Write the adaptions of aquatic animals.

To adapt to their watery surroundings, aquatic creatures have diverse structural alterations in their bodies. Aquatic creatures have a variety of adaptations, including:
Their bodies are streamlined, allowing them to swim with ease.
As respiratory organs, they have gills.
Fishes have several sorts of fins, including dorsal fins, pectoral fins, caudal fins, and so on, as locomotory organs.
Scales are appendages that cover the animal’s body. They’re designed to keep you safe.
Some fish have a modified swim bladder that allows them to stay afloat at a constant depth of water.
Final Answer:
Some of the adaptations of aquatic animals are:
They breathe oxygen either through their gills or through their skin. Because marine mammals have lungs, they must surface to breathe.
They are cold-blooded, which means that their body temperature is the same as the ambient temperature.
They can survive extremely high water pressures thanks to their collapsible lungs and rib cages.
At deep depths, aquatic organisms are bioluminescent, which means they emit light to attract prey and mates.
They have the ability to osmoregulate, which means they can maintain a salt and water internal environment.