook Class 1 Hindi with a detailed explanation.
Students can use our NCERT Solutions to prepare the answers to the questions in the exercise. Class 1 Hindi Chapter 22 हाथी-चल्लम-चल्लम question answer PDF will help students prepare for this chapter.
Find detail CBSE NCERT Solutions for class 1 Hindi Chapter 22 Hathi Chalam Chalam (हाथी-चल्लम-चल्लम)
हाथी मेरे साथी
बताओ तो जानें
कौन कैसा?
कविता पढ़कर बताओ।
हाथी ‘चल्लम चल्लम
सँड फट्टर फट्टर
खट्टर खट्टर दाँत
लंबी लंबी सूँड़
देह थुलथुली थल्लम थल्लम
पाँव धपाधप,
बच्चे, डग्गम डग्गम