Chapter 13 Smart Charts

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ChapterChapter 13 Smart Charts
Chapter NameChapter 13 Smart Charts
CategoryNCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for class 3 Maths Chapter 13 Smart Charts

Find NCERT Solutions for class 3 Maths Chapter 13 Smart Charts prepared by the experts. All the questions asked in the Chapter 13 Smart Charts exercise of the NCERT textbook are solved with a full explanation. Check out chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for class 3 Maths

Find below NCERT Solutions for class 3 Maths Chapter 13 Smart Charts

NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Maths

Chapter 13 Smart Charts

Q1. Have you been to a park. What coloured flowers did you see? Were most of the flowers yellow in colour. Look at the different flowers in the picture. Complete the table.


Math Class 3 Chapter 13 worksheet

Q2. _____ are the most in number. How many? ____

Ans. Purple, 10.

Q3. _____ are the least in number. How many? ____

Ans. Orange,

Q4. ____ are more than ____.

Ans. Blue, Red.

Q5. ____ are more than ____.

Ans. Red, Orange.

Q6. Look at the traffic scene in the picture and fill in the table.

Worksheet Class 3 chapter 13


Class 3 Worksheet chapter 13

Q7. In the picture which way of travel do you see the most?

Ans. Bus.

Q8. Which way of travel do you the least?

Ans. Bullock Cart.

Q9. The number of people walking is more than the number of ?

Ans. Scooter.

Q10. The number of buses is less than the number of?

Ans. Walking.

Q11. Have you played any games with dice?

Ans. Yes, I have played the games with a dice.

Q12. How many dots are there on the different faces of a dice?

Ans. There are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 dots on the different faces of a dice.

Q13. Which face of the dice did you get the most number of times?

Ans. 2 face.

Q14. How many times did six come up?

Ans. 6 times

Q15. Four came up more number of times than.

Ans. Five.

Q16. Talk to people around you about their favourite sweets. Fill in the table:


Favourite sweet Number of people
Jabeli 5
Barfi 6
Rasgulla 18
Gulabjamun 17
Amarti 10

Q17. From the table answer the following questions:

(a) Most favourite sweet.

Ans. Rasgulla.

(b) Least favourite sweet.

Ans. Jalebi.

(c) _____ is liked more than _____.

Ans. Barfi, Jalebi.

(d) ____ is liked more than _____.

Ans. Amarti, Barfi.

(e) _____ is liked more than ____.

Ans. Gulabjamun, Amarti.

(f) _____ is liked more than _____.

Ans. Rasgulla, Gulabjamun.

Q18. Ask your friends about the number of people living in their homes. Fill in the table.


Chapter 13 class 3 Math Worksheet

Worksheet Math Class 3  Chapter 13

Most people have 3 people living in their homes.

The smallest number of people living a home is 1.

The number of families having 4 people is 10.

Q19. What have your classmates brought for lunch today? Find out and note down.


Chapter 13 worksheet class 3 q19

Q20. Food item brought for lunch by the biggest number of students.

Ans. Parantha.

Q21. Food item brought by the smallest number of students.

Ans. Idli.

Q22. Getting Smarts with Charts.


Q22 Chapter 13 Math Worksheet Class 3

Q23. How many children in all there in the school?

Ans. 121 children.

Q24. How many children in all are absent on that day?

Ans. 12 children.

Q25. Now look at the chart and fill in in the blanks.

Class 3 Worksheet Chapter13 Math

(a) The class with the highest number of absent students is____.

Ans. 4.

(b) The class with the least number of absent students is ____.

Ans. 2.

(c) The class with 3 students absent is ____.

Ans. 3.

(d) The number of students absent in Class IV and Class V are ____ and ____.

Ans. 4 and 2.

Q26. Robin, Jacob and Geeta also measured their hands. They stuck their strips as shown.

Worksheet Q26 Chapter13 Math Class 3

(a) The length of Jacob’s hand is ______ than Geeta’s hand.

Ans. More.

(b) The length of Geeta’s hand is ______ than Rohan’s hand.

Ans. More.

(c) _______ has the longest hand.

Ans. Jacob.

(d) _______ has the shortest hand.

Ans. Rohan.

Q27. Which bird has the most colours?


Q27 Worksheet class 3 Math

Therefore, the peacock has the most colours.

Q28. Which is the animal which is liked most as a pet?

Ans. Make the chart of pet animal as under:

Worksheet Math Class 3 Chapter 13 Q28