Write any five of the major achievements of the UNO.

UNO’s major achievements:
The United Nations has done a great deal to promote peace and security by resolving diverse issues, such as political conflicts through the Security Council, legal disputes through the International Court of Justice, and others through special agencies.
The United Nations has mediated many international disputes and helped to keep the globe at peace through peaceful negotiations.
It resolved conflicts between Israel and Palestine, Iran and Iraq, and the Soviet pullout from Afghanistan.
It has ratified numerous nuclear test ban treaties, including the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (NTBT) in 1963 and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) in 1996.
In 1992, the United Nations hosted a conference on environment and development in Rio de Janeiro.
At this summit, all countries agreed to implement “Agenda 21,” a framework for economic progress and environmental protection.
The United Nations founded the International Women’s Research and Training Institute.
In over 100 countries, the UN Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) and the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW) have financed programmes and projects to improve women’s quality of life.
It has backed numerous programmes and projects in over 100 countries to better women’s lives.
During the 1956 Suez Canal crisis, the United Nations played a critical role.
It forced France, the United Kingdom, and Israel to withdraw their soldiers from Egypt.
The United Nations also ended the Korean and Vietnam Wars.

Final Answer:

Maintain International Peace and Security.
Protect Human Rights.
Deliver Humanitarian Aid.
Support Sustainable Development and Climate Action.
Uphold International Law.