Write the effects of ‘First World War’.

The impact of World War I is as follows:
Huge destruction of life and property.
The war killed 100 million of soldiers and 1,000 civilians.
Most of the people who died in the war belonged to the younger generation of Europe. It influenced the future life of Europe.
During the war, European industry collapsed. As a result, the economic situation began to deteriorate.
Prices have risen due to a shortage of essentials. It affected people’s daily lives.
All countries faced an economic crisis except the United States and Japan.
The United States has emerged as a superpower in the world.
The royal reigns of Russia, Germany, Austria, Hungary and Turkey have come to an end.
The defeated nations and their empires were divided into new nations: Poland, Finland, Romania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia.
After World War I, the family system, traditional values ​​and ethics were struck.
Germany had to pay the losses of the war, and the Treaty of Versailles laid the foundation for World War II.

Final Answer:
After analyzing the causes and consequences of the war, the Paris Peace Conference was signed between 1919 and 1920. Many unjustified sanctions have been imposed on the defeated countries. The Treaty of Versailles against Germany has been called offensive and unjust.