NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Geography Chapter 1 Resources
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Geography Chapter 1 Resources consists of detailed solutions to all the questions asked in the exercise. You can find the detailed solutions of Chapter 1 Resources on this page prepared by the teachers of class 8 as per the school requirements.
Introduction to Chapter 1 Resources
The needs of human beings are everlasting and with every need or necessity comes an invention. Humans take multiple things from their surroundings that can fulfil their needs. This is called a Resource. The chapter discusses the meaning and types of Resources. It discusses the importance of resources for human survival. Resources occur naturally as well as they are man-made. Human beings themselves are also resources as they can utilize their knowledge, skill and talents to produce goods for the benefit of the economy. Natural resources exist in various forms and their categorisation depends upon several factors. They are generally classified into renewable and non-renewable resources, potential, developed, localised and ubiquitous resources. The chapter also briefly discusses the different forms of energy.