XYZ Power Ltd. set up a factory for manufacturing solar lanterns in a remote village as there was no reliable supply of electricity in rural area. The revenue earned by the company was sufficient day by day, so the company decided to increase production to generate higher sales. For this they decided to employ people from the nearby villlages as very few job opportunities were available in that area. The company also decided to open schools and creches for the children of its employees.(i) Identify and explain the objectives of management discussed above(ii) State any two values which the company wanted to communicate to the society.

(i) The objectives of the management discussed here are:
A. Organizational objectives of management:
survival, profit and growth of business.
Profit Maximization- organization must earn enough revenue to cover costs.
B. Social objectives of management:
creation of benefits for society i.e. Supply of quality products at a reasonable rate.
As every organization is a part of society, it must contribute towards desirable civic activities.
(ii) Two values that company wanted to communicate to the society are:
Care and concern for employees and society- by spreading the Importance of education by opening schools.
Importance of eradicating poverty by employing people from village

Final answer-
(i) The objectives of the management discussed here are:
A. Organizational objectives of management:
survival, profit and growth of business.
Profit Maximization- organization must earn enough revenue to cover costs.
B. Social objectives of management:
creation of benefits for society i.e. Supply of quality products at a reasonable rate.
As every organization is a part of society, it must contribute towards desirable civic activities.
(ii) Two values that company wanted to communicate to the society are:
Care and concern for employees and society- by spreading the Importance of education by opening schools.
Importance of eradicating poverty by employing people from village