You are Ramesh/Ruchika. Write an article in 150 – 200 words for your school magazine on the topic, “Life without Modern Gadgets”.

An article is composed to give data about a point or an occasion. It is distributed in a paper or a magazine for countless readers.

Final Answer :

Life without modern gadgets.
By Ramesh/Ruchika

Could you at any point envision your existence without cell phones and laptops? No, on the grounds that cutting edge devices have turned into a significant and proficient piece of our lives. We deal with and safeguard our valuable contraptions more than we care about our own wellbeing and wellness. Current contraptions like Microwave, clothes washer, stove, hairdryer, and so forth are time-proficient and make our work more straightforward and tranquil. Human progression and mechanical advancements have made our lives lavish, up-to-date, and undeniably more agreeable than prior times. These devices bring us near or far off friends and family and furthermore assist understudies with considering with practically no obstruction or disturbance at home.
Present day advancement has prompted the improvement of numerous inventive and progressive devices. At the point when you feel a little unsure or some issue, simply feel free to ask ‘Alexa’ or ‘Siri’. We have become so reliant upon these contraptions; that we start and end our day with them. Many individuals can work from their homes and unwind simultaneously, on account of these imaginative contraptions and advancements. These cutting edge devices have additionally assisted a ton of handicapped youngsters with learning at home and shaping their future.
This multitude of devices have turned into a fundamental piece of our lives and have assisted with making progress and headway in mankind. Our lives could not have possibly been something very similar assuming there were no cutting edge devices. These progressive and contemporary machines have not recently made an effect in our own lives, however they have additionally upgraded transport, instruction, and correspondence all through the world.