Write various steps for processing fibers into wool.

Wool is mainly obtained from animals like sheep, angora goats, and yak.
Various steps for processing fibers into wool are:
1. Shearing
2. Scouring
3. Sorting
4. Dying
5. Spinning
1. Shearing: The process of removing fleece of sheep is known as shearing.
2. Scouring: The process of cleaning removed fleeces is termed as a scouring.
3. Sorting: After the process of scouring, the next step is sorting. In this process washed hairs are sent to the various factories where separation of different texture of hairs takes place.
4. Dyeing: In this process fibers are dyed into different colors.
5. Spinning: The fibers are straightened, combed, and spun into yarn.
Final Answer:Various steps for processing fibers into wool are:
1. Shearing 2. Scouring 3. Sorting 4. Dying 5. Spinning